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Everything posted by poo

  1. Cool! I have no idea about the implications of a tie in that contest. Both teams would have fewer losses than the bills going 11-5-1. Maybe that would be the difference
  2. Buffalo Bills cannot earn the #1 seed. Even if Baltimore loses to San Fran, next weeks Baltimore vs Miami would be between two 11 win teams. If Miami loses Baltimore would have 12 wins. If Miami wins then Bills cannot catch them. I was curious and answered my own question
  3. Hahahaha, I had the same thought. The people's hands looked too real to be ai
  4. Bills lined Crocs and a bills truck ornament for the tree. Hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas holiday!
  5. It's almost crazy to ask but I'd heard the bills still have a 1% shot at the #1 seed. Does anyone know if there is a convoluted scenario to become the #1 seed?
  6. I feel you. Watching four super bowl failures as an impressionable young child takes its toll
  7. Merry Christmas to us all
  8. whoops I say go bills. forgive my late night slip of the post
  9. Patriots played themselves out of picking top two this week. I hope they win out and miss on the mega QBs in the draft
  10. Merry Christmas two bills drive! go bills
  11. go bills!
  12. Flank steak, roasted potato wedges with Dijon crema, steamed broccoli florets with Parmesan cheese, and sliced onions and garlic with beef stock in the steak pan. go bills!
  13. Love the work going into the updates for this thread. Also, the promises of more frequent updates two months ago🙃 But seriously, this is a great thread. Where we at Mr and/or Mrs @Big Turk?
  14. Seems he followed Staley to the bolts from the Rams. With Staley being fired maybe he wanted out? Classic Lawyer Milloy move would be to sign him and start him against LA tomorrow.
  15. Buffalo 28 Dallas 25
  16. this. pork shoulder, broccoli rabe and provolone is a perfectly acceptable alternate to the cheese steak. love the tommy dinics sammy
  17. bills are favored by 7.5 points over Denver. still getting respect but for how much longer with these losses?
  18. I'm a be in Ithaca Sunday morning at an Airbnb. I doubt we'll have NFL Network to watch at the house. Anyone recommend a bills bar/restaurant we could attend in the Ithaca area? Kid friendly would be a huge plus. Thanks family!
  19. I was there and thought it was the loudest I can recall. We're in 311 up row 35 way so it's us and the gulls basically but damn was it loud. I could feel the sound. Not just decibel level either, folks kept going back to it. Sometimes a big play will suck the energy out but it kept coming back. Well done everyone else who was there. It may have been louder when Hines returned that kickoff last year. I think we were all stunned to see it happening and then we all went nutso from Hines at the 50 yard line to the end of the shout song. Best atmosphere on Sunday since the perfect game against New England in the wild card round. Thanks to everyone who was there! Crowd was on point with the noise, friendly, and loving the beautiful day.
  20. Best interior offensive line since the wood and incognito days?
  21. they've had it like that for a few years. the jets fan house next door was done in reaction to bills house. I believe they enjoy their neighborly rivalry. Link to the D&C article
  22. If you're giving them away I'd happily take them. I'd donate them to the Westside Farmers Market. They had a free ticket giveaway to tomorrow's game and a bunch of people signed up to win two tickets. I could make a few.more winners that way
  23. It is a fine sport indeed. The big inning sounds pretty sweet.
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