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Posts posted by Stenbar

  1. 9 minutes ago, Special K said:

    Maybe I am wrong, but did Collinsworth seem less annoying today??


    Aside from the ridiculous comment that Tyrell Dodson is the best player on the Bills D,  he didn’t really say anything else that made me roll my eyes....that’s a new record for fewest annoying comments by CC, IMO.



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  2. 20 minutes ago, newcam2012 said:

    Mostly true but man McD had his team ready to play and his defensive game plan was excellent. You have to give him his props yesterday.


    This is coming from a fan who thinks the team is better off going in a different coaching direction. Give praise when praise is due.


    Now, it's a different picture if you want to look the whole season thus far. However, if the team runs out (which looks to be a distinct possibility) then the season is probably looked at in a positive light. 

    No doubt. I agree 100%. My only disapproval of his coaching is his gameday management. 

    Yesterday it wasnt close. It looks like the team has a huge chip on the players shoulder in regards for backing McDermott, and the coaching leading up to the had the team spot on.

    Not too mention our front office replacing hurt players with really good choices.

    Something they didnt do last year

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  3. 2 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:


    Of course Sean had nothing to do with winning yesterday. 

    I guess didnt fully explain my thought on that point. He didnt have any game changing points of decisions to make during the game, as the team obliterated the cowboys. There were no challenges to blow, or timeouts that needed to be used ir not used during the game. He didnt have to choose between a prevent nothing defense on the last drive, or to go man to man and blitz the qb. We all know how those games end usually.

  4. For myself, my highlights of the Game were these:

    1. The Bills played so well, that they took the opportunity of game turning decisions away from McDermott.

    2. Offensive Discipline, not one offensive holding penalty.

    3. Aggressive play of the defensive players as individuals and team defense.

    4. The mauling our offensive line against the D-Line, and  grouping blocks after the 1st tier was passed 

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  5. I watched the embedded podcasts above. I always get sucked in. I really believe this team has the talent to win out. But in the end we still have a head coach that is going to make decisions at key times of the game, and more than likely, those will cost us the game. My only hope is the Bills players are so ready to not let McDermott's horrible gametime decisions effect the outcome of the game, that everyplayer, does everything in their power to achieve greatness at every second and blow the Chiefs out.

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