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  1. I would love to know the specifics on the performance "conditions" for Stevie and Brown that will determine this pick.
  2. My confusion is what pick did we actually trade for him? It says a 4th rounder, but we traded our 4th rounder for Watkins, then got back a conditional 4th or 3rd rounder for Stevie. So is it the pick we just got back from Stevie?
  3. From what we had understood previously before the season started, our losses were: Levitre, Reinhard, and Kyle Moore. Each of these 3 were "qualified" losses. Our gains were Branch and and Lawson. That put us at a -1 in signings, thus eligible for a Comp. pick. HOWEVER, the Bears cut Kyle Moore in training camp on August 25. I think that makes him ineligible and brings us back to even. The rules in the link are as follows: 1. Lost players that are cut or not tendered as RFAs and ERFAs do not qualify. 2. Lost players that were picked up during the season the year before do not qualify. 3. Signed players that are released before midseason do not qualify. 4. Players earning low minimum salaries do not qualify. 5. Each player signed cancels out one player lost. 6. The round of the pick awarded is primarily determined by the annual value of the contract signed. Signed players cancel out lost players with equal contracts, then lower contracts, before canceling out higher contracts. Read more at http://www.philly.co...jZCVHRKyAW87.99 If those rules are correct, and they appear to be as the guy is pretty accurate, then it looks like we will get hosed out of a potentially good Comp. pick for Levitre. I think we would've got a 3rd or 4th. Oh well, we can only cross our fingers and hope. Bummer.
  4. We had a nice thread about this before the season started, and I thought we came to the conclusion that we should be -1 in signings, thus making us eligible for a Comp. pick. Here's the link to that thread, which had great info: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/158808-draft-compensation-pickslegursky-signing/?do=findComment&comment=2823728 What has changed that we are no longer expected to get one?
  5. Actually, wouldn't we have drafted 8th if we had lost to the Dolphins? That would have made our record 5-11, while the Vikings were 5-10-1. Our record at 5-11 would have been worse than 5-10-1, thus making us the 8th pick, I believe.
  6. Hopefully we have it correct on here in expecting us to be -1 in terms of signings that qualify. I believe that to be accurate. If so, the Levitre loss should be the one that we are rewarded for. If that's the case, we will end up with a 3rd or 4th. Hopefully a 3rd. That would be huge for us. Any time you can get picks in the first 3 Rounds, you should be able to get a starter-quality player, if not an important role player. That would give us 4 picks in the first 3 Rounds next year if we happen to get a 3rd Round Compensatory Pick for Levitre.
  7. Thank you so much for the responses. Don't forget that we lost Kyle Moore to the Bears to add to your lost and signed elsewhere list. I didn't know the rule about June 1. So essentially anyone we sign or lose that were Unrestricted Free Agents from here on out won't impact the Compensatory Picks? It sounds like those are in the books, we just have to wait to see what the league decides to award next March. I also didn't know Legursky was non-tendered by Pittsburgh, which would mean he automatically won't count against our signings as far as Compensatory Picks are concerned. As of now, I think we've got a strong case for a 3rd Round pick for Levitre--a 4th at worst.
  8. Just curious if anyone knows......how will the Doug Legursky signing impact next year's potential Draft Compensation picks? I know there are some of you out there who are somewhat resident experts on this subject. Before his signing, I felt like we had a strong case for a decent Compensation Pick, but I'm no expert. It seems some what trivial, but we're in the rebuilding stage, any help we can get with draft picks can help--especially if it's an end of the 3rd Round or 4th Round Compensation Pick. Thanks!
  9. I have long argued that holding should be a 5 yard penalty across the board. I never thought of making it different if it's a run or pass. I still say make it a 5 yard penalty across the board and take out more subjectivity. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks 10 yards is too stiff on a call that can be made every play. How many times do you see a team inside the 5 or 10 yardline trying to run it in and get called for a 10 yard holding penalty? Those are game-changing calls, and holding could be called every play.
  10. If Kyle Moore indeed is a Bear, that helps our numbers, correct? He wasn't a guy who we non-tendered if I remember correctly.
  11. Thanks for the clarification, NoSaint. Makes more sense to me now. Let's say we end up losing Spencer Johnson to a team and end up with more lost than gained. What pick do you think we'd get for Levitre? I think it would be a mid-rounder. Basically, I'm hoping Johnson gets picked up by someone, as I think he's the most likely player to get signed elsewhere. I guess Morrison has a shot, and then mayyyyybe McIntyre. Kyle Moore is intriguing, but hasn't seemed to draw much interest. I would Mingus resigning him.
  12. I figured if we ended up with a net of 0 free agents--the same amount lost vs. the number gained, we would get a decent pick for the loss of Levitre. I'm not expecting a 3rd rounder, but possibly a 5th or so due to his HUGE contract and how much he'll contribute with the Titans. Am I off base on this? If we somehow end up -1 in free agency--we lose more than we gain, I think we'll get at least a 4th rounder for him if not a 3rd.
  13. We signed Manny Lawson and Alan Branch as guys who weren't cut. They should both count against our potential compensatory picks for next year. Are Levitre and Reinhart the only two who we've lost that will count for us next year? If so, we would be evened out as signing two and losing two. However, we should be in a good spot to gain at least one extra pick, as Levitre far exceeds any of the guys we've signed. If we stand put on signings now, we should get something back. Do we have anyone else out there that was a free agent for us that if they sign elsewhere will give us a pick?
  14. So where do we "officially" stand as of now? Does anyone have a pretty good idea? I get somewhat confused with some of the rules on this, but some of you seem to have a good handle on the way it works. I've been wondering where we stand right now myself and if we have any other guys out there who played for us last year that if they sign elsewhere we can gain a pick for.
  15. What is the website that keeps track of all the opponent's winning percentage? I check it every year, but can't find it. I think it was on a fan site for Green Bay or New England. It's awesome because each week it compiles all the teams' strength of schedule, so when we're looking at draft position, we can just look at that and know where we're at. Does anyone know what site I'm talking about?
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