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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. I quoted your claim that Trump said the oft repeated lie that he was talking about neo Nazis or white supremacist's when claiming there were "good people on both sides..." He didn't, and he called the behavior of those two groups despicable twice in that answer. This lie gets repeated over and over on this site, and has been addressed in detail many times. As an aside, it is nonsense like that claim that empowers pro Trump folks to believe the disingenuous nature of these claims is intentional, and victimizes him. To your question which is unrelated to my quote, I have no interest in posting my views based on "extensive travels," unless it involves a situation I am quite familiar with. These "extensive travels" have taught me that is is idiotic to claim valid opinion based on tourist visits. In my mind you can't know a country until you have lived in the culture, and not really well until you have raised kids there.
  2. And the lie gets repeated again.
  3. Trump stated at a NATO meeting that if the other members did not provided funding to their agree to % of domestic GDP the US might just go it alone. At the time, and still, those countries, notably Canada, Germany, Italy and France, and many others, were not shouldering their share of the burden agreed to. Further, NATO is a formal and binding agreement that would require Congressional approval to withdraw from, so he didn't have the authority. In addition, Trump claimed in July of 2018 that the US's commitment to NATO was "very strong," and "remains very strong."
  4. Nope. Not at all. The "problem" to use your phrase is that the Dems don't like the Court's makeup, so slandering them is their usual game plan. Same old *****, predictable as hell, and never ends.
  5. He's under the same cloud that he's been under since he was nominate and confirmed. The cloud is that he's a conservative, constitutionalist jurist, and the left doesn't like him. Use existing law and impeach him. If not, shut up, and stop this idiotic nonsense that he is somehow corrupted, with no evidence to support such a claim.
  6. Not quite sure what you mean specifically here, but you'd have to change the Constitution to get him without impeachment. If you want to impeach him, get Congress to do it and provide evidence.
  7. Yet. Still. Nobody has ever challenged his "standards," or questioned his integrity. Could you be the first? Our Congress' people accept all manner of political donations and have become rich in office, with no reasonable explanation. Of course they can be voted out, but it is the reason we have people like Pelosi, Feinstein and a host of others way beyond their productivity age precisely because of political money that they leverage into life-long influence, not because they are "smart." If people want to go after Thomas, impeach him and provide evidence. If not, shut up.
  8. I believe this is a nonsense subject. His integrity has never been challenged in any legitimate argument, and the absolute idiocy of Congress playing the holier than thou card when accepting donations in all this, and far more, is scandalously hypocritical. A joke.
  9. Much preferred to live in St. Charles and visit when we wanted.
  10. The guy could write a novel in a song. The Wreck is one, If You Could Read My Mind and the less known "Don Quixote" are others. Musical arrangements aside, which are brilliant, his lyrics are beyond anything currently being produced.
  11. As harsh as it may seem, I think Netanyahu's comments are spot on. Anybody who has ever dealt with these people has come to understand that only way to stop this crap is to respond with deadly force. Ugly, but reality.
  12. One of the weird things about Putin is how utterly fearful he is of an assassination attempt. He uses various offices at different locations and has them outfitted the same way so it can't be identified from his video speeches where he is.
  13. Having done this, the exchange between the plumbing and the earth really affects efficiency. I'm sure you have very qualified contractors, but sand, while allowing movement between the loop and the earth, does not provide the most efficient heat transfer. We used rock powder, which is a more efficient transfer medium, but I'm sure your contractors know best.
  14. What you are describing is geothermal. We did that in our last home build. If the heat sink is largely rock, make sure that there is some exchange media between the "pluming" and the rock.
  15. No. We will not be as hyped, and that's a good thing. I got really tired of it after the LA Rams and Titans games. Let the media talk about the Jets and Dolphins. We should operate in the shadows.
  16. Thumbs up to all you guys who think this guy was special. Simply great, thoughtful music. Additional info that I'm sure you don't care to know. Total coincidence. The day before he died, April 30 was my wife and my 40th anniversary. I had donated to a local oldies station and they responded, asking me if I wanted any requests. I told them to play "Beautiful" in the time frame we would be driving to our dinner reservation. Sure enough they announced our first names and our anniversary while we were sitting at a traffic light, and played the song. The Mrs. thought it was pretty cool. Doing little things keeps a marriage alive. Regards.
  17. I really liked his music. Besides "Beautiful" and "The Wreck...." which are among my all time favorite songs, but he had many tunes that were not that well known that get the volume treatment if they come on a local oldies radio station. "Christian Island" is one: "She's a good old boat and she'll stay afloat Through the toughest gales and keep smiling But for one more day she would like to stay In the lee of Christian Island." I always like "Cotton Jenny" also.
  18. Carter was horrible. The attempt to re-write his legacy based on his post presidency life is ineffectual. He was a horrible Commander in Chief, resulting in a massive loss of talented officers, and an absolute debacle in actual military operations, which he ran, see Desert One. On a less life-lost argument, his silly post service claim to verify elections in foreign countries, Venezuela and Cuba specifically, is preposterous. The Secret Service had a lot to say about him, and not good.
  19. Regarding our industrial base, the ship building/repair facilities is a serious problem, especially as the Navy adds weight to the Pacific Fleet to counter Chinese expansion. F-22's are being retired. F-15's being replaced with newer F-15EX. Both Navy and Air Force are still evaluating designs for next generation air dominance fighter. The Navy's reliance on the F-18 platform in its' many designs and it's short legs continues to point to a serious organic tanker problem. So far, the Navy has responded to the problem with shorter flight time cycles which causes the carrier to be placed closer to dangerous weapons systems we have not shown an ability to defend against, ie., hypersonic missiles. As an aside regarding industrial capacity, in the recently gamed Taiwan conflict, the US ran out of its' more effective weapons, long range missiles and other "smart" munitions in two weeks. Not good.
  20. US officials should refuse any contact with Russian "journalists" until they release the Journal's Gershkovich.
  21. The issue is pretty grown up as well. Long term, Russia has exposed itself. Compose heap. The issue is whether China can form enough of a constituency to threaten the west. That has never happened, but short term, it can have massive economic and military consequences.
  22. Ever done business in China?
  23. Sadly, they've already got them.
  24. All true. The wildcard is that the Chinese Communist Party probably understands that there is a timeline. They have lots of long range problems and their advantage is best between now and 2027. I think that their best option, if they truly intend to takeover Taiwan, is to do it between a Republican Presidential victory in the 2024 election and the inauguration. If a Democrat victory they can wait a bit.
  25. Nope, but the current US stated position is that it would defend Taiwan against an invasion, so it makes sense to pre-emptively go after US' superior in range air power, so that was included in the scenario. The US has significant advantages in a number of areas, especially in submarine capability, but that isn't a game changer. The Chinese Navy is less capable, but huge, and has an incredible industrial base, ie replenishment, advantage. None of that includes what is unknown about cyber and satellite destruction/capability, but that is thought to be another significant component to Chinese capability and intent. It aint good.
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