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Everything posted by Stenbar

  1. Out of all the frustrations this team has put me through the disappearence of the "slant" route has been the most Ofrustrating for me on the offensive side of the ball..When To ran that route last week I almost fell off my chair
  2. Jauron has to betting the under.....
  3. Does anyone have a link to the play where Lonnie Johnson catches a fake punt pass and gets rolled against the Packers..I beleive it was the last game Steve Tasker played in if I am not mistaken...
  4. The Vick to Buffalo rumblings started way back in Feb. I am starting to wonder if it wasnt leaked out to gage fan reaction before anything really started moving..There is a lot of smoke being bantered about Vick in Buffalo..I have no problem with him playing football for the Bills..He did his time and its time to move on..
  5. I just look to the Hall of Fame and know that as long as Ralph Wilson has been inducted it wipes out 42 yrs of not winning the Big one... "Sarcasm Off"
  6. I liked the routes that TO ran on his 2 catches...Trents int was a pretty horrible pass..Hangartner Was mauled on a few pass rushes but somehow he was able to keep the rusher from the qb long enough for Trent to get the pass off.....The more I see Lynch run the more I realize he cant pick the correct lane to choose to save his life when there is a hole to pick. Bottom line is no matter who plays on this team Jauron is still the supergenious running the show....
  7. This conversation is over..You dont like my opinion fine...But to call someone stupid for not agreeing is pompous and conceited....
  8. I dont need a book to see his accomplishments..He is a owner of a NFL franchise that hasnt won a SuperBowl in its 42 year history of SUPERBOWLS..LOL..Im not lazy I just dont see how his accomplishment of owning an NFL team that has never accomplished its goal of winning a NFL Superbowl makes the Hall of Fame....Its that simple..
  9. Just as I though..t you cant back it up...CYA
  10. Historical knowledge? What contributions..Show me...
  11. I could care less about the Hall of Fame anymore..The induction of Ralph Wilson into the NFL HAll of Fame has to be one of the biggest mistakes in its history..If they inducted people for being good at making money he is in hands down but if the HOF is to reward the greatest NFL personnel for their accomplishments 0-42 is all I need to see to realize this man has NO BUSINESS in the HOF..He has ridden the backs of our fans to the HOF..If anything they shoulda voted the Bills fans into the HOF for continuing to sell out his stadium for 42 years with save a span of 8 years has been downright torterous at best...His GM hirings have been a disaster save one and that was by mistake..His product is putrid...His enshrinement is worse...
  12. He might be an ass but T.O might very well be the BEST wr that has ever put on a Bills uniform..He does it all..Blocks goes over the middle and can take it to the barn..So what he holds his QB's responsible to getting him the ball. He is a freaking man among boys on the field..Donovan choked in the big game and he called him out..The dude played with a bum leg and he dominated..They shoulda gotten him the ball more and they woulda shut Belicheat up then..He should do it in the lockerroom though not in the press and thats his biggest downfall..I would take a ass acting T.O in his prime over a crybaby get me the ball throwing my helmet Andre Reed any game of the season...
  13. That is the comon sense taking over in your thought process..Throw it out when your factoring in there is noone for Plax to pay off with a few million...He shot his own dumbass..He should go to jail for that alone..If your gonna carry then at least be sure you know how to carry it properly and use it correctly...Same thing with Marshawn..Here he has millions but he has to go out smoke weed at the side of a lot and gets busted because he was out and about doing absolutley nothing..lol....If I had even a couple hundred grand house and I smoke Im doing it at home with my friends and inviting the tail there..These guys are not the smartest thats for sure..I find it hard to believe they can even comprehend a playbook...
  14. Another worthless JP thread..LOL..Some people just cant move on..
  15. I was there with my 2 brother in laws..Our beer froze as soon as we opened them..As a matter of fact we shoveled snow for 8 hrs in the stadium the night before, we made sure our row was shoveled out and then we went explored cashed out at 1030 and rested before we went back for the game the next morning...
  16. Its all moot..When he signs and puts the pads on and plays we will see if he is the pass rusher they wanted when they drafted him...Nothing else matters...
  17. Dont worry he will coach them to just have a chance!!! IF theyre lucky...I so look forward to another season of stupid gameday decisions by this moron!!!!!
  18. My only evidence is that we are 6 weeks away from training camp and he hasnt signed yet..That means we are only approximately eleven weeks away from him not being on an NFL roster at the start of the regular season..Come on even the highest JP lover has to be somewhat alarmed he hasnt been signed yet and even been given a chance yet to learn a playbook before camp starts...If the lights arent out on his career they are certainly close to being put out...
  19. I for one have a firm belief that most people who memorialize there thoughts on a post love to be wrong....Sarcasm off....
  20. If Chambers is our starting left tackle we are screwed..He is below average at best...
  21. Horrible= JPL...
  22. I think we should trade for more....
  23. There is no way to know we had a great draft until next year at best..How anyone can say we had "the best draftin years" until they have played is hoping at best....I like the year we drafted lynch over any in the past 8 so far....I will chime in on what I think about this draft next year at the earliest.......I will say drafting 4 db's in a 7 rd draft is a little excessive IMO
  24. If nothing else can be worked out just cut him..
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