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Everything posted by Stenbar

  1. If Bradfords there and we dont take him we are IDIOTS..IF the line is that big of a concern go sign the lt u need..They take as long if not longer to develop than a good young qb these days...Flacco Ryan and Sanchez proved that..A good qb will do more to fix this team than a young lt.....
  2. My first reaction was to kinda laugh, and I said inside same ole typical Bills move..After a few hrs of taking it in and thinking about it we coulda done a whole lot worse. At the very least we have a man in charge of football operations with the knowledge of how a football player should look and play. After the pawst 10 yrs I was beginning to wonder. I like how he stated he wants a football coach to surround himself with good teachers. Lets face it folks we werent gonna get a Big name GM.. They rarely move from team to team and if you are a good GM chances are the team isnt gonna let you go..At the very least he comes from the Polian mindset and maybe he emulates him..We couldve hired John Guy which is who I thought in the end Ralph was gonna give the job to..Thank God he didnt..
  3. I saw him make multiple blocks during plays..He was consistently blocking his man then going downfield to find another..We need more like him..Cant wait till next yr when we have a QB to protect to see how he handles a cheap shot player like wolfork...
  4. I am sure Polian is gonna give his opinion about any player in the upcoming draft at all...I am sure he wouldnt lie at all at this time..lol..Watch him pick him in...Like I said before..Take Polian out one night give him the truth serum and ask him who he would draft qb wise this yr and draft him.....HE doesnt miss....
  5. If he was any better than the qb they had I think common sense says they woulda signed him and put the other guy out to pasture....Much Like JP has been sent to the pen...GIve it up...
  6. Its been so long since we had a real qb here I doubt any of us know what one looks like coming out of college..Hell I thought Todd Collins, Rob Johnson, Trent Edwards were gonna be good.. I hated Flutie and Losman. The only one I got excited for was Bledsoe.. I am all for just signing an average Qb who has performed at some NFL level with positive results at this point.. None of us Bills fans have a clue when it comes to qbs cuz its been a lifetime since we had one!!!! Flip a coin at this point... We argue over Edwards or Losman..LOL..Are we kidding ourselves or what..They have all sucked xcept for 6 games by Bledsoe..Really the only thing we should care about at this point is bringing in a REAL GM who can build this team from the foundation up..Anything else is a waste of all our time...
  7. I was drunk once saw the "skinny girl" across the bar.. Woke up and didnt marry her...Next.....
  8. Enter the Magic Bullet theory..Another day another Excuse.....Sweet...Wonder what pops up tomorrow???
  9. Good qbs fight there way thru it....If youre good youre good if you suck you just plain old suck..Enuff of this argument....
  10. Whats the difference..we waste first round picks regularly why not give it a shot. At least it would be interesting to see what happens..If he sucks whats the difference, nothing new. If he turns out good we have a nice few years to talk about something different
  11. Another epic JP Post..I will give JP credit. If it wasnt for my curiousity to see the next spin on "I want to have JP Losmans child "topic I wouldnt visit so much.. This is awesome...You people are all thats wrong with with Buffalo Sports.. Its like beaten woman syndrome. Daughter gets beat by dad, daughter finds and marries man who beats her .. Bills keep sucking, fans desire players who suck.... Cant wait till tomorrows JP post..
  12. Hell NO...Brian Brohm should be given a chance then if he sucks bring in the next one till they get it right...
  13. Another collosal blow to the JP faithful..LOL..Freaking Hilarious..Why you people cant let him go is beyond me...
  14. The best part of the whole thing was it got out into the media and he had his wife drop off a Autographed football as an apology..lol..Didnt have the common decencey to apologize straight up..To top it off the kid was 9 at the time..Great football player jerk of a person..At least back then....he coudve changed..
  15. I find it amusing Thurman felt dissed...I seem to remember my friends brother asking him for an autograph in the early 90's and Thurman telling him it was on his mommas bedpost..Too bad grow up and get over your self Thurm...
  16. I am sure the response wouldve been " Did you find your helmet yet?" Or" how does it feel to lose 4 straight?" You better be able to take the criticism back if your gonna dish it out... I love those two players but they go to the back of the line the minute a Bills team win a SuperBowl... Great players no doubt but the black cloud of losing a war will follow them theyre whole lives..
  17. Its funny how one play can change the fortunes of a team player or coach..3 yrs ago when Marshawn Inch was a rookie we opened up against the broncos. JP was starting and Jauron was the HC. We went for the kill shot threw the bomb went for the heart and JP overthrew Evans by a mile..The Broncos score a last 2nd fg and win the game... Fast Forward to today.. Fred Jackson RB Fitz the Qb and Perry the Hc go for the kill connect and end the game..Lets hope the future has more in store...
  18. Ill give you my hundred to your 10 bucks if Shanahan gets hired JP doesnt get signed.....If they Hire Shanahan all bets on if not its a dead bet......Plummer was a much better qb than JP could ever dream of..As a matter of fact Plummer would have a better shot than JP getting signed By Shanahan if he signed up...Hell YA would have a better shot..LOL..Give up the dream...ROTFLMAO
  19. And they want to relive it..OMG...What is wrong with people...Move on...Let it go..I know your first girlfriend of 6 yrs old has have you let her go yet??????
  20. If he could get past the part of taking 3 steps back and having to thinkpast 1 one thousand two one thousand throw....
  21. All i said was that the two games kept me entranched watching the whole time..My god some of you take things out of context..LOL..And IMO that ranks in my top 2..You might have a better top two so be it..
  22. The BC Eagles were playing against the Mighty Hurricanes and were heavy underdogs by the media leading up to it.. That they were in the game was a huge accomplishment. If he hadnt won the game with that throw and they lost he still had a great game agaisnt a great defense, the fact he threw it up and it was caught for a touchdown made it all more special..I watched that whole game and was totally entranched by the flow of the game. To this day there have been maybe one or two games I have felt the same way..The other was the Texas USC Rose Bowl game with Vince Young...
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