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Everything posted by T.E.

  1. Jim Mora, Marty Schottenheimer, and Marvin Lewis agree. Let's just make the playoffs, guys!
  2. Will never happen. He would never allow it.
  3. Kelce would've caught that pass Kincaid dropped on 4th down.
  4. McDermott has got him so tense about turnovers that he's effectively neutered him.
  5. Allen is a better player in a vacuum, but his coaching staff is far inferior.
  6. McDermott picked our GM
  7. You know what was a real eye-opener? How they blitzed the house on our last offensive play, and blew it up immediately. Our current staff would've NEVER done that. We'd let Pat sit back there all day and find a receiver. We don't play to win. Relying on the run (playing it safe) in really crucial points in the game when we have Josh Allen. They did it in every game this postseason.
  8. The parallels are startling.
  9. Took the ball out of the hands of the best player in the league in every single game this playoffs. Congrats, though, Sean. The running game is admittedly great now. Doesn't really matter much now, but we can run!
  10. They went ultra conservative when they should've just let Josh throw. Get rid of the common denominator. Please.
  11. They blitz on a big defensive play. We would've let their QB have all day to complete the ball. ALL COACHING.
  12. Can't remember in my entire life seeing Two teams so equally matched.
  13. How about letting our best ***** player pass?
  14. There's this board's favorite coach! Going conservative as humanly possible with the best QB in football. Never even tried to move the ball down the field in that drive.
  15. They just refuse to go play action. They're prime for it!
  16. This is a defining drive for Josh Allen's career.
  17. Glad we didn't listen to the fans who wanted to bury Milano when he was just working the rust off.
  18. That was such a dumb decision. If you do go for two, at least don't call the most obvious play imaginable!
  19. I obviously love the guy, but he has looked a bit off the entire playoffs.
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