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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. Ya. Kind of like the 1968 Buffalo Bills.
  2. "Going forward."
  3. "Having said that." (We know. We just heard you say that). Starting a sentence with "So."
  4. Never work here. Neither would Bernie.
  5. Redistribution is not the most important issue. Who determines the redistribution is. Look at the "happiest" nations of 2023. !. Finland 2. Denmark 3. Iceland 4. Israel 5. Netherlands 6. Sweden 7. Norway 8. Switzerland See a trend there? See the obvious? It is obvious that countries that have a higher degree of homogeneous populations are perceived as "happier." The US is incredibly non homogeneous and people don't like decisions about where the money goes being made by people they don't like, ie.,a despised Congress. Look at the incredible amount of success that US religious charity has enjoyed. Far more effective than gov programs Know why? Because it's decided to be targeted at known destinations. Humans, especially Americans, are remarkably generous at redistribution. They just can't stand that redistribution being decided by others, so when they lose the ability to decide, they oppose it.
  6. The picture was in response to cluster bombs being used as war criminal evidence. It was evidence of the US arming planes with them, so the caution was to be careful what you condemn.\ Never a Trump fan, Never voted for him and won't. Still.....He sure is better than Biden/Harris, an alarming and incompetent team.
  7. And a proclivity to constantly talk about it. "It" being you.
  8. Read the parable of the weeds. According to Jesus, it is foolish to allow man to judge others. Not good at it and bound to make mistakes. Not in our lane.
  9. So is there a "compare and contrast" documentary coming out comparing the Russian moon crash with this? Good couple days for gravity.
  10. Took a little longer than expected. Creative though.
  11. What? The plan to get the US out was in place, with other options if things changed. What he did was disgraceful, incredibly stupid, and then lied about.
  12. They don't, unless they achieve air superiority, and there is no current path to that now. The F-16 is not going to provide that. It will take years for that to become a change maker. This thing is a body grinding stalemate. The oversold counter offensive isn't going that well, and it takes multiples more munitions to be offensive rather than defensive.
  13. Correct on all counts. Been there many times, never disappointed, but they do hustle you out. It's my wife's go to place, so that endorsement worked for me. One word of caution; going up the "heat" scale on European food is a bit dangerous for US folks who ware used to more mild seasoning.
  14. Propane. I would have used nat gas, but not an option. I wouldn't worry about regulations. There would be a revolution if some law forced people to abandon a life saving power option when they are purchased for the singular purpose of reacting to a power outage.
  15. The place is great. The Asian food is really good. The pub is great as well. Big US airline crew spot, so the value is there. Again, I always trust the wife, and she loves it. Her favorite in London.
  16. Consider dinner at Churchill Arms in that area. A bit touristy, but good Asian food in an old pub setting, which is a bit odd. Wife loves it. Her favorited place.
  17. That is the unit I have, but I got it done for about 9k+. Don't remember the final number, but it was under 10. It isn't simply the generator. I have two 200amp transfer panels that connect the generator to the service panel. They are not cheap. As well, the unit needs fuel, whether nat gas or liquid propane, and that is a plumbing expense. There are ways to save money. I didn't pay a Generac contractor. I found a local guy who does these installs to do the generator and transfer panels, and got a separate guy to do the fuel supply plumbing. You don't need to pour a concrete pad. I leveled the ground, built a weather resistant rectangle, filled it with crushed stone, then leveled it and put 12x12 pavers on top. The generator is secure and level.
  18. Prodigious inflation, political turmoil and an unstable currency, but nice weather, great fishing and really cool Andes mountains.
  19. Spend ten years going through US Customs and Immigration at Miami International more than once per week in the morning when the South/Central American flights arrive. Talk to the folks who work there and you'll get a feel for this issue. It has absolutely noting to do with skin color.
  20. Simpson's eyes tell the tale. There are rare videos out that see into his helmet at his eyes. Those videos show his kinesthetic sense, which is the ability to read body language and move accordingly. When he got in space, his eyes were always on the next guy. He already had the first guy beat. Larry Byrd was similarly gifted. He could diagram every one of his team mates and the defenders on the way down the court. A singularly amazing athlete.
  21. No. It is required for pilots who are going operate in hostile countries, what we call "feet dry." It is not required for anti sub, transport, non search and rescue helicopters and others who would not go feet dry, ergo, not risk a POW thing. It has changed massively since I went through, especially with the admission of women into that profession, but it was a very unenjoyable, but very valuable experience.
  22. Does POW camp qualify? During SERE, (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) training, spent a couple days and nights in a POW camp. Shoved in a box, really cold. Interrogated a couple times. Got beat up a bit. Saw a few guys get water boarded. Really not fun.
  23. Buffalo on a Sunday home game is intense, but I have never seen anything like BA an hour before a World Cup game, except a night in Sao Paulo when Brasil won the Cup.
  24. I don't live in the Buffalo area anymore, but I did grow up there. I have spent hundreds of nights in Buenos Aires during my career, so I can contrast the two. First, Buffalo and US in general do not have anywhere near the public transport that BA has, so if you need to get around, you must find other means. As far as food, you must try the local sandwich, called "beef on weck." I have been to many of your beef places, and my comment would be that the best steaks in BA are great. Beef on weck is really good; good as the beef at La Cabrera, El Establo and New Brighton, but served quite more rare, and as a thinly cut layered sandwich in a much less formal atmosphere. The pizza in Buffalo is way better. The wine selection isn't nearly as good, but few places on earth are. The ability to do currency conversion is nearly non existent in Buffalo, so bring what you need. Do not buy US $ in Argentina, unless you "know someone," as the conversion rates will be much better here. Have that plan figured out before you come, but I expect the best way is to have enough incidental US cash, and do the rest on credit cards. Have fun.
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