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Everything posted by FluffHead

  1. I've sat there many times. you, and you, and you, and you, and you, annnnnnnnddddddddd FIRST DOWN!!!
  2. http://www.the506.com/nflmaps/2011/wk2.html
  3. I'm in, and I'm pumped. Section 108 for me
  4. Dareus is one of the featured rookies on ESPN's annual behind the scenes show "Hey Rookie Welcome to the NFL" airing tonight at 8 on ESPN2
  5. I got one "the bills kicked some serious ass huh?" from a pats fan, and a "you can't tell me you expected the bills to win" from a fins fan. I find the pats fan, unthreatened by the bills, to have good perspective. The fins fan refuses to believe the Bills are a true threat to the fins and his judgment is clouded by that.
  6. McGee could go to IR perhaps
  7. Ruvell Martin's facebook says he is coming back to the Bills. I hope this doesn't mean Easley's illness is very serious. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Ruvell-Martin/138693622831494 "I'm going back to Buffalo! It's crazy how it's so up and down but welcome to the other side of the NFL. They don't talk about this stuff on tv cause honestly not too many people care, lol. I know you guys do tho, so hopefully I'll make this stay longer than my last one. I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for the support."
  8. I try not to think of this anniversary as a sad day. Today our nation remembers a day in which lives and a nation of innocence were lost. We celebrate unity and service. The togetherness this melting pot of a country shows in difficult times is a beautiful thing. Today I hope fans of all NFL teams recognize each other as Americans rather than enemy fans. I LOVE THE USA
  9. Easley out with illness Troup out with lower back. Neither made the trip to KC.
  10. World Championship!!!
  11. being a little person is more of a disadvantage defensively than offensively, hence roscoe parrish, darren sproles, mccluster, leon washington, etc. Jauron's problem is he puts his little guys on defense. I was at a game once where Jon Corto was playing MLB for us. That is just insane.
  12. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=10364322&l=03a589f01a&id=72631215658 Earlier this week he was talking to Tom Jackson about being devastated after the Home Run throwback play too
  13. This is why I bought a pair 2 seasons ago. They're just a hilarious thing to wear to a game. I could care less if I look like an idiot at RWS
  14. You take Luck no matter what you have at QB IMO. If you have two great QB's deal one later. But always improve your chances of having an Elite player at QB when you have the chance.
  15. Bill Belichick will trade all of his accumulated draft picks for Andrew Luck
  16. I have a pair that I wear 16 Sundays a year. They're comfortable, and stylish
  17. Aren't you supposed to be negative?
  18. He certainly talks like he loves being here. But money talks louder. This is a guy who has been playing on a seventh round pick salary. He is going to get a significant bump in pay. As long as we make him a fair offer I think he will be here.
  19. http://blogs.nfl.com/2011/09/07/contract-talks-stalled-for-several-high-profile-players/
  20. I'll let my back go before my brain, but hey, to each his own
  21. I'm just south of saratoga. SU basketball has a rather large following. We still get every game on TWC sports channel. The bills are nowhere near as popular as SU "Fitzpatrick....with the FACIAL!!! YES!!!"
  22. I think he is saying that as an Albany resident and bills fan who bought the ticket, the more the bills are on local tv, the less justification for paying for the ticket
  23. most of NY gets bills/chiefs http://www.the506.com/nflmaps/2011/wk1.html
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