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Everything posted by FluffHead

  1. Buffalo Bills ‏ @buffalobills #Bills QB Vince Young will address the media today at approx 1 pm
  2. Now that right there is....mind-bottling !
  3. If we are all such fans, please learn how to spell "Marcell Dareus"
  4. Everyone is so pumped about Mario, and rightfully so, but Marcell may end up being the best of them all this guy also did a nice jairus byrd video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k80WikC8l-4&feature=relmfu
  5. Pat Tillman
  6. It's a 1 year, 2 million deal according to Mort
  7. Heard he has a bills show (weeknights?) coming up on WGR starting in July I believe
  8. Ear lobes? I actually have two.
  9. @JeffRussoWKBW Agent for Vince Young won't comment on the status of talks but says in email "Buffalo is definitely still an option" #Bills Retweeted by Brent Axe
  10. Here's a quick recap of what Chandler had to say- Fred's deal done ASAP so we can move onto football. Mario's signing a great coup for team and the region. Great player and person. He will add to the team. Dominant player, everything the offense does will revolve around handling Mario. Opens things up for other defensive linemen. Our D line can be dominant. On the attitude in the building- overall excitement over whole offseason. Offense is back intact, defense has added. Sense of expectations in the building. On OTA's, coaches panic that they aren't getting enough done. We take advantage of every coaching opportunity. Rest for players is a little overrated. Coaches are hunting the right balance between rest and hard work. On chemistry on defense- hard to get chemistry in shorts. walk throughs and drills don't develop chemisty. Pre season is vital for the lines to gel. New QB coach David Lee- best teacher we could find. Best technical coach. Will work great with Fitz to improve technique, accuracy. Didn't realize fitz was hurt at the time last year. Injuries at receiver and O line caused the QB to look really bad. If we can stay healthy we can build on the first seven games. Former QB coach George Cortez was so smart as a QB coach, Chan says he could "barely hold a conversation with him" and "being from south Georgia doesn't help my cause".
  11. listen live here http://player.rogersradio.ca/cjcl/on_air
  12. Reading TBD while on call with a client? Epic multitask. Bravo sir, Bravo.
  13. Bill Belichick would definitely watch. As would all the other coaches on our schedule
  14. Albany NY stand up and represent
  15. I can't believe you just spoiled it for me, I like the element of surprise going into a season. Now that I know we will win the super bowl I'll just be planning the after party. You better not be wrong
  16. Two years tacked on to this season. He will be a free agent in 2015. With this much time left before camp, I wouldnt be shocked of Levitre and/or Byrd get done before the season
  17. My thoughts on the jets: they stink, I hate em, I wish they'd go back to where they came from....bills power!
  18. You haven't truly arrived until you're on MTV 8 the ocho
  19. I'll take Fitz over Brandon weedon and Carson Palmer. Other than that I agree with you
  20. So carrying more weight has no effect on the lower extremities? got it.
  21. That is not something I forgot. Whether it be muscle or fat, mass is mass. More mass leads to bigger chance of injury. And even though he says he is faster, I doubt his short area quickness and burst is helped by carrying more weight. With that said, I'm not trying to make a mountain out of an ant hill here, considering it is may and that weight will come down once football activities start.
  22. I'm not sure 300lbs is a good thing, but I'm sure a lot of that weight will come off in august
  23. but baseball is for kitties, with football we're talking man's game
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