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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. What year? Could be friends of mine. My best buddy in the Pacific Fleet Adversary Squadron was Curt Watson, who joined the Blues along with others from that pipeline. He was the guy who flew Tom Cruise, at the behest of Paramount studios, on an indoc flight that Cruise liked so much he agreed to do Topgun 1. Curt also spent a year with the Green Bay Packers, which I found out about under under surprising circumstances. On a WNY note, Mike Gershon, the Blue that died in a midair at the Niagara Falls 1985 airshow was a friend. Video available on youtube.
  2. Sourdough bread. Cioppino. Cliff House. USS Enterprise under the Golden Gate. My two sons. Such a damned shame.
  3. Not to cast stones here, but I don't think that region can produce top quality wines compared to other regions with longer growing seasons. I am not criticizing them, I just don't think it is possible, but being familiar with the work, I am happy they are successful. For bona fides. I have run a commercial vineyard on my property for seventeen years, and our 2017 grapes won a silver medal in the 2021 Virginia Governor's Cup. I have ultimate respect for the folks in that region who do what I do here. The whites require less growing season than the Bordeaux red I grow here, the odds are so stacked against them, and I would take a Virginia white at every choice.
  4. Was Diggs seen gesturing wildly towards Allen screaming he was open? That's what's important.
  5. You will not be disappointed if you read it. I read it because I wanted to go over the physics of the issue, and it was a subject I had forgotten. It is a fabulous book, complete with all the characters and a real time addressing of the issues; a novel with a huge scientific vein. No fiction.
  6. If anyone is interested in filling in the holes, the book "The Making of the Atomic Bomb," by Richard Rhodes will fill in all the blanks. A tremendous work, winner of the 1987 National Book Award. Incredibly interesting and well researched.
  7. That wasn't in Trump's power to do. It would have required Congressional approval, which was never in the cards.
  8. The "usual level of piss poor intelligence" predicted this with uncanny accuracy prior to the invasion. The proposal you suggest of "shock and awe" assumes the capability to do so, which didn't exist at the time, the result of years of NATO "allies" not living up to their promises/obligations. Of course the regality of facing a nuclear conflagration is not expressed in your suggestion, but certainly a reasonable assumption that has been thankfully avoided.
  9. Dated and married my wife in "The City." Two of three kids born there before we moved out. Met Mr. Bennett doing my other career and he gave me a hand note wishing my wife a happy anniversary. Impossible for me to hear that song and not think about what that city has become in the last ten years.
  10. I was at the Sherkston Quarry, (older WNY'ers will know), when they landed. Home for the TV coverage of the walk.
  11. Fifty four years ago today, at slightly after 4pm eastern, man landed on the moon. Neil Armstrong uttered one of the most famous quotes ever recorded: "Houston...Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." Still the most watched news event in US history. Plagued by system warnings in the descent, the 1202 and 1201 alarms, and repeated com breakups, some twenty something year old kid at mission control gave to go signal to continue with the alarms. Landed with about twenty seconds of fuel remaining. Simply amazing, and all done with total international exposure in real time, unlike the Soviet space program.
  12. It is simply inconceivable that any rational individual would consider this man capable of the office. We are in for an interesting 18 months, and not in a good way.
  13. No specifically related to this incident, bit the time between last OTA's and mandatory minicamp and then actual training camp is always a Crimestoppers period in the NFL. Its almost like they tell them to go out and do what you're going to do, and we'll sort it out at training camp.
  14. Which is why I posted the second sentence, stating that I don't support that. It's not only a bad idea, it's impossible if we ever hope to maintain any level of readiness that we are accustomed to. Our level of readiness is significantly diminished from where it was, but we absolutely have to have those volunteers.
  15. I wonder if the author of that piece was as forthcoming on "abandonment," when the C-17 left Afghanistan with people hanging on the landing gear. Maybe there will be an opinion piece on the Biden Administration's oft repeated approach to "people paying their fair share" in federal income tax or gun control now that his kid is a known abuser and non law abider in both issues.
  16. The logic here, which as presented by your post, is a compelling argument for not letting women of reproductive age into the military at all. I don't support that, due to need, but the logic is clear. I've done this as an officer. Solving issues with women in the military took up ten times more of my time than men.
  17. Totally agree with other. 20.....Robert James.
  18. Whenever anyone brings the Pope into the conversation, you'll lose me. As a twelve year beneficiary of Catholic education and upbringing, I am quite aware of the tenets of Catholic theology. The Papal office, Mary, and a few other things cause me to leave that faith for more consistent and supported theology. Biden has not only disregarded that view, he has stridently opposed it. Not my issue or care, but suggesting that the Pope likes him and that somehow excuses the contradiction between his activist views that are in direct conflict is not going to win the day, at least not for me. Biden always chooses the politically expedient. Religion doesn't matter. Popes have gotten along or at least coexisted with a lot of nasty folks.
  19. Their ruling is congruent with the Constitution, which is their mandate. Political popularity is another matter.
  20. I have no doubt that it will "remembered at the ballot box," but political outcome is not the purview of the Supreme Court. They have ruled that a Constitutional right didn't exist under a right to privacy. Others have chosen the political goal over their expressed religious affiliation. I can name a guy if you want. Chips fall.
  21. That's why it should be a state issue. The Supreme Court ruled accurately that there is no guarantee in the Constitution of the right to abortion based on a right to privacy issue. That's their mandate. Not on ruling on what is politically popular. Let the states do it with local involvement, as it should be.
  22. No. Flying a drone there would not be a problem.
  23. Perhaps. One of the reasons the Ukrainian counter offensive is so slow is because the Russians had an entire winter to prepare the battlefield, including mines, tank traps with indirect fire, and a host of other things to slow down an advance, Still, unexploded bomblets from cluster munitions are not hidden underground. They simply lay on the ground, clearly visible.
  24. Quick note to Human Rights Watch. All weapons are indiscriminate when they explode. The difference is who is using them, under what rules, what they are using, and how good they are at it. Stop wars and you end the problem.
  25. You have forgotten that she is a "historic figure. “I’m a historic figure and I certainly walk in history every day,” As someone else said, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln and Karine Jean-Pierre. At least she got further than the incredibly unqualified Biden Administration nominee for FAA Administrator, who never made through Senate confirmation hearings.
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