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Everything posted by simpleman

  1. Even we "realists" need to have a little hope that there is another Hughes out there to be discovered by the Bills. We don't expect them to become pro bowlers like the Kool-aide drinkers might, but we hope they can become real positive contributors to the Bills having a chance at post season play sometime in our lifetimes..That is why we read this board, for info like this to keep our eyes open and heads up on what "background" players to watch during the preseason.
  2. Tell that to the large number of posters here who always mention hosting a Superbowl as a reason to build a new stadium in the city. The article also mentions the NFL dangling the reward of the opportunity to host a Superbowl to those communities that pay to build new stadiums. That is the NFL.
  3. I almost posted this link. I think most miss the real purpose of this article. Dispelling the myth that the Superbowl will be an economic boost to the economy. It shows that the cost of hosting a Superbowl actually out-weigh the economic benefits. As do all publicly funded NFL sports football stadiums. The only real boost to the community is an ego boost. The average fan is not the market of the NFL is shooting for in person at the Superbowl. only the corporate and high income players. The rest of us are just suppose to view the commercials on TV and dream. Forget the fact that Buffalo does not have the other infrastructure or the weather for a winter Superbowl. The fact is that the economic benefit to the area that hosts a Superbowl exceeds the costs and the negatives. All the propaganda about the economic boost of the Superbowl is Bull and fuzzy math. For the fan it may be about the sport and the game. For the NFL and businesses promoting the areas hosting a Superbowl, it is how can I get an advantage by making someone else pay for the costs while they get the benefits.
  4. Behind the scenes at One Bills Drive: Brainstorming session with ownership and upper level management. Pegula - We have not made the playoffs since the last century. We currently hold the NFL record for consecutive seasons of futility. We need to end it this year. How do we accomplish it? Get a better QB? Groans heard around the room. Fix the dumpster fire on the right side of the OL? Sound of someone being escorted out of the building. Get a quality WR to compliment Sammy and lessen double coverage of him? Sound of someone being gagged. Hire a coaching staff that tries to design our game strategy based on the skills and strengths of the players we have, rather than make them fit a generic predetermined strategy? Brief violent scuffle, sound of someone being stuffed in the dumpster outside the building. Draft smarter? Another individual is escorted out of the building. Pegula - It’s so hard to win when the reporters keep demoralizing our players. Applause! Clapping! Let’s hire a hit man to get rid of those traitorous reporters. Pegula - Nice idea, but we might get caught. SB- Let’s make such ridiculous restrictions on reporters that any reputable reporter with any integrity would not be able to follow them. That way the only reporters left following us will be our cheer-leading lapdogs. Loud Spontaneous Applause. Chants of Super Bowl ! Super Bowl! Super Bowl! SUPER BOWL! Pegula – Make it so!
  5. Well said and very accurate! Their zeal approaches a religious level. Like the members of the Church of Scientology cult's reaction to nonbelievers. If you are not a practicing member of the Holy Church of Pegula, you are obviously an evil Satanist who needs to be cut down.
  6. As a single guy who can do more than just look, I prefer available women who do, over just good looking. Looks are not everything, attitude and availability are a key for a fun night and a nice brunch in the morning.
  7. Since the Op was slamming all those who question the Bills management, I take the whole point of this thread as about blaming others because they question the actions of management, even when management actually is the one who fed bull about the health of players. Who drafted a player other teams stayed away from because of the risks. If management had actually been honest with the fans and said, we took a risk, but felt it was worth it up front at the time of the draft, it would have been different. They didn't. They fed us bull. The OP slammed those that don't swallow bull without question. Who don't like having their intelligence being insulted.Who question the decisions that are wrong. There are fanboys who think that to be a fan, you have to be a subservient drone who laps up the drivel you are are fed unquestioningly. Fine, they can be that way, just don't insult those who don't follow your beliefs. Using the political reference as a title brought up the fact that Nixon/Agnew blamed others that called them out their for bull and their deceit. They did not admit their own actions were the cause of their downfall. Blaming fans who call out the Bills management for their bad decisions, spin and deceit is exactly what the politicians did. Rather than say "we were wrong, we will try to do better". The OP defended the management actions by insulting those that were deceived and who had every right to feel insulted by managements action and attitude. And in this case as in with Nixon, I always believe where there is smoke, there is probably fire. Ask yourself, when did Ford pardon Nixon? Was it not soon after Nixon resigned? It obviously was a pre-planned action agreed to before Nixon resigned, part of an agreement Nixon made before he agreed to resign. Since a pardon could not undo his resignation, and he could not be impeached if he already was out of office, what purpose could his pardon have? The only purpose it could serve was to protect him from criminal prosecution. Obviously Nixon was so concerned about the possibility of facing criminal prosecution that he made it a prerequisite agreement before he would agree to resign. Logic states Nixon feared criminal prosecution and was seriously threatened by it. He wanted to avoid it. https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2209&dat=19751020&id=UZJKAAAAIBAJ&sjid=gpQMAAAAIBAJ&pg=3841,2436810&hl=en Quote about pardon by Watergate trial prosecutor (off topic of football but in response, so avoid if you are only about football) This whole thread is about blaming the detractors instead of honestly accepting the blame and the negative consequences for your own actions. It is about spin. And the spin was Nixon wanted to avoid embarrassment of impeachment, but his pardon proves to me his real concern was avoiding criminal prosecution. You can choose to accept spin of Bills management like the OP, I do not. Black & white. Just don't insult and blame those that don't.
  8. Ahh! A post title taken from a quote from the biggest loser in Presidential history. The only Vice President ever forced to resign as part of a plea deal to avoid prison time for bribery, tax evasion, fraud. Who would have become President if he had just not been such a criminal himself, since his Presidential partner was forced to resign to avoid criminal prosecution. A man considered the worst Vice President in history. A strange person to feel is quote worthy. But, considering both he and his crime mate also loudly and constantly blamed others for their negativity and not their own ineptitude and actions, it is rather an appropriate choice for the poster's topic.
  9. :thumbsup:
  10. Thanks for the info. I guess a great or even good QB coach is not an obvious designation, unless maybe the QBs they have worked with become great QBs and specifically mention them by name for their help at becoming great.
  11. Thank you for the link on Whitfield. Obviously his association was probably brief and I doubt he was the only one responsible for their success, but he has worked with a lot of talented QBs. So he does have a decent resume. Donovan McNabb, Ben Roethlisberger, Jameis Winston, Andrew Luck, Cam Newton
  12. Interesting question. I admit I don't know the history of George Whitfield or David Lee as far as successes in developing a winning NFL QB. I can see where they worked on a search, but not what QB they have developed. Can anyone tell me why Lee is considered a "good" coach? Who are his successes in the NFL? I know he has been with the Bills and the Jets the past few years, neither of which have had a star QB. His record? I can only think of EJ & Geno. I'm not slamming him, I'm asking the more knowledgeable here what his successes are VS his failures. Is there a reason he is considered better than Whitfield. Or is it simply because he is the QB coach of the Bills and if you want to play for the Bills you do what he says. And also why is the Jones step back considered a bad training technique used by Whitfield? I'm not arguing it, I'm asking why it is considered a bad technique?
  13. I really think we need to get a RT vet before training camp begins. I think a more possible target may be Anthony Davis. His health is an issue with his concussions driving him to retirement last year. His relationship with the 49ers is very sour. If he does come back, as he claims he wants to, I would give him an incentive laced contract which could pay him what he deserves if he can come back and be the RT we was before the injuries. Not a lot of guarentees since he is a gamble after retiring once. He was not a Joe Thomas, but still an elite RT. He is young and talented, health & determination are the huge issue with him. I'd say he is the best option at this point. Does anyone know if it is tampering to talk to an officially retired player? I realize he has to clear with the 49ers if he comes back, but can a team talk turkey with him before he officially comes back?
  14. I see Henderson's ceiling as a competent backup swing tackle. Not a starter. There is nothing wrong with being that, the problem is when a team counts on a player to be more than that player's ceiling.
  15. We will see if you are right. I will watch Cody Whitehair, Jason Spriggs, Germain Ifedi & Christian Westerman, all available to the Bills, and compare them to our first two picks as the season progresses and see if you are. Draft picks are always a gamble.
  16. Surprised about Wynn, do they say injury issue or just cap?
  17. Please don't kid. Your stressing me out all ready, LOL
  18. Ok Boater. I admit you are probably smarter on that account, LOL. I do want to thank Nanker, who did actually spend his valuable time to provide me with valuable information on using the board software. Thank You!
  19. I'm not going to fall into a discussion non germane to sports, but following 12 lines of valid text with an unprovoked personal attack on me as a member of the grammar police immediately set off the warning lights of the personality type I was dealing with. There is a known interrelationship of the personality traits of an individual who enjoys the role of being a member of grammar police and trollism. I was considering responding to your valid opinions and offerings and why I disagreed, but after that needless personal attack I realized the personality type I was dealing with. Let us not waste the board's time, or our own in doomed further attempts at intelligent conversations.
  20. As someone mentioned above. You basically have a great left side effectively playing with one arm tied behind their back trying to cover the crappy right side. Imagine what that grade could have been if that left side didn't have to cover the pit on the right side. In the draft and FA management didn't do anything significant to help untie that hand and free up that left side to truly shine.The history of the Bills has shown over a decade and a half the results of dumpster diving, and exactly how well it works as a strategy to create a winning team. That same strategy is alive and well in management's efforts to staff the OL this year. Part of building an offense to run means you have to fully invest in a quality OL to succeed. Ask the Broncos, the Seahawks,the Panthers and the Chiefs how important they think it is to have a quality Left & RIGHT side of the OL.
  21. What is the average length of an NFL player's career? Exactly how many years should we give the slow bloomers to develop? I hope that Miller does miraculously develop, but the odds are not that good. For those who keep using development as an excuse, I wish they would grant us the statistics of what percent of players who went on to be in the top 50% percentage at their position who were not good at their position after their 2nd year. Or statistics on how those in the top 1/3 of those players at their position that were starters in their rookie year were after their first year, as a predictor of their chances of success/failure. Excluding the unique top skill position of QB, which is truly a whole different animal in complexity and learning. This is a perform now world, like it or not. An NFL player has just a few years to play at that level, it is his only job during that time. He darn well better be good at it. In the real world we don't get a year to be competent at our job and expect to keep it, and most of us don't get a quarter million a year to do our job. Do the good get better, and go on to be in the top 1/3 of their position? If the average NFL player only has 3 or 4 years to play at their position, should they get two years of poor performance grace for 1 good year and 1 year in decline before they are released? When I think of the late bloomers in the NFL who went on to become top 1/3 performers, I think of mostly exceptions rather than common occurrences. I could be wrong in my perception, and would be glad to be provided with statistics to show me I am wrong in my perception, rather than be tossed a few names that were possibly those exceptions.
  22. Please don't try to be a member of the grammar police. You may get arrested for "impersonating an officer". Quotes are used in the English language to attribute something written not unique to the writer. Also "Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences", according to many grammar sites. Since "the power of prayer" is a commonly used phase and not my creation, it was put in quotes. I am not a plagiarizer and attempt to attribute my sources. I don't claim to be a perfect writer, but in this case the quotes were properly used. For all the grammar police that inhabit this site maybe you should check out this article and see if it fits. http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a43468/stop-pointing-out-typos/
  23. Are you practicing to apply for the position of "Spinmaster" for Goodell? LOL
  24. As a fan I hope you are right about Miller. I respect your beliefs and your opinion. I want him to succeed. But my job is not to create a winning team. If it was my paying job I would not count on just "a hope & a prayer" to do my job to the best of my ability. I would have a plan B & C in place in case my prayers were not answered.
  25. A constructive answer would be to tell me how to add an image to "My Media" or how to add a table or image to a post which is not on the internet already, so it can be linked to. Or how to add a table using the TBD BB software. Not insult me. I'm sure others less experienced than some on the board might also like to know how. It could make the board more informative and civil. How about some constructive help from the more experienced posters instead of arrogance and insults?
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