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Everything posted by simpleman

  1. BING BING BING! This is exactly what I was thinking when I made the post. Terry as the owner and Kelly as the front man. But don't think the other NFL owners would go for it, sadly.
  2. I like your thinking on this,lol.
  3. What a horrible idea, another wildcat QB, when the wildcat is no longer even an effective gadget play. No more pretenders, we need potential franchise QB talent, which Tebow is not. We already have one too many former Jets wildcat QB players.
  4. I say we have a contest and design custom bags for each of the players and the coaches, not the fans. And require them to wear them, they are the ones that have earned and deserve the right to wear them. We could put their names and numbers on them and design them to fit their individual accomplishments, efforts, skills and aptitude. Just imagine the great designs we fans could create for them in glorious Bills colors, lol! The way I feel after seeing them play, I need my bag for other things :sick:
  5. If you want the taxpayers to waste 2 Billion on building this ( by the time the cost overuns and public infrastructure are added in) to keep the Bill's here in WNY, just cut out the middle man and give the new buyers of the BIll's 2 Billion in "tax incentives" to keep the team here. It would be a lot more direct and effective than building it and hoping it will sway the new owners to stay.
  6. This defines such advice. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
  7. Exactly, it seems the only ones suffering about, or losing sleep over the terrible effort and product this team is, are the fans. Not the ones who actually have a say in the game. The players, the management, the coaches, have no pride or remorse over their lack of effort, They just collect their fat paychecks and don't even care about giving 100% only just 16 times a year to justify their paychecks. As someone else said, it wouldn't be so bad seeing them constantly loosing, if they were still simply a bunch of marginally talented overachievers getting beaten up by others of superior ability and talent. Now the raw talent is there, but there just is an obvious absence of fire and effort, a management unwilling to provide ALL the necessary pieces, and a coaching staff unwilling and unable to properly focus that talent and ability. Everyone is just going through the motions with the minimum possible effort.
  8. I know i have been slammed for such statements before, but i have always stated that if a team actually put the effort into giving him the coaching treatment like they tried with Fritz this year on his mechanics with special personal training, he could become a superstar. Unlike Fritz, he has all the raw talent he needs. As much as we all personally like Fritz, he just does not have the raw talent to develop like MK does, no matter how much lipstick you put on that pig. He just needs some individual special training to develop better ball skills. He already can stay with the best WRs in the league, step for step. Imagine what he might be capable of with great specialized coaching.
  9. Has anyone heard how he is recovering, any possible return date?
  10. Sadly, from past experience I doubt any of us amateurs could do much worse for the team than the so called "pros ". Not an endorsement of we amateurs, but an indictment of the "pros" in Buffalo since the end of the Kelly era.
  11. Unfortunately the only way we will see improvement is if we have a new owner. The front office will not change till that happens. They set the tone and choose the GM and the coaches. They have consistently proven themselves to be incompetent. We have seen the results for many years. But sadly since that won't happen, I just wish if we get new coaches, they would stay with the players they have and build on them. Stay with the 4-3, since we currently have the players for it. Please, NO more lengthy rebuilding again. Simply continue on next year, getting a real QB, better LBs, and decent WRs through FA and the draft. We just need quality coaches that know how to motivate, create discipline, are able to create practical schemes, and know how to adjust during the game. Our coaches are dinosaurs that time has left behind. After a season with REAL coaches, only then could they properly evaluate the players we have, and decide who stays and who goes. With the incompetent coaching they have been exposed to so far, it is hard to really tell what the individual players are capable of, or not capable of.
  12. Unfortunately, this is the reality. This ownership and front office will never give the area a winning team. Sadly, new ownership will build that winning team, but it won't be here..
  13. To Wilson - Please sell the team to the Kelly consortium at a fair profit, and reward the long suffering area fans for all the years your business decisions have punished them.
  14. Well we are in real trouble if only a Harvard grad can learn it. The only ones that seem confused by our huge and complicated playbook are our own players. I don't see much confusion in the opposing players defensive players. Isn't the idea of a complicated offense suppose to confuse the opponent, not your own players? Yeah, Chan is an offensive genius alright!
  15. Sadly, nothing will change in Buffalo until we have serious ownership changes. 1.) If the Bills stay in Buffalo, and that is a HUGE if, there will be hope. 2.) The 2nd huge if will be if Jim Kelly can actually put together a ownership group to buy the team. If he can bring in the investors and be the front man, there is a bright future ahead for the Bills fan. A quality front office team of entirely new people who are actually committed to a winning team and who care about winning and about pride, as well as making lots of money, could take the current talent and build an exciting team. The top coaches and FA would actually consider joining the team under those circumstances. Otherwise we will continue to endure bottom of the barrel coaches, continue to sign only greedy take the money and laugh at the fans FA who don't have any pride or fire, just greed and continue dumpster diving for castoffs from other teams.
  16. i agree. It is time for Wannstedt to GO ! NOW!! Anyone can run the base defenses he runs. This needs to be a message to the players. Your coach is gone, and you are next if you won't even bother trying. It was a total lack of effort and intensity by the defensive players that was most upsetting today. If they can't motivate themselves, we need to get someone who can push them HARD to force them to do their jobs. They deserve daily sprint punishment for a couple of days to remind them that they are paid for performance, not just to show up on game day. We need a harda** coach that does not allow laziness, and can adapt to the flow of the game. Any assistant defensive coach can do as good a job as Wanny has. Our defense needs to take chances the next two games to even have a chance to just appear competitive with the level of competition we are facing.
  17. Run, Run and Run some more, use the passes just enough to keep the D honest. Use our strenghts instead of playing with our weaknesses, the QB and anyone after our 1st WR.
  18. Okay now I am confused. Who is right? Can QBs be switched out like other players at other positons as often as the coach wants during the game?
  19. It could work, but it could not be auto based. It would require an upgrade in the passenger rail line and the temporary allocation of a high speed passenger train(s). Also high speed hydrofoil service between the two cities would not require much cost in facilities, just a tempory allocation of a few hydrofoils to the area. Forget spending money on things like roads and bridges for this. Mass transit is the solution, a stop in Buffalo to connect to the existing subway system and non stop high speed rail to connect to the Toronto system. It could work fanatastically, but the problem is could the politicians we have put their self interest and egos aside to work together? Very questionable. As someone said this is the WORLD Olympics, so passports are a non issue. Two passenger transfer stations would have to be built, one on either side if it is a combined rail / port facility) . And we would be left with a great passenger rail connection between Toronto and Buffalo after the Olympics, which could be great for the region. If the rail went through the Falls area, it could be great for the future if someone built a station there after the Olympics were over. Afterwards, the line could still be high speed, even if the more expensive and super fast trains were no longer here.
  20. Hope H2 has to eat crow. It would mean we scored a base hit. I know I also would be happy to have to eat crow about our 3rd round pick.
  21. No, QB is our number 1 need right now. The need for a WR will be determined once the season starts, we have a lot of options to see how that position shakes out as the season moves forward. Our LB position is highly questionable right now. I just don't see management as being very interested in the TE position, no matter what we fans might think. For now, the positional needs seem fine.
  22. After reading this again I definitely see the advantages of "The Buffalo Stampede". As someone mentioned, imagine home games and the team showing images of an animated Buffalo Stampede on the big screen, interchanged with flashes of images of opposing QBs being violently flattened by defensemen, with the word" Stampede!" flashing and filling the screen. The 3 images speed up in their interchange, and the word "Stampede!" continues being on the screen longer and longer, until the Screen is rapidly flashing "Stampede!", "Stampede!", "Stampede! ". The stadium full of fans screaming in unison with the word "Stampede!" flashing on the screen, calling for the defense to squash the QB. During third downs and obvious end zone passing situations, imagine the physiological effect it would have on opposing QBs. The screen and the stadium echoing and thundering with the chat "Stampede!", "Stampede!", "Stampede!" as the fans are at fever pitch. Bet the QBs would get pretty twitchy thinking about getting pancaked, besides not being able to communicate over the roar of the frenzied crowd. And the national media would love it and rave about it.
  23. gotta say of the ones so far I like the "Buffalo Stampede" or "Legion of Doom" the best.
  24. This does not shock me. I have posted a number of times questioning why NFL teams don't hire specialists just for particular players that they drafted high and pay large salaries for, when they seem to have the talent and skills but they under-perform. Seems like a relatively small investment to make before you write off the player as a washout and a disappointment. The Maybin's and those like McKelvin who have so much promise but just can't seem take it to the next level. It seems so obvious from a business perspective, but does not seem to be done very often.
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