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Posts posted by JLO

  1. I believe that the Bills blew a lead in the Rams game, third of the season, one of the many times Tony Banks beat us. Johnson then won the first game of the season and the Wade Phillips era at home against San Francisco. Flutie came in early on in a game at Indy when Johnson went down in week 5.


    I remember watching that Rams game at a bar out here in L.A. and talking to this hot girl. turned out she was Wade Phillips' daughter. I told her that he wasnt the answer as the Bills coach

  2. I miss hockey very much and millions would care if it folded. Whoever started this post must work for ESPN because i swear since the lockout started, ive seen at least 5 ESPN reporters say thery dont miss it, did ESPN lose their NHL contract and are now trying to kill it? This sport is rich in tradition and history, itts been around alot longer than television. Hate to say it but i think its because its too white for everyone to enjoy it.

    If you're looking for a sport to kill: NASCAR

  3. For me it was toss-up between The Simpsons and the Family Guy. The Simpsons has the longevity but jumped-the-shark after the Phil Hartman tragedy. Basically i asked myself if both shows were on at the same time and could only watch one, Family Guy wins for more laughs, more pop-culture references per episode.


    King of the Hill is hit-and-miss, but the episode where Hank bought crack thinking it was fish bait was hilarious.


    Theres people out there watching Futurama?


    At least there is some sort of buffer zone in football... Hockey has boards (didn't stop the Bruin from chasing the beer dumping fan up the stairs 30 years ago!)




    Anyone remember that Sabres/Flyers game a few years ago when Lindy Ruff got hit with a cup, then grabbed a stick and started up into the stands?

  5. Two Words:  ****ing Awesome!!!!


    The idiots on ESPN right now are blaming it all on the fans but there wouldn't have been a brawl if Artest hadn't actually run into the stands apparently trying to fight the entire city of Detroit.  One drunk throws a beer at you?  Unless there was a glass bottle involved, I think that was a huge overreaction.


    I wouldnt be surprised if ESPN devotes a whole sportscenter to this. they know people r watching and love to exploit this kind of sh*t.

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