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Everything posted by GelMibson

  1. Why pick on my good buddy Geno when you could be putting all the friggin ZIONISTS in their place? Geno, Dexter and myself are kindred spirits with 3 separate brains even though we think alike.
  2. The Marauding Canadians otherwise known as the "Village People"?
  3. F'n crouton eating Zionists is what they are.
  4. Ever since Moshe Pipek Augusta National has been a veritable hotbed of Zionists and their sympathizers. Jim Nantz is their leader. I think Dexter is wandering in the wilderness.
  5. Why so sensitive? Just busting your balls a little bit. Besides since you accused me of playing with Dexter in an unnatural way for an American, then I'm most likely a Canadian and obviously a fellow citizen. Do you really want to piss off 1/10th of your country that is literate? Now, more importantly, why are you arguing with a 14 year old? I hope it isn't one of your students. You are a teacher, right?
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Morali This was the founder of the band. Does he sound American? He sounds French Canadian to me. Anyway we don't have gay people here in the U.S., so the band must have been from Canada!
  7. Where do you think the Village People came from? Canada of course. There was the cowboy with the assless chaps, the Chief and the Mountie like guy. What does all this mean? If I'm going to be accused of playing with Dexter's JOHNSON then I must be Canadian. That's what it means. At least Dexter could tell when he was being jerked off.
  8. My work is done then.
  9. He was a balance to the evil ZIONISTS and helped our cause by giving the families of suicide bombers $25,000 each. Dexter, I hope you have my back on this.
  10. Friggin Zionist Dick Cheney Haliburtinstein!
  11. So what if he's gay? This is a free society and as long as it is between consenting adults it is ok by me. What's more important to me is his character. As long as he is supporting TRUE CONSERVATIVES and railing against the Treasonous Sub Human Bible Thumping Socialist Worst President in US History then he has my support. Regardless, I don't think he is gay. It is a known fact that most gays are jewish and he would be severely limiting his choice of partners in that case.
  12. You hit the nail right on the head with that post. Friggin "W", the jew loving liberal.
  13. I've seen estimates from 17-22%.
  14. Yes, but you forget that someone has to stand up to the ZIONISTS. If the US lets them have their way and continues to give them foreign aid then they will soon be our masters (if they already aren't). Dexter is just saying what most everybody is thinking.
  15. Why should they get to have special food? What makes them better than the rest of us?
  16. As someone who has only shown you the hand of friendship and understanding of our particular brand of dislike for the Zionists you aren't reciprocating. I've stuck up for you when you were accused of being an anti-semite. I've tried to explain your strong defense of AMERICA and all you do is smite that hand of friendship that is being offered. We need to stick together to convince people that we are the true conservatives, not that TREASONOUS "W" who sold our country out to ISRAEL. Together we can go forth and win the righteous war with the ZIONISTS!
  17. If you were a true American you wouldn't make fun of Dexter like that. He is our last line of defense against the ZIONISTS and TERRORISTS and is a true PATRIOT. If he says MOSES was a murderer when he came down from Mt Everest then MOSES was a MURDERER!
  18. You are brain dead and are guilty of TREASON. Any true PATRIOT would know that what I am saying is the TRUTH! You are a liberal disguised as a conservative but won't fight TERRORISM here in the US. Why don't you move to Israel and fight for the ZIONISTS?
  19. Those PARROTS and bird brain fake conservative don't understand the evils of Zionism like we do. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t92649/
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