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Everything posted by GelMibson

  1. How could you have any knowledge whatsoever concerning my degree of courage? You're an !@#$ for even saying that. If you aren't my "bed buddy" your MO is the same and your writing style is also the same. There are also some peculiarities that you display that are similar. Now, if you are looking for a "bed buddy" on this site you probably can find one. Do you look anything like Levi Johnston?
  2. So, what is it, I'm either someone lacking courage, or I'm a moth. Now we know moths have balls so I'm either not a moth or I am a moth, have balls and by extension have courage. No, we've never tangled on this site before but I have the feeling that your old screen name depicted a serial killer that I befriended and egged on until he got banned. Regardless, he was a real jerk, dumb as schit, demanding, stupid and liked to start crap. Anyway, if you are not him, I need to apologize, but to him, not you.
  3. You're dumber than a 3rd grader. I didn't say one thing about land, and furthermore, I didn't say I agreed with helping the Jews either. You just made that up and then accused me of something I didn't say. The free flow of oil is in our interest, dumbass. I don't want any part of their deserts and camel dung. Now let's talk about who Don Powlus really is. You've supposedly been a member here for over 2 years but never posted until a few days ago. Then you post up a storm and make it obvious that you've been at least lurking for quite some time. You're just another one of the banned posters that set up multiple accounts some time ago because you knew you'd probably get banned. You come on acting like a street thug but if you tried this **** in real life you'd be pissing your pants the first time anyone challenged you. I've got a pretty good idea who you are and I dealt with you pretty effectively in the past. Writing styles are pretty difficult to change.
  4. ZIONISTS are the problem over there. Those Acidic Jews don't belong there but why wouldn't the US protect its own interest in the Middle East. Why should they help the ARABS?
  5. Our fault? How about it being the ZIONISTS fault?
  6. http://www.haaretz.com/news/vandals-foul-palestinian-village-s-water-supply-1.150798
  7. That's one long life, even for a Turk.
  8. Who actually did kill Jesus?
  9. A christian rock band in Zionistville? Singing to a group of men in braids? Not likely.
  10. I didn't know that.
  11. Why would I care? And, what way do I presumably roll? Write much? (notice I placed a question mark after the question)
  12. And what do you mean by that?
  13. Nice transition from talking about religious terrorism to making it about "race, creeds and colors". The difference between all of those innocent people killed in Irag and Afghanistan has to do with intent. A lot of innocent people were killed in World War II by America and its allies. Were they terrorists? Right now a lot of innocent people are randomly being killed by people wearing suicide vests. Can you see the difference?
  14. Why is there so much outrage in the Islamic world over every perceived insult? An a-hole in Florida burns the Koran and Muslims half way around the world riot and kill UN troops. Iran burns the Bible and Christians say "that's stupid". That outrage, coupled with certain interpretations of Islamic teachings is what is causing the vast amount of terrorism in the world. Although there may be some Hindu terrorism, any Buddhist or Christian terrorism is virtually non existent. To clarify that further much more violent crime or terrorism is done in the name of Islam than in the name of all other religions put together. You act like Islamic terrorism is an isolated thing. It's not "a crazy group of killers" but a whole lot of crazy groups of killers. As long as good, peaceful Muslims keep telling themselves that it is just a select few and not speak out in outrage against these acts is as long as they will all be suspect by some.
  15. Yes, but we know all of those people (the ones that named their dog Peyote) moved to Canada and sired the next generation.
  16. http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/06/pat-condell-on-ground-zero-mosque-is-it-possible-to-be-astonished-but-not-surprised.html I don't know if this has been discussed here before but he does make some sense, but only if they would include synagogues too. Right Bruce Dickinson?
  17. I'm with ya Bruce. He should go back to where he belongs, just like all the jews should leave the Holy Land and go back to their original countries.
  18. Well, didn't they? It seems like the only ones that know that here are the departed Dexter, Joe_the_6_Pack and myself. Since Dexter left it's been lonely here but fortunately I've found real kinship with Joe.
  19. Laugh all you want but Joe is right (just like Dexter was). Israel is not our true friend and the jews should just go back to their original countries and leave the holy land to the Palestinians.
  20. Those damn Jews are always taking advantage of us. They should just go back to where they belong!
  21. I gotta tell you Hedd, you hit the nail on the head with every post you make. Pretty soon OC will be including your avatar in his avatar. Keep up the good work!
  22. The Gimp? Ouch! You may think I am aligned with those guys and maybe I am. I also could be another poster on this board who took it upon himself to cheer Dexter along and make sure he fully came out of his shell. You will never know.
  23. Yes, but it is not unnatural for me to have dinner at the "Y". I would guess that it is far more natural for western Canadians with your assless chaps to have dinner at the "I".
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