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Everything posted by Stenbar

  1. As much as he needs it there is more of chance of OJ remarrying than Dick Jauron yelling at anyone..
  2. Hows it goin "VOR"...Almost gametime..However dont kid yourself Even if Trent has a big game the excuses will be out..It was only the Browns..It wasnt cold enough to put away the cold weather head shot theory..It will continue tilll Trent fails and leaves without a Super Bowl win..The only way the fans that are still clamoring for JP give up is if The Bills win the Superbowl with Trent at qb..Then if it does happen I am sure there will be another excuse coming like they played a bad team..LOL
  3. LOL..You bite every time..Theres not a worm that gets by you..
  4. I am not really all that nervous..Win or lose they are still in last place..LOL
  5. Its hard work to back off wr's 10 yards and not rush the qb at the same time...Not many teams accomplish this and win many games..To be 5-4 with the way they coach there offense and defense is the most amazing thing I have seen this year..
  6. I live in Kenmore..No snow here now..Its 32 degrees with no sun.I am happily watching this one from the comfort of my 67 degree living room..
  7. You will be allowed..In fact I will still hold you in the same regard I do now..LOL
  8. LOL..He's been in the league 5 years but your telling me has has played less bad teams than Trent..Thats beyond funny..Actually its sad you would even put that down to be memorialized..
  9. I wouldve never guessed...
  10. u expected less? this is Buffalo..The secret to happiness is low expectations
  11. You cant possibly believe this team as it is right now will win even a playoff game..They cant run the ball.They cant stop the run..The only thing they have done at all this year is 4th quarter comebacks ..If it wasnt for that they would have one win..You want to take the one player who has perforemd out?? COme on..They shoulda got beat against Oakland and the only reason they didnt was Trent didnt screw up and made plays..Name one game in JPs career he came back like that..You cant..If trent continues this downward spiral and doesnt comeback to at least how he played earleir get rid of him after he's had his chance..But to throw JP in at all is a huge mistake
  12. all bs aside whats different? If you cant see the difference between the 2 qbs I dont know what to tell you..If Edwards doesnt pan out get rid of him also..I dont care who gets this team to win as long as they win, But if you think Losman is the answer youre just wrong...
  13. what is lmmao?..I know what lmao means ..Is it some kind of Jp excuse???
  14. Pretty much the same team better results..In fact I would take Our defense of fletcher and spikes over these guys..Our wr's are less than what Jp had to work with no doubt.So whats the excuse now..Our tight end is better now..LOL..Give it up its no contest..
  15. Patriots..Sorry..
  16. Not at that point...Youre all in..LOL
  17. Give em a ribbon..Nuts on...
  18. I seem to remember a poster from Chicago coming here when we hired him and forwarned us of all that has come to pass with Jauron..I wish I could find it..He called it hammer on the nail...
  19. 2-1 in 04 1-7 in 05 7-9 in 06 2-5 in 07 total 12-21 enuff said
  20. Cream always rises to the top
  21. I agree with you...Too much name calling for a guy who got bad coaching and put in a spot he wasnt ready for with bad talent and bad coaching..
  22. Its like were stuck in auto lose mode..Hey I am in love with no qb that sucks..If Trent turns out to be crap move on..If there is a better option go to it..I am sick of watching this team suck..I am sick of being sold a bill of goods every year only to watch it fall apart..The qb position has been a joke here since Kelly and I am as sick of watching crap play at that position as much as anyone..I spent thousands onKelly club seats for 2 contracts, I have spent countless sundays since in a frustrating stupor..I just want to watch this team freaking win and to put JP in would be the icing on the cake for me..Every time he is in I know I will see the same crap..He started to get better then once they brought in a Qb thta threatened his spot he folded like bad poker hand..Move on find another player to put your favorite staus in or whatever..Jump on the Lee Evans jock strap at least you know he will play well but get off the JP wagon it has many broken wheels and needs to be retired...
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