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Everything posted by FluffHead

  1. amazing play by steve tasker
  2. Kentucky upset by South Carolina. Cuse should be movin on up to number 3 next monday
  3. interesting that this guy's background is in coaching defensive linemen. Now as the OLB coach he may be coaching some ex-defensive linemen at the OLB spot (Maybin, Kelsay, Schobel, etc)
  4. if this was the price is right you would be eliminated sir
  5. I'm gonna go with 55,278 EDIT: this is about 76 percent
  6. I'm not your dude, dude. And predictions and who you are rooting for are two different things mr. message board policeman guy.
  7. i flipped this on during commercials during the game. I never saw any bills--did they get on camera at all?
  8. who are you rooting for? I like both of these teams, but I am going to be rooting for New Orleans because I really like Drew Brees, and the city of New Orleans deserves something to celebrate. I also like seeing great players who have never won a championship come through. Either way, it should be a great game to watch.
  9. Someone should inform Buddy and Chan so we don't miss it
  10. I hate the jets. And I hate favre. I used to like favre, then I had a roomate who was the most obnoxious favre fan you could imagine. Hence, he ruined favre for me forever. I can't even call him favre anymore. I prefer to call him Bert Fav-ruh. As long as the Colts or Saints win the super bowl, I will be happy.
  11. update, kind of http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...s-landing-spot/
  12. before his incident he was rated as the number two senior runningback. I doubt that punch knocks him completely out of the draft.
  13. This probably doesn't answer your question, but if I was a player and I wasn't picked in rounds 1-5, I would rather go undrafted than get picked in round six or seven. That way I determine where I end up. It has been said before that a lot of UDFAs try to come here because A. our talent level isn't that high and B. We have had a history of UDFAs making the 53 man roster.
  14. blunt....hehe blount...hehehe
  15. Will Muschamp is coach in waiting at U. Texas. I doubt he'd give that up to come be a DC in Buffalo
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ds1FtPPrEv8&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf0FFEsiZxw
  17. above average arm my assss
  18. Samuel L Jackson!?! Is that you?!?
  19. i'm not your guy, friend!
  20. PEACE, GUY!! muahahaha
  21. don't let the door hit ya on the way out!!!
  22. OK, so I stole this from BB.com, but I thought it was pretty funny. Click on the image to zoom in. http://img696.imageshack.us/i/buddynixfacebook.png/
  23. Ryan Fitzgerald, eh?
  24. Brohm has done nothing in this league. He was awful in GB. Just awful. Totally lost out there in every preseason snap he got. Then he really lit it up in the one game he was in this year. Actually he didn't. Yea, sounds like someone the Bills should build around
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