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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. Not to speak for him, but I suggest that what he might have meant by the "Marxist " taking over occurred in 1998.
  2. I have no idea, and neither does anyone else on this site. The fact is that the man is an out of control maniac who seems to have no concern for civilian death as he attempts to create an impossible legacy. Those people are better off gone. Please don't extend this view to a conclusion that the US should do it. That point has not been made.
  3. Sounds a lot like eliminating an undeniable war criminal who has set his military on non combatant civilians, and engaged in many assassinations becasue they can't do it any other way.
  4. Either way, Putin is an individual whom the world would be much better without. He is a criminal in every sense, and a maniac who has to be stopped.
  5. Claim. Not say.....and I know. It's my own damn fault.
  6. Ya. That's a good one, but when I google Biden lies, I get a message that says " Google is denying your request, as we are not big enough." Mea Culpa.
  7. I have said repeatedly that I don't give a rat's about Trump. It is wacky the way people habitually attempt to diminish a pathological liar's repeated claims of history that never happened with some justification with someone else. The man is crazy. You asked me for evidence of his separation from reality and I provided it, citing many examples, some most recent, and if I cared to, I could do this for an entire day. He is a career liar. Period. Nothing to do with Trump or anyone else.
  8. Because I was only referring to recent lies, I didn't mention his grossly fabricated academic record. Three undergraduate degrees and finishing in the top half of his graduating law school class. Lied about his families history in the coal mines. His "great honor of being arrested on the streets of Soweto with our UN Ambassador trying to see Nelson Mandela." Lied about visiting Afghanistan to visit a "Naval Officer," which is my favorite because it is so bizarre. https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-tells-poignant-story-about-his-encounter-hank-berrien
  9. I hate to quote such a lengthy post to make such a simple point but......I don't give a rat's about Trump, and he has nothing to do with Biden's obvious, repeated separation from reality. His extremely minor kitchen fire, was which in no conceivable way nearly resulted in a loss of his wife cat or Corvette, in no human way comes close to what happened to the people he was addressing in Maui.
  10. His claim that he almost lost his wife, cat and Corvette in a housefire. Totally false. The details of a claim of a friendship and conversations with an Amtrak conductor. Totally false. The claim that he convinced Strom Thurmond to vote for the Civil Rights Act when he was 21. Totally false. The claim that his grandfather died in the same hospital weeks before he was born. Totally false. His claim of securing a Purple Heart for his Uncle Frank while Vice President. Probably false. I am not going to do a review of his plagiarism, which got him exposed during a failed attempt to run for president in 1988, or his ridiculously false claims about his academic record. The man has been lying and self aggrandizing for decades, and as his cognitive ability is in obvious decline, he simply has lost contact with reality. Late edit. I forgot to add his lying claim that he was not presented with an option from SecDef and Chairman JCS to leave a 2000 person contingent to protect the disgraceful evacuation of Afghanistan. He was, and he lied about it.
  11. Biden's problems are far more serious than pneumonia. The man is divorced from reality, and every week provides more evidence of this.
  12. I think it is a cultural thing. For bona fides, I did two years in a big brother program in Raleigh, NC. The kid I was pared with was an inner city kid and there was palpable hostility from the local men when they observed me pick the kid up. They were far more concerned, and spent far more time, hanging out with each other in athletic clothes that were were fare more expensive than what this 13 year old was provided. There was no sense of community regarding kids. I also did a couple years where I live now serving as a personal finance/budget instructor for a Christian group that serves the local inner city community and has been quite successful. I have never had a male attend. It would always be a number of inner city single mothers. Great group, but they were always without male support. My daughter in law is a fourth grade teacher who did two years in an inner city school before getting out into the county. Very bad view of inner city dads. Draw your onw conclusions, but mine is that they simply don't care, and are more interested in hanging out with their buds than in being male role models for their kids.
  13. More comfortable with the advice he seemingly received on in the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, and then lied about? I am really concerned that this next year is going to particularly dangerous because of this man.
  14. Nobody will ever suggest Trump is a skilled, considered, thoughtful speaker. But to keep giving this gross lie life is disingenuous, inexcusable, and frankly ignorant.
  15. No. The persistent, malignant lying about what he was talking about is deplorable, pointed out about a thousand times, and a simply inexcusable claim that he was ever talking about white supremacists, neo nazis or any other idiotic claim. He was talking about people on both sides of the statue issue. He made his views of white supremacists and neo nazis very clear in that chat, and more than once. To simply ignore those stated claims, from his mouth and in the same statement is deliberate lying.
  16. There are different interpretations when translated. They, and other scriptural content, argue against any establishment of how Catholics view the Pope. Clearly the history of "the Pope" is not one that indicates historical piety or credibility. The Reformation was the result of people revolting to capitalizing the papal position.
  17. Would. Nikki Haley Ron DeSantis Would Never Biden. Trump. Any other of the current Dem mentions. Strongly consider moving out of the country. Bernie Sanders. Kamala Harris
  18. No. The country does does not deserve that. But....This silly indictment a week from prosecutors seeking fame is a guaranteed strategy to empower him.
  19. No I shouldn't. He's in full blown martyr mode, and the more he is prosecuted the more it feeds him. He should be left alone, head into the sunset, and let the rest of the candidates seek the nomination.
  20. I don't give a rat's about Trump, but I think the votes he gets are more votes about the perception of an unfair, biased application of our legal system than any endorsement of him. Regarding the other stuff in your post, if you're not familiar with the FAA nominee, look up "Phil Washington Senate Hearings." Completely incompetent. Regarding the Sect of Trans., he is viewed as a fool by FAA employees and the airlines. Spent a lot of money and wasted a lot of time changing names to de-gender various things, but has achieved nothing.
  21. Examples of what? If you are asking for examples of untruths, there are scores, with repeated weekly additions. The man seems to suffer from confabulation, which is closely related to dementia related memory loss. Either way, the guy if off his rocker.
  22. There is no excuse, but there is a reason, and the reason is a silly attempt to appease the less moderate in his party. Useless and embarrassing VP. Comedic Press Secretary. Idiotic nomination for FAA Administrator who couldn't get through Senate hearings. Smug goof as Sect. of Transportation. There's more. I just don't want to spend the time.
  23. Couldn't agree more. His Admin was chaotic and he will not get the best talent ever again. I have no problem with his policy views, but the staff is just as important as the President.
  24. Your question is rhetorical, but I think such experience is invaluable. It takes a long time to understand the nuance of that issue, and dealing with the immediate issues re China, a lunatic in North Korea and what I think is incredibly important to be prepared for is an Israeli strike to prevent Iran from posing a nuclear threat. That issue is on the relatively near horizon. What gives me confidence is that I think the Republicans have a much deeper bench, and Younkin or any other candidate ex Trump would be able to access that. It is my opinion that Trump so toxic that any administration run by him would be unable to attract the best possible people. I think it is extremely important to be able to gather the best possible cabinet and staff.
  25. I like him a lot, but think he needs a bit more on his resume, so maybe in a subsequent election. I think governor is the best qualification for president, but he has nothing regarding foreign policy. Nikki Haley has both. Whatever he does after his gov term will tell.
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