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Everything posted by FluffHead

  1. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.spartyandfriends.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Wannstedt_783309002.jpg&imgrefurl=http://spartyandfriends.com/2010/08/16/30-teams-in-30-days-15-stache/&usg=__Kf4snT4TyRFOzoLacnG8E-EBivU=&h=300&w=300&sz=124&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=HnEenHsq3r2keM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=119&ei=n8c5TeWpE4Sclgfpj8GrBw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddave%2Bwannstedt%2Bmustache%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D532%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=209&vpy=56&dur=3207&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=183&ty=185&oei=dMc5Tej-FMGp8AaVlITDCg&esq=6&page=1&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0 ....feel the wrath....of the STACHE
  2. I agree with you, Kelly. There's no way all play calls go through Wanny until Wanny is actually the one calling them. There's no way that with 20 seconds to call a play, Edwards finds his play and checks for Wanny's approval before sending it in. That is a recipe for disaster.
  3. sweet- thanks for posting
  4. Practice facilities are good. Indoor, outdoor, and stadium fields. I'm not so sure about the weight room/pools/strength and conditioning portion. That kind of stuff is key to getting your players to stick around and work out together in the off-season. However I doubt no matter how nice our stuff is, players are not going to stick around this weather just to work out with the team. I'd be training on the beach as well so I can't blame them.
  5. Watching this game was like stabbing myself repeatedly in the eye
  6. pumped for tonights game, but I think the youth of the Orange will show on the road without KJ.
  7. I thought this was well done. Hopefully they do this for some other prospects as well. http://www.mockingthedraft.com/2011/1/17/1937512/the-prospect-playbook-marcell-dareus-dt-de-alabama
  8. Bro, I'm almost certain Chan Gailey will be calling Levi Brown's plays next season.
  9. I think of it as, which group of people do I want to be miserable most? I hate Jets fans more than Pats fans, so suck it Long Island, go Pats.
  10. Im scared to death that they're gonna draft Patrick Peterson and this just makes it sound more likely that that could happen...
  11. If his team was in the BCS title game he'd be getting all the hype Fairley is right now.
  12. Whoever takes Mallet is going to need to have an outstanding offensive line for a long time in order for him to be successful
  13. A guy with the experience of DW is not coming to Buffalo to be a linebackers coach.
  14. maybe we're considering a change at DC more than we originally thought.
  15. AdamSchefter: Ron Rivera to Carolina created opportunities for Dave Wannstedt, who is expected to talk with Chargers, Panthers, Browns and Bills. http://twitter.com/AdamSchefter
  16. Kent St isn't exactly UCLA, but either way Cam could be a great TE. Honestly though, the kid could play TE, QB. OLB, DE, WR in the league. He needs some time to develop no matter what position they put him at. Not advocating for Newton at this point, but Chan's kind of offense is the kind Newton would be best suited for.
  17. college seniors only- and the cream of the crop college seniors usually do not participate.
  18. They have had some good teams but they still ain't won shyte.
  19. I concur. And now we have Doug Whaley who is a little more naturally gifted.
  20. I don't think Modrak is exactly running the drafts these days. In previous years we either had a poop GM who really leaned on Modrak (Donohoe, Levy) or no GM at all. He's more of a weak link on a team run by Buddy now. Hopefully his impact is less than in previous years.
  21. RIP
  22. not me. the fans put my hatred for the jets over the top. and they haven't won crap lately just like us, let's keep it that way. go pats. on another note, I really hate almost all the teams left in these playoffs. the only teams i wouldn't mind seeing win it all are baltimore, chicago or atlanta.
  23. has this been announced yet?
  24. I may be wrong but I think the dolphins coached one of the teams last year
  25. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/125781-bills-coaching-staff-to-coach-senior-bowl/page__pid__2080779#entry2080779
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