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Everything posted by Stenbar

  1. No i dont mind taking abuse from Jet fans...They have earned the right to abuse me...They are a division rival....
  2. And you expect anything less...Lets face it, the majority of Canadien fans in any sport despise the United States and any chance they get to take a shot at anything in the US they will..Ever been to a Sabres Leafs game at the Arena? they are the rudest most obnoxious fans you will ever be around, they are loud irritating and mostly jerks, they however usually are shut up because they mostly lose here..With that said I usually never listen to anything a Canadien has to say or let them impact any part of my life becasue they just dont matter
  3. Its the whole process of the "Super Bowl" and add the fact I have no interest at all in hearing Peyton scream Omaha 43 times or see Richard Sherman open his mouth and detract from how good a football player he is, or the way too many commercial breaks that are forced into the broadcast. I mean come on the team scores a td and we get a commercial break for the review then the xp and another commercial or 3 then the kickoff and lets throw another 3 commercials and heaven forbid a player gets a cramp or injury and lays on the field there goes another 3 commercials...I love the game of football, i hate the production of the game and how the media can blow everything all up in a life or death manner....Just my take....
  4. My wifes auto correct would have been Dick Head LOL....I dont mind Set Bar
  5. I looked at this thread title all day and just opened it up to find out who the hell is T. Jackson!!!! Talk about forgetting...LOL....Who the hell is T. Jackson...
  6. I will agree with you on that point..And I will also say that as far as Super Bowls go this one has the same excitement level as the last time the Seahawks were in the Super Bowl...NONE..Im sick of hearing about M. Lynch not wanting to talk to the media and getting fined for it..As a matter of fact I cant even see me staying up for the whole game...Im not old by any stretch, I'm 45..But the thought of being tired at all or hungover on a monday for this garbage of a Super Bowl and all the BS leading up to it is making me want to puke..LOL...I use to LOVE SUPER BOWL sunday, now the media and the propoganda they speww has turned me sideways on it...
  7. Marcell Dareus should feel right at home being undisciplined and all....
  8. At what point do the Bills tell Mike P to get lost....
  9. Im hoping he stays here for at least another year....He can take the Browns job next year im sure it will be open again then....LOL
  10. Dont forget though..He won his first Super Bowl with Dwight Clark Freddie Soloman and old and beaten up Russ Francis and Paul cofer...What is the defintion of a "Great QB' Championships? Stats? Leadership? I think they play the game for Championships...SO ill throw a lil of each in my top 5 Montana Elway Brady Bradshaw Staubach
  11. I cant stand watching Peyton Manning play QB...I hate losing to the Patriots...With that said I give Tom Brady mad props for what he has accomplished and done in the NFL...I grew up in the 70's and I have been lucky enuff to see some great qbs play in the NFL...Brady is either 2nd best of all time or maybe even tops in my book...As soon as we get lucky enuff for them to retire Peyton will probably be put on the top TV analysis job for fox and we will get stuck listening to him for the next 20yrs...
  12. ok..I hear ya..But explain to me how he is always battling some sort of muscle pull..Im just curious
  13. Ill ask this question..Why is he always hurt? WHy does it seem like every game I am listening to the announcers saying" Man what a player, he is really gutting this game out!!" And then I remember his interview with Jim Rome.... "JIM ROME: What are you doing to stay in shape and get ready for the offseason? STEVIE JOHNSON: It’s funny, I’m actually going to work out. JR: No way, really? You mean lift weights? SJ: Yeah, I usually never work out. I just play basketball and run around the block. JR: How does that work, really? You don’t hit the weights out of season at all? SJ: The only time I worked out was my rookie year after combine just to get in the league. I went down to L.A. and worked with Travelle Gaines and ever since then I’ve only done work with my wife running around the block and playing basketball and that’s all I did. JR: Why? Do they not insist you have some kind of offseason conditioning program? Throw the weights around? SJ: I probably shouldn’t be saying this… yeah, they give us the booklet and stuff. I get it and put it in the drawer. I really don’t do it. JR: Stevie, you made it through an entire interview without getting into trouble until right there I think. SJ: I’m sorry, I’m just being honest, man. But this year we’ve got a new staff and I’ve had three seasons with 1,000 yards and that’s without doing real football work. So who knows what will happen if I really put in work? Maybe I can eclipse 1,000 and get to 1,200 and 1,300 and maybe I’ll be even more energized to finish out games and we’ll get things done. I’m gonna be working hard from next Sunday until April 1st when we go back. - ".... Forest for the trees
  14. I think we should Keep Carpenter..He is kicking amazing..Y trade him???
  15. Marquise beat the secondary two times on streaks...No better time to throw it than when you have 90 plus yards in front of you to let him smoke by the secondary as long as you have a QB that can get it there..And it looked to me like Thad could..2nd and long and we run a draw play...Come on...
  16. I grew up in the 70's and always looked forward to Saturday afternoon baseball no matter the team just loved listening to them 2 describe a bball game..It was awesome
  17. I am interested to see if Jeff Tuel can beat out Kolb....He will get the chance now....
  18. We had no O that year however we had Hasek!!! And Niewendyk and Modano were hurting bad... Bottom line is both calls should have been in our favor..lol
  19. It was in reference to Bill In NYC's comment and his love of the bills drafting cb's in the first round.....I was not insinuating anything other than the Bills draft cb's more than any successful team since the SuperBowl has been the end game..You mentioned the qbs..I just went with your lead... Great teams dont use theyre top picks on cornerbacks. You dont build your team around a cornerback.....The Bills spend theyre top draft picks on them Which seems to me like they build around them..Maybe im wrong but it doesnt look like it to me...
  20. While those teams are drafting HOF qbs we are drafting average cbs with the same picks.....Supergenious.......2 of the 3 you mentioned were first rdrs...Thanx for the help......
  21. LOL........Nine cornerbacks have been drafted by the Bills in the first round since 1967.....The Bills have No Super Bowl Championships...Lets compare this with some of the more successful teams in the NFL SF 3 total first rd cb's drafted Dallas 4 total Pitt 3 NE 4 Hmmmmmmmmmm.....Lets draft another one......
  22. According to that segment where you received your information Landry Jones is the closest to his requirements..Ill go with Mr. Polian and his selection of qbs over anyone else......
  23. Reverse and bootleg success rates against the Bills just went down....
  24. Lots of great NFL teams were run by very strict coaches. Belicheck, Coughlin, Parcells too name a few. They were very harsh and wouldnt put up with any crap and theyre players didnt quit or run home to mommy... If he is strict and harsh too bad. If he isnt who cares.. Whatever it takes to Win a Superbowl. Then get rid of Mario...
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