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Everything posted by FluffHead

  1. Maryland isn't in the sec
  2. I'm making my annual trip for Sunday night/Monday afternoOn
  3. There is no cap floor until 2013. I think maybin gets the axe this year
  4. If we fail to land an inside linebacker, I think you will see a lot of 4-3 with a d line of kelsay dareus Williams Edwards and then moats sheppard/Davis and merriman at lb.
  5. Braintrust probably thinks brad smith will sell tickets, a lineman won't.
  6. Clabo only got five million a year....wow. 5 year 25 million
  7. End of the season
  8. We've known this for a while, clabo or sans clabo
  9. Queen city not the best source but things are looking up
  10. Nesbitt is more of a running back than brad smith and randle el. Bigger dude, not as fast, he's gonna have a tough time making this team with our depth at wr and rb
  11. You know it's true. No NFL player that has never played here before has a good image of buffalo deservedly so or not
  12. Reportedly he is almost four hundred pounds comin off his neck injury
  13. I think this puts us at a disadvantage. Buffalo usually needs to get guys in town and convince them somehow that some of their preconceived notions are not true
  14. Free agents may report once the union is recertified. Aug 4 is the last day to recertify, it could happen earlier than that
  15. It is not a scale, it is a rookie cap so there are still negotiations, they're just not nearly as difficult as before
  16. Clabo is a mauler who excels in the run game, can struggle at times in the Pass game. That is why he is a RT. Bell is an athlete who is better at pass protection than in the run game. That is why he is a LT. They won't be switching positions
  17. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/2011/07/clabo-still-in-play-for-bills.html
  18. this nick barnett thread quickly turned into a kevin burnett thread
  19. I think rookies can practice as soon as they are signed
  20. Its been awfully quiet on Zack Miller
  21. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-3/Bills-announce-Verizon-Wireless-Training-Camp-schedule/593ce975-7b5c-4871-891c-ffb46df04943 Has anyone tried to get tickets to this sunday's night practice via ticketmaster online? I can't seem to get through
  22. @JasonLaCanfora reports on twitter Tyson Clabo drawing interest from ATL, BUF and SEA
  23. Steelers are trying to keep him, so I would guess his achilles is coming along nicely
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