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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. Have to be careful if using the Bible. Remember, the Bible consists of two completely separate books. The Old Testament is the story of a culture, the Jews. It contains a lot of rules, called "The Law," that applied only to that group. The New Testament is the story of an individual, who fulfilled the law, and believers are no longer bound by Old Testament Jewish Law. The guidance in the New Testament is quite different.
  2. I never claimed to be an "expert." so to answer your question...Not right. Having read your views on this issue, along with the preposterous suggestion that we deploy a couple squadrons to the Ukraine as a "deterrence" to a Russian invasion, the proposal that the US establishing and maintaining a no fly zone over the Ukraine, and your recent suggestion that we grant them $100b in aid, you have no idea how little I care regarding how seriously you take me, or any other view you have on any subject.
  3. Apparently more than you. I'm sure most folks who flew tactical airplanes designed to fight in hostile lands received this information as you entered a new threat area. The first thing you go over is what they got, how they got it, and how much of a threat it represents. Here's what you don't seem to know, from evidence in your posts. The black market weapons market deals, other than small time stolen caches, are done through networks that buyers trust. I'm talking about large scale stuff, like what this guy was involved in, what the North Koreans do, and a host of other really bad people. These guys are not car dealers, only working for a specific label, as you foolishly suggest, and that because he is Russian, and you theorize, no doubt inaccurately, that there is no Russian stuff available for sale that he is probably harmless. A false premise followed by a foolish conclusion. Of course you have nothing to say about the effort, expense and danger of a multi continent sting to set up and effect his arrest in Thailand, or how the Russians tried to prevent his delivery to American hands, as if the DEA doesn't care about their effort or this release. I'll bet they really, really do. This mindless allegiance to Biden really warps your judgement. We got hosed on this "deal," and everybody on earth knows it.
  4. Great response. The fact is that you know nothing about black market weapons sales, as is evident from your posts.
  5. How do you claim any knowledge to state that he has nothing to sell? There are huge amounts of weapons and other military supplies available all across the world, including the stuff the US left behind in Afghanistan. The US military has itself omitted that it has not been able to track weapons provided once they leave Poland and get into Ukraine. I have no idea how you can make that statement.
  6. Not that I care, but refusing to provide a catering service at somebody else's location is entirely different than refusing to serve them in your restaraunt and making that decision very close to the time of the reservation, claiming you were concerned about the safety of your wait staff. Give me a break.
  7. When Tom Brady crosses the white line, he's going to be an ***hole.
  8. Here's some interesting information. First on an inventory note, I was watching the CEO of Raytheon on CNBC the other day and he mentioned that in the first ten months of this war, Ukraine had gone through ten years of Javelin production and fifteen years of Stinger production. Obviously, we need to get those, or replacements back up to acceptable inventories. Next. In Mar 2008, Russia invaded Georgia. Price of oil at the time was $125/barrel. In Feb 2014, Russia invades Crimea. Price of oil at the time was $103/barrel. In Feb 2022 Russia invades Ukraine. Price of oil at the time was $93/barrel. From January or2017 until January of 21, the price of oil averaged between $40 and $60/barrel. Russia invaded nobody. Seems patently obvious to me that Putin only invades when he can fund it with oil sales. EU and UK have spent $29 billion on Russian oil since the invasion. EU and UK have donated $28 billion in arms/aid to Ukraine. Great strategy. Check this chart for oil prices from Nov of 2020 until March of 2021. Oil-Nov 2020 until March 2021 I wonder what happened in that time period to facilitate the rise?
  9. Just an observation. Remember in the not too distant past when judgements were rendered in this forum based on nothing other than if Putin would approve the opinion/action was ill advised and anti American? I do, and I thought it was an incredibly foolish criteria, always puked out by one individual. Well......notice that is curiously "missing" here.
  10. This is nonsense. I never expressed anything relating to not getting her out. If she was my daughter she wouldn't be bringing illegal drugs into a country that is known for this kind of crap, just as she wouldn't visit North Korea. I couldn't care less about this, but it is undeniably a grossly disproportionate exchange, as always.
  11. Both. Whelan and his family's pleas' have been in the news for months. Bout's conviction was highly publicized. It would be interesting to see how DEA folks think about this, as he was perused by them for years and finally caught in a sting in Thailand. Lots of time. Lots of money. Probably lots of risk spent on this guy who was perfectly willing to sell SAMS to whoever wanted them to shoot down airliners.
  12. I'm not sure who you mean by "you guys," but I knew exactly who he was and his resume. Either way, the value of well known US citizens as hostages goes up yet again.
  13. I've operated a business in South America, and I can state without reservation that there a massive impediments that don't exist in the US. Further, the "ambitious" people I established friendships with talked about it and dealt with it all the time. Eventually, it just got too hard.
  14. Of course it will, and probably get more dangerous for a number of reasons.
  15. I don't do homework assignments. There is a lot of print about this guy involved all over the world. Either way, the thought that the current situation somehow limits international arms dealers is a preposterous premise. Russian/Soviet and US crap is all over the world, and in the hands of nefarious individuals, and I'm quite certain the international, clandestine arms market is still functioning quite well.
  16. I don't what what the current value of Russian weaponry has to do with this guy. Hi is an international arms trafficker, willing to sell anything to anybody. These types of merchants of death have no borders and no exclusivity to certain nation's arms.
  17. One thing I've noticed about those countries, and though no expert I've been to Stockholm many times. is that they have a very homogeneous population up until now. Nowhere near the cultural diversity that exists in Western European countries or the US.
  18. Clearly, Toyota is considering it. They just released a prototype hydrogen powered pickup/SUV. They already have car. Hydrogen powered Toyota pickup
  19. Weaken our military? 3400 servicemembers have been released over this. The vaccine doesn't stop transmission, and the value of this to very young people is limited. Retention and recruitment are bigger issues. It is time to end this.
  20. Eliminating this vaccine mandate is a really good idea.
  21. I'll use a quote from you in the "How much did you pay....." thread. From Chef Jim: "Thanks for the advice but I don’t need any advice." "
  22. Trump's comments regarding the Charlottesville events: "Speaking from the Diplomatic Reception Room in the White House Monday afternoon, Trump said plainly that “racism is evil” and that members of the Ku Klux Klan, neo Nazis and white supremacists are “repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans." https://time.com/4899813/donald-trump-charlottes-ville-remarks-transcript/ " The post the states that Trump really said, "There were very fine people on both sides, & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/17/fact-check-trump-quote-very-fine-people-charlottesville/5943239002/ My point is this: When Trump made the comment about good people on both sides, he was not talking about neo-Nazis or white supremacist's. He made that point twice. People uninterested in the truth continue to puke that out for political reasons, but it is absolutely false. The protest "two sides" were those who didn't want the Lee statue torn down, and those who did. There were certainly good people on both sides. What occurred was that right wing extremists from out of town showed up in town late week, and had an idiotic torch march through the UVA grounds. That action was despised by locals, so the fuse was set for the Sat event. THe guy who killed the young woman with his car, who was tried and convicted and sentenced to life here, was from Ohio. For bona fides, I live here and am very familiar with the events, all of them. In fact, on that Sat. morning, I was driving home and saw the entire group of lunatics in all their stupid hate-fit clothes as they gathered and staged for the protest on the County Office Building parking lot. I was among about a dozen cars stopped as the police allowed them to cross a major street to get to the protest site just prior to the incident. I remember getting home and telling my wife that after seeing these lunatics, that I had a very bad feeling about that afternoon. Either way, there were good people on both sides of the remove/don't remove the statue issue, and lunacy on a grand scale regarding other statues has ensued, but that's another story. Just to inoculate myself from those here who cannot resist making false claims of some imagined allegiance, I can't stand Trump. Never voted for him and never would, nor Biden or Clinton, by the way. My disdain for him began in 1989 when I became familiar with a forensic accounting report that came about during his attempt as a takeover of a company. It was then that I figured out how loose his operation played with accounting. He has a juvenile vocabulary and is incapable of speaking without needlessly being cruel, classless and unnecessarily angering reasonable people. He is also a gross exaggerator to the point of hilarity. Either way, in no way did he say there were "good people" in the white supremacist or neo nazi groups that day. That is a lie told so often people believe it, as happens with a lot of lies.
  23. Since you didn't answer the question I asked in quoting your post at * this morning, I'll ask again. Who did he say were "good people?"
  24. I would appreciate it if you would explain your claim here, with names.
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