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Mantis Toboggan M.D

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  1. Nothing. Like I said in my post. The video was for your viewing pleasure. The players are competitive and they want to win. Out bursts are bound to happen to even the greats of Peyton Manning, and Tom Brady.
  2. You missed your own part when you said "wouldn't (and haven't)". Absolutes shouldn't be used in arguments.
  3. For your viewing pleasure of Peyton Manning chewing out Jeff Saturday.
  4. This may not be the best advice but this is what I did 3 years ago when I graduated. Do you have a monsters.com profile? dice.com? Linkedin profile? You need to get your name out there. When I graduated in 2009, economy wasn't so great, I literally went on those websites everyday and applied to jobs fitting my expertise from school. Job searching is frustrating, but takes persistence. Don't ever stop applying to jobs even after you hear back and have interviews secured. Having multiple interviews gives you the chance to leverage your offers.
  5. Personally I loved the Living Daylights and License to Kill. He was a pretty good Bond, just had a bad rap because of his appearance. He just looked like a criminal. After Golden Eye, Pierce didnt make a good Bond movie.
  6. I second this. I love laphroig. Probably my favorite single malt whiskey. Real nice smokey taste and goes down fairly easy.
  7. Youboty was very good while he was healthy. he was a very good tackler and was always near the ball to make a play. its unfortunate injuries stopped him from exceling with the bills. if he can stay healthy, i dont see why he cant be a starting CB in the league.
  8. Parcells last QB drafted was Chad Henne. Chad Henne is a joke.
  9. What? I'm a huge Michigan fan and I couldn't disagree more. Anything behind the line of scrimmage, or within 10 yards is a good pass with great velocity. Almost anything past 10 yards is overthrown by 5 yards. Terrible accuracy.
  10. No one mentioned Philip Rivers as a potential MVP candidate? If he manages to will his injured team into the playoffs by winning the AFC West I see no reason why he shouldn't be in the MVP race.
  11. They're letting this guy take over for the miami dolphins? I am quivering in my boots. http://www.miamidolphins.com/video?bcpid=585645507001&bclid=260803762001&bctid=673495700001 not.
  12. Who the hell is this shawn anderson character you speak of?
  13. I am a Big Ten fan. Michigan fan actually. And I will say I would not draft a single quarterback from this conference. Maybe if Tate Forcier was 6'4 and didnt play for Rich Rodriguez I would say he might be a decent quarterback. But other than that, every Big Ten quarterback is not NFL caliber. Not Pryor. not Stanzi. Not Ben Chapel. Nobody. I've seen about a handful of Andrew Luck, and if he were to come out for the draft this year, he would hands down be the player I would draft. I'm quite scared of all the quarterbacks in this years draft. I don't think any of them other than Andrew Luck are franchise quarterbacks.
  14. Not to mention the amount of times they put John Connor in motion so that Sanchez could read coverage before the play even started. Pretty good implementation.
  15. If Andrew Luck isn't coming out to this draft, I'm all for drafting a LT and then going after Andrew Luck the year after to solidify a line for him to play with. I think Andrew Luck is worth the wait.
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