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CA OC Bills Fan

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Everything posted by CA OC Bills Fan

  1. Absolutely correct. Wilson didn’t want to lose the Miami rivalry which was still big at the time. I remember I completely agreed and was thankful for his stance but now believe that was silly. Would much rather be in a rust belt division with Pittsburgh Cleveland Cincinnati.
  2. My seasons are in section 132 row 35. Everyone in front of me stands the entire game. Personally, I don't care either way, I'd stand or sit during plays but have no intention of missing the play because the person in front is standing. Therefore, I stand for all plays, sit mostly during commercials and sometimes between plays. I haven't been to a concert in a while, but it always bothered me if people behind me are yelling "sit down in front" and those in front of me are standing. I normally could go either way there also, but hate that I have to choose between not seeing or forcing those behind me to have to make the same decision.
  3. Agree. Although a smart player may realize on his own and not score, that's not what they do anymore than knocking the ball down on a Hail Mary on the last play of a game instead of trying to catch it and risking a deflection. It's not in most player's thought process to not score and the coaches must coach it into them and tell them the situation.
  4. As someone said above, SoFi had either this or similar. I thought as I walked in how much better it was than at highmark. Very glad for the change.
  5. Chris Berman used to always call Fontes "Rasputin" because he or his teams would come back from the dead. After starting the season average, he kept making the playoffs with late season surges (just to get beaten in the first round of the playoffs). In one of the first Bills SB years he beat the Bills backups (primary starters all were held out since we had the #1 seed wrapped up) in OT to make the playoffs. Regarding BB, he's a great defensive coach who recognizes the importance of a great offence. I say the last part because I believe it's not always true with defensive coaches. I think many would continue to play a conservative style and want their defense to win games. That approach may have still won BB a couple of SBs, but certainly not six.
  6. So far as what percent were Bills fans, I swear it looked like half. I was in Section 514 row 11 (50 yard line) so I could high up and could see pretty much the entire stadium except the rows behind me. It looked 50/50. I saw a few things: When standing in line for beer, 7 to one ration Bills to Lamb fans When going to the bathroom, at least the same (of course correlated to the above) When I was walking out, as expected Lamb fans left much earlier than Bills fans, I stayed to the end. But, It looked like 50 Bills fans to each Lamb fan. I took a picture when I started walking down the stairs to exit. See below:
  7. Where were your seats? I was also on the 50, section 514 row 11,
  8. No reason not to do both. Hopefully most people do make some regular donations of whatever amount they can afford to either charities they care about or an umbrella group like United Way (many companies have United Way campaigns to encourage their employees to give through payroll deductions). In addition, when tragedies happen, be it an earthquake somewhere or a family member of a stranger that we care about as fans of what they do, it's great to do that one time donation for a specific cause related to that event or that person.
  9. Ok, as I know no rap at all, is this a take on one of his father's or uncle's songs? I admit, I was hoping Griffin would stay on the practice squad but I assume if he's the first cut, that's unlikely. Not because he did anything, he hasn't done anything at all except get a bad penalty in a preseason game last year. But because he went to high school with my son. He didn't know him, but still was cool that someone at his school was on the Bills.
  10. I 100% disagree with this, or maybe that just depends on context (i.e. pro vs. youth). I spend a large amount of time volunteer reffing youth rec soccer and also paid reffing Club soccer. Have also reffed some lacrosse. Now I pretty much stick with volunteer rec. Parents and coaches can be unbelievable axxhxles. Really nice, normally calm people get completely worked up over a kids rec game. Coaches put in a heck of a lot of time, all volunteer in this rec league, but their emotions get the better of them. I've coached for years as well and admit I've crossed the line a couple of times as well. I also am in charge of referee instruction for my local area. I used to put up with the crap that parents or coaches give but then I noticed that this is why we lose referees. They just don't want to give their time when parents can be such jerks. Yes, we make mistakes. Some of the refs are not very good at all. Even the best of us have some bad games and none has ever reffed a perfect game. Now I don't put up with any bull whatsoever. As soon as I hear criticism, I shut it down, partially so the next referee doesn't have to deal with that. Virtually any call I make (or don't make), half the people will think it's wrong. If I call a foul, it's either ticky tack, not as bad as the other team has been doing, or should have had at least a yellow card. If I give a yellow card, one side thinks it wasn't deserving while the other says it should have been an automatic red card. And yet, I go back and will spend another 6 to 8 hours the next Saturday and Sunday doing it all again!
  11. I'm having no issues withe the app. Used it yesterday and it on right now listening to Josh's interview.
  12. Very sorry for your loss. If you're willing to break them up, I'm looking for one ticket. I'm going with my brother but was hoping to take my 98 year old father with us. Please PM me or text me at 949-923-7242.
  13. I have a ticket but want to bring my father who turns 98 in two weeks. If you have one extra ticket, please text me at 949-923-7242.
  14. Up until a few days ago, I could click on links and read the story without having a Twitter account. It seems now I'm always asked to log in or sign up. Are others seeing the same thing?
  15. There are signs clearly showing all around the fences, "No Videotaping Allowed." I don't see how they enforce if you're taping for your own use, but once you post online, credentialed or not, it seems they could come after you and bar you from ever attending camp.
  16. On WGR this morning Sal was asked about the possibility of Crowder being cut. He said that Bean commented that the top 53 would put them over the cap. So, he was speculating that based on where they are now Crowder could be a casualty if he doesn't turn it around soon. Not sure that I buy it as they can do other things to free up cap space. That being said, I see many say cut Kumerow instead of Crowder. If Crowder is behind McKenzie, Austin, Shakir as the number four slot receiver whereas Kumerow is one of the key special teams players and the number 3 (?) outside receiver, I don't see them keeping Crowder over Kumerow. Especially if Cook gets may of the touches that the slot receiver has gotten the last couple of years.
  17. Pretty sure I heard on WGR that media will be there but no public.
  18. Went to camp today, took my father who turns 98 in 3 weeks. Was a little scared if it would be too hard for him, he reluctantly brought his cane with him when I insisted. We had no problems at all. Leaving one of the staff offered us a ride to the front but he refused. Then we were in the back of a long line to get on a bus but he refused. That time I insisted, he said "No, that's ok, I can wait." I said, "Thank you, yes, please take us to the front of the line to get on the bus." Then, a nice person in the front row sitting across from her husband and young son said, "Take their seat, they can walk to the back of the bus." Although my father insists on independence and that he can do whatever, I very much appreciate not having to make sure he doesn't trip while walking through a bus. I think it four years ago or so he tripped on one of the rubber things that cover the power cords going to WGR's tent. He was looking at the tent and didn't see the rubber thing, tripped, hit his head and hand on the ground and had a cut on his head. It was a bummer way to start the session. And, I have four tickets to next Saturday's practice and can't make it. First one to PM me I'll give them to. Of course, I've never used PM here, so not convinced I'll even see the response.
  19. I'd put him way ahead of Bledsoe. Yes, Bledsoe had half a season of greatness before everyone realized, "Wait, he's the same statue that will hold the ball until he either has a huge play or gets sacked that used to play in New England." I'd also put him behind Fitz but I'm less sure of that. Tyrod made great plays with his legs and did make many excellent passes, it just seemed he didn't trust throwing if the receiver wasn't totally open.
  20. Mistake leaving birth of a child to luck. My son was due opening weekend in 2001, I think his due date was Friday 9/7, opening game for the Bills was 9/9 and of course two days later 9/11 happened. I wanted no chance of missing the opener being stuck in the hospital so we had a planned C-section on 8/31. Yes, my wife, even not being a football fan, is a great sport!
  21. Interesting topic for the offseason. I in no way see Barry Sanders being anywhere near the top for the NFL. For most fun to watch, very possibly, but not as most dominant player of all time. He wasn't even the consensus most dominant RB of his era as discussions always included Emmitt Smith and Thurman Thomas. Thurman was always mentioned as the "best all around back" because of his receiving skills and blocking skills but was rarely called the best rusher. Barry had incredible moves but always led to either huge gains or being stopped for a loss (I still remember him getting the ball at the goal line against the Bills and being tackled for a safety). His moves where great but didn't have the power of Jim Brown (he was before my time but saw many clips of his) and OJ. OJ was incredible to watch. Once he made it past the first tackle he very frequently was gone. From the OP, the discussion is most dominant player. While impossible to compare eras, as he brought up, you can certainly compare to their peers of the same time. As others have said, football being such a team sport it's really hard to pick but I'd have to say it would be Jim Brown or OJ. For both of them there was no comparison to others at the time and while everyone knew what the play was (I'm assuming this to be true of Brown, it was absolutely true for OJ), they still were incredible. For those saying the baseball was different when Babe was setting records, again when comparing to his contemporaries, he blew everyone else away. Comparing eras is next to impossible as are "what ifs". Here's a good article from Bleacher Report mentioning him as a dominant slugger, pure hitter, runner, fielder, and pitcher. It also mentions in passing that he was far more dominant in baseball than Wilt, Pele, or Gretzky were in their sports https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1508392-major-league-baseball-the-case-for-babe-ruth-as-the-best-ever
  22. I read an article a few months ago that the dispensaries in CA are complaining that due to the high taxes they can't compete with the illegal pot sales.
  23. Johnson City is just West of Binghamton, much closer to Scranton PA than to Albany. Binghamton/Johnson City/Endicott are called the Triple Cities.
  24. They just gave the top 5. Pat had the Bills at 3, Jim at 4. Both had Detroit at 5. Jim had NO at 3 Pat had them at 4. Both had the Eagles at 2 and KC at 1. They haven't done the Jerks yet but they have the Fish at 17 and Cheatriots at 15, tied with the Bills.
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