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rick in hartford

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  1. brilliant...the colleges are scooping up the available coaches as we speak. If the best we can do is a college level hire, we'd better start making move now. Nobody is owed anything, Chan knows the score. Think BOD's don't interview for new CEO before the current one is dismissed. Its' this logic that we'll debate watching the LA Bills waiting to cross the old peace bridge!
  2. that product we've been stuck with for 13 years isn't incredibly disrespectful???? Rob J, Losman, Bledsoe, Trent, Fitz, should I continue.
  3. ...this is very complex stuff, lets make an appointment and in the mean time I'll send out our engagement letter, you sign and return with a $15k retainer. Can't wait to meet you!
  4. just having some fun or election hangover or monday blues: Gailey plays Obama, calls the same plays over and over.....glad birth control is saved but our team still blows, Nix plays the house republicans, suggests we just needs a few more cuts and tweeks and we're good as new, new maybe in LA or Toronto, Fitz plays susan rice blaming the videos when he just won't tell the truth..the coaching sucks, Wanny plays harry AND nancy...don't blame them, they have a super bowl ring, Ralph is the 1%, the product sucks but it doesn't mean he won't get the largest payday for a sports franchise, every...supply and demand baby! Bills fans....the 47%! Arithmetic doesn't add up.
  5. Nice touch! The drunken slob who can affort those NYC prices are fine. My point is Bills fan have no exclusivity on morons making life misserable for away fans
  6. After witnessing yet another AFC East road blow-out yesterday, from $255 club seats no less, Pats fans having nothing on the Jets fans when it comes to making sure the 60 minute nfl experience suck for the Bills fans at Metlife for the third straight time. Pats fans have mellowed over the years will all the success, maybe smelling the roses a bit these days? Jet fans, not so much. Case in point from yesterday...41-28 two minutes left, 50 people left in the stadium, Jets score and the two morons behind us are "take that back with your f'ing team to Buffalo." All game with the baiting. At some point, your team has things under control, give it a break! We tried wit, nothing; we tried asking them to chill, nothing; ignoring them seemed to only egg-them on more.......tailgating was fun! Next time you hear complaints about RWS fans, take them with a grain of salt. PS, SPF 35 day and Bills maybe a 6-10 team!
  7. 12 men on the field is now a dead ball foul, smells like Krafty to me....super bowl, third to last play, 19 seconds left, brady burns 11 seconds throwing deep to Hernandez knowing he had the flag. Bet Krafty was thinking how nice it would have be if he had that time back...just sayin'
  8. ...if available in round 3, I think he's another Brees. Understand he's not prototypical, but 4 year starter, ton of wins, bad weather experience, all the same knocks as Brees coming out....but see how that worked out.
  9. I could see Buddy dealing the 10th and Fred to move up..Go Bills. If I could....the bounty thing: I get/know it's politically incorrect but where any penalties called on any of the hits? I'm thinking to myself, wasn't it great when Bruce would knock out Marino or Elway or Ryan, we all cheered, isn't that still part of the game. What about Philly fans cheering the Irvin hit, how about Jack Tatum, Rod Woodson helmet to helmet on Kelly? "Bounty" makes it sound like Tony Soprano was coaching.
  10. I love WNY, SH '80 SUNYAF '84, but 40 years of decline, no peace bridge, corrupt city gov, and we're shocked people make comments like his...really? PS...Did Tom-Terrific ever explain why he was driving a $80k Audi owned by a non-profit in Boston when he had his accident driving to his contract extension signing?
  11. Elvis tickets in Hartford....errhh East Hartford
  12. My two cents: Ownership is always in the drivers seat. Whatever they lose this year is a trade or business loss and offsets their other taxable income....so whatever they lose is net of tax. The players on the other hand have overhead that needs readily available cash flow (see Travis Henry, Antonio Cromartie, Plexico Burress, etc). Once cash flow stops, pleasure builds and solitarity usually fades. Public sentiment for unions; is on a down-swing. Where did all the protester in Madison go? Public opinion will only be 45/55-49/51 either way. Opening books will never happen. If they want to see the book, buy a team otherwise piss-off. Do your employees ask to see your books when they come in for a raise? Did the mailman ask for your tax return becuase his tip didn't go up last year.
  13. 729 miles from the Ralph, 1091 from Hartford
  14. Here's hoping Brown, Spiller and Easley are the next triplets!
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