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Everything posted by JLO

  1. Bought it today, watching Empire right now. Its like visiting an old friend. Some changes i noticed were that they replaced the original holographic Emperor with the the one from Jedi and the prequels, extended some of the dialogue in that scene also to tie in with the prequels. Additionaly, the dubbed in Jango Fetts voice over the original Boba Fetts voice , not very happy with that. One thing i am happy with is that they took out that wussy scream Luke lets out as he's falling down the shaft in Cloud city, they had added that in when the special editions came out, fortunately the saw it went against the characters decision to accept his fate in that scene. Havent watched the others yet.
  2. Gitanas in Burbank. I dont go though cuz its too far. You cant go wrong with Hollywood Billiards on Hollywood Blvd by the 101. Used to go to Dublins on Sunset but they went out of business during the offseason. Gitana has a ton of TV's and theres a guy there that has Bills trivia for prizes.
  3. Happy Birthday SDS, Its mine also, 35 today. Just looked and saw were the same age, what a trip.
  4. When Michael Irvin first opened his trap on the pre-game.
  5. Ive noticed alot of my CD's seem to skip and my CD burner is very touchy about it and I waste alot of blank CD's. Im considering buying one of those Cd skip doctor devices. If anyone has used one of these with success or has any advice on this topic, it would surley be appreciated. Oh yeah, GO BILLS!!!
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