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Everything posted by Stenbar

  1. Morses holding penalties were junk calls. I think Collinscrap had his finger on a cattleprod whenever he felt the Bill's were about to smoke them...
  2. Punt return Fumble Josh INT when Diggs was a high step TD if it was a good throw Cook's Fumble. That's why we wont win a Super Bowl... Too many turnovers...
  3. So tired of seeing our defense rush 4.
  4. No doubt. I agree 100%. My only disapproval of his coaching is his gameday management. Yesterday it wasnt close. It looks like the team has a huge chip on the players shoulder in regards for backing McDermott, and the coaching leading up to the had the team spot on. Not too mention our front office replacing hurt players with really good choices. Something they didnt do last year
  5. I guess didnt fully explain my thought on that point. He didnt have any game changing points of decisions to make during the game, as the team obliterated the cowboys. There were no challenges to blow, or timeouts that needed to be used ir not used during the game. He didnt have to choose between a prevent nothing defense on the last drive, or to go man to man and blitz the qb. We all know how those games end usually.
  6. For myself, my highlights of the Game were these: 1. The Bills played so well, that they took the opportunity of game turning decisions away from McDermott. 2. Offensive Discipline, not one offensive holding penalty. 3. Aggressive play of the defensive players as individuals and team defense. 4. The mauling our offensive line against the D-Line, and grouping blocks after the 1st tier was passed
  7. I watched the embedded podcasts above. I always get sucked in. I really believe this team has the talent to win out. But in the end we still have a head coach that is going to make decisions at key times of the game, and more than likely, those will cost us the game. My only hope is the Bills players are so ready to not let McDermott's horrible gametime decisions effect the outcome of the game, that everyplayer, does everything in their power to achieve greatness at every second and blow the Chiefs out.
  8. Who ever made the decisions to sit Diggs on multiple third down or at any down needs to have their head examined. There aren't any words or phrases that will make any sense. Just GFY.vInsanity at it's finest.
  9. Play action Bomb to Davis for 6 please
  10. 2nd Half, middle of the 3rd quarter we are gonna start some motion and real plays I predict.
  11. He was wide open on the seam post...Made me puke
  12. Pick six on the way..We are due
  13. In NYS High School Football once the player hits the ground the play is dead. The decision would be if they call it a catch or not.
  14. Two humans were in the vehicle. All ive heard so far
  15. World Wrestling Football League. Dang REFS
  16. #73 Dawkins is having a rough first half..UGHHH
  17. I have two seats in sec 329 row 11 together. 120 for the pair. Ticketmaster transfer Pm if interested
  18. Wiley Coyote SUPER GENIUS
  19. I prayed for Norwood to make his first over 40 yard field goal on grass. Wide Right..lol
  20. Kincaid was used early for a purpose, he was to loosen up the front seven a bit, once that was achieved the run game was smooth, wr's were open and more plays were made because he was used early and needed to be accounted for.
  21. I see us use a horizontal behind the line attack more than i see us attack vertically downfield. How many times yesterday, did we throw or run side to side behind the LOS? We were in 3rd and long a lot, and yesterday we got away with it due to the man to man coverage allowing Josh to run free for firstdowns. We have fast wr's in Harty and Shorter, all we heard preseason was how they were going to use them to lengthen the field. We are doing the same thing as last year, good thing our oline is much better than last year. Next week will be vedy interesting to watch 2 offenses that can out points up, and see the different in how they attack defenses. I want to see less behind the LOS passes and way more down the field seam passes and deep corner routes. I want to see us attack the gaps between the guard and tackle and tackle End gaps with hard slant runs. Just my 2 cents
  22. Pressure up the middle, blitz the side he is strong at, and hit him hard every chance u have.
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