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Everything posted by Stenbar

  1. Another thing...Since 1999 the Bills have drafted 5 DBs in the first round.....LOL...Can we please stop.....You would figure you might draft more than one (WInfield) that can cover...Just on sheer luck alone...NOT
  2. I didnt think Wannstedt called a bad game..I didnt realize he called any thing in the game..It was more like okay guys lineup and breathe....Its like he just gave birth to the defense and didnt cut the umbilical cord yet...Very shaky at best
  3. +infinity The Giants knew Kelly's ego wouldnt let anyone but Kelly be the Hero so they left the running game alone and concentrated on beating the Hell out of the Bills recievers till they didnt want to play anymore.....Even still our talent still almost won but putting Norwood in a spot he never made before wasnt a smart play..They coulda ran another play and made it easier but they didnt and it is all memorialized in history...
  4. Fitzpatrick missed an easy blitz read on the first series. The blitzing player left Graham all alone in the left slot and came after Fitz fitz should have flipped it to Graham it was third and 2 easy PICKUP. Instead he flings the ball into double coverage somehow and we punt......No different than last year. 3rd and short and he gets freaking cute...
  5. The new qb coach definately made an impact...
  6. I cant wait for another season of laughing at him get suckered in on every reverse or bootleg thrown at him...He definately provides comic relief....Im up for another season of it....
  7. If they lose out on anything as far as picks or anything from his article he better move to Russia...Idiot.....
  8. Well its been brewing for a very long time to be honest with you, and it blew up while listening to the gr show with Schopp and the Bulldog yesterday..They said something that just made me snap....How long has it been since we were relevant in the NFL news? This is great they proclaimed!!!! If you need to have a bunch of self backslapping media hounds talking about your city to make you feel relevant then we really have our head up our ass...My Grandfather moved here from Sicily in 1906 and when he turned 9 in 1911 he was delivering 20lb blocks of ice to houses to feed his brothers and sisters 18 hrs a day just to get by. Thats the kind of man that built this city!!!! Sure we have hit hard times, we have lost hundreds of thousands of people to better jobs...But for the ones who have stayed and worked through that and made it here, we have to be ridiculed by million dollar football players, million dollar punk ass hockey players because our hotels dont have water shooting up to clean theyre asses...Im sick of it..If we need to have a NFL football team here or a NHL hockey team here to make us feel better about ourselves then the hell with that...I dont want it or need it..They think because they live in a BIG place they can just crap on us....I can tell you this about that man, I guarantee this I worked and sweated harder at Bells Park Edge in 1985 moving carts in the snow when i was 16 than any of the men who talk crap out of theyre pie holes now 8 hrs a day combined in theyre whole pathetic life..And I will sit by no more and take it....I have more sweat on my butcrack from typing this than any of them built up in 10 yrs spouting crap from theyre mouth.....
  9. I was born in Childrens Hospital in 1969. My parents were born in Buffalo n the 1940's, theyre parents immigrated from Italy and Ireland and came to Buffalo to work and raise theyre families. My family grew up working from the time they could wipe theyre own ass till they couldnt work anymore. My father moved us from Buffalo to Detroit to Dallas and Back all by the time I had reached the age of 13. Ive lived in the Great Motor City, I lived thru the Big oil boom of the 70's in Dallas. When I was 18 and old enough to serve my country I joined the USMC for 8 yrs. And when I was done I came home, to BUFFALO NY...I am so damn sick and tired of all these people busting on my hometown. Who the hell are you!!! Have you enjoyed your economic coddling of your parents so much that all you have now is the gift of slamming people who work damn hard to live? People who give up big houses big cars big bank accounts big paying jobs to live and fight for a place they love and call home? You who throw these little pebbles should take a big step back and look at yourself..You have no right at all to belittle the life we choose..If having a NFL football team charades ur view of us then take it..I dont need you or anyone else who hasnt walked the walk I do everyday to live here or look down on my family because I live in Buffalo NY...I dont want your approval of my homefront...I dont need it..You live in your glass house you throw boulders from and Ill live in my house I build them in...Go away if you dont want to be here..But GDAM im sick of people trashing my PLACE I LIVE IN..I dont need the Bills or anyone else to make me proud of where the hell I LIVE!!!! SCREW YOU
  10. Next to the video of Wide Right and Home Run Throwback...lol
  11. If they dont sign him they might as well leave with him..It would be beyond devastating to the team that he turned down being the highest paid dman in NFL history to go somewhere else than Buffalo....They shoulda kept car salesmannin him..Ok how bout 17.7...17.8 20.5??? Till he said ok....Dumb move if he really doesnt sign with the Bills..
  12. Wonder how much cash from his days of working for SMU(lol) is going to his campaign fund...
  13. Thank you for the lesson. Captain Caveman education here..lol
  14. The problem isnt the drafting of a Franchise qb or the next Thurman Thomas or any good player for that matter, the problem is that the front office doesnt pick any player that will come in and upgrade an area of need at any point. The only player they have chosen in the past 5 years for that matter was Dareus and if they hadnt picked him they might have been stoned by all football intelligent people in the planet. They pick some off the wall project to try and prove to everyone else they know more than them and they fall flat on theyre face doing so..Its like they are trying to prove how stupid they can be instead of just making an intelligent pick that will help the team....Common sense alludes(sp) the decision maker at all times....
  15. Just figured I would lower myself to the intelligence of this topic...I noticed you were failing at it so I just pushed you along....Baby steps...
  16. This is a easy one... I heard from someone that JP Loserman plays qb
  17. What gets me is in most of our losses this yr the game seemed to get out of reach when we would be in a third and short and were flinging the ball 30 yards downfield on it..I dont get the thought process..If you convert a few of the 3rd and shorts with simple short pass routes or maybe a run(lol) then once in awhile you hit em for the big play, not every freaking time...It doesnt work...I would like to know who is making the decision, is it the original play call, is it a call at the line of scrimmage, is he changing the play or is there an option to go deep on the backside? I want to know who is making the decision.
  18. I hear what your sayin, I would rather have it put like this though...His success is proof of how inept our Bills whole staff is, how can a supposed total bust have such success with just the change of a team? The answer is the whole football organization from top to bottom..
  19. Maybe his next TD dance he can incorporate fxing a flat tire motion into it..LOL..IDIOT
  20. Right thru his hands..LOL..Now he can forget about that drop last yr against Pitt and replace it with this one...
  21. I say I say I say booyyyy we gonna build thru the draft!!! We got us this lil scat back named CJ Spillage on the radah..He is a game changa I say... lol.. Build thru the draft. That kills me, makes u wonder if they draft by pin the tail on the college player method
  22. At least he did something for a few weeks..But your prolly right...3 more yrs of that stupid looking beard
  23. Ive said it too many times to remember., as long as Ralph Wilson owns this football team it wont win a SuperBowl...So I start right at the top...
  24. My friends lil brother asked him for a autograph back in the day and he told the 10 yr old kid "I already did its on your mommas bedpost"..Assclown..HOF cant change a ahole...Dont be surprised..Then to make himself a total idiot he sent his wife to drop a autographed football as an apology. Nothing surprises me when it goes to him Kelly or Smith..
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