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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. You exposes yourself as you post. I haven't said a thing about what Trump. That is your obsession. And for the fourth time, I have offered to prove my bona fides, and to donate money to your preferred charity if I am not truthful. No longer interested in doing that. By the way, regarding McCain, who was not well regarded in the community he served in the Navy, political career aside, he has nothing to do with this. I did fly with his son a number of times though, during his presidential run, so I'm kind of familiar with his Navy rep and beyond, so no comment, other than to point out an obvious red herring. I can't stand Trump, but I don't ever get offended by what he says. In fact, I don't pay attention. Not incongruous, just not obsessed or interested.
  2. No. You are the one calling into question people's patriotism, people who have demonstrated far more of it than you have or ever will. That's what makes you an undeniable idiot.
  3. You are an idiot. What makes it humorous is that you have no idea that you are an idiot. Calling people's patriotism into question makes it all the more obvious. No partisanship about it.
  4. Listen asshat. I spent seven and a half years as a Naval Aviator on active duty studying, planning, rehearsing, and ultimately teaching other fighter guys in ours and other militaries regarding defeating threats to this nation. After that four years in the Reserves. You questioning my or any others patriotism is an idiotic insult you are not qualified to make. It is not "all I have to say." It is what I choose to say, which does not include posting my thoughts on every issue in a forum like this, with a clear knucklehead like you you issues judgements on peoples patriotism based on some moronic calculus. Simply not interested. Posting in response to your ill-informed, juvenile view, which seems to be that if you don't hate Trump, which I do, renders one pro Putin and anti US would be a silly waste of time. So I almost never do.
  5. The term is "Commander in Chief." Unless, of course, Elizabeth Warren was President. Then it would be "Commander and Chief."
  6. The latest developments may have a huge impact on efficiency. Using a compound called perovskite, which allows capture of more of the light spectrum, companies are reporting 30% or more efficiency. It was thought that 29% was about the limit, and most are about 23. Still some testing required to test durability of these panels, as they seem to have a shorter lifespan, but the development is quite promising. Could be available in a couple years.
  7. Honestly, this has never been a serious issue. US debt rating has been AAA or AA+ forever. While it is possible, and likely to have an effect if this keeps occurring, it hasn't had any real effect to date.
  8. It goes far beyond illegals. Watch the Immigration lines at Miami International every morning when the South/Central America flights arrive. Scores of pregnant women on visas whose exit dates will never be enforced, knowing they will give birth on the US taxpayers dime, to kids that are guaranteed US citizenship. Watched it for years. Everybody knows about it, and nobody can do a thing.
  9. Unsolicited advice, but having travelled internationally for my entire career, it might help someone. Get a photocopy of the second page of your passport, the one with your picture and data on it, Store that copy away from your passport. If the passport is somehow misplaced, you can use the photocopy at Immigration on your return. I've never lost mine, but I've seen flight attendants lose theirs many times, and having that photocopy can save a massive hassle.
  10. Not better. They are both frightening, and we need to do better.
  11. Great, easy to watch game. Very little stress. My single most relevant observation is that we've got to get that Argentinian guy to come to all our games. Two games. Two blowouts. Muy Bueno!
  12. Aviation forecast at game time is for winds from the north at 12, gust 20 with light showers.
  13. Nowhere in that missive is there a statement that says he "wants him executed."
  14. He was a beneficiary of what happened prior. Inflation had been largely conquered. The Soviet Union had collapsed. His first term resulted in a horrible mid term election, resulting in him getting David Gergen on his staff to right the ship, which further resulted in him lessening Hillary's role. Military was significantly diminished and the significant growth of Islamic militancy was not adequately addressed, resulting in massive problems down the road. The problem with "judging" these guys is that other massively important issues, like geo-political events and the economy do not follow election timetables. It takes years and countless uncontrolled variables before performance can be considered.
  15. I'm not going to predict anything, but Iran is behind basically every bit of trouble in the middle east, and is directly responsible for many US deaths. Whether their younger less ideological youth can wrestle control from the ruling regime remains to be seen, but the country has a largely out of control group in their military, the Revolutionary Guard, and is pursuing nuclear weaponry. In my view, the Israelis will not allow that to happen. They don't have the current capability to strike it militarily, but there are other ways, and they are very good at using "other ways." That concerns me greatly, because I think the Iranian regime is close. I will absolutely endorse your view of the Saudis work ethic. When they purchased their F-15's after getting comfortable flying them they came to us for a air combat training week. As an adversary, I flew against them for five days. They were atrocious, and totally disinterested in learning how to fight the thing. The guys I flew against were far more interested in getting to the O Club than in using the airplane properly, and they had some very curious ideas about their place in the world.
  16. And all that is the direct result of an agile, creative, responsive private sector that has been responsible for more human advancement than any in history. It is not the result of our political system, which did cooperate. Almost always better when politics stays out of it, and simply gets out of the way.
  17. Just for historical accuracy, he was not disbarred. He lied under oath before a grand jury. He was suspended from practicing law in Arkansas for five years. He may have been disbarred from practicing before the US Supreme Court, but he resigned rather than face that. He also paid over $850,000 in the Paula Jones case.
  18. I watched this closely for a decade. I can opine, with no reasonable doubt, that the people storming our border from failed governments ae not adding to the issues you suggest.
  19. That serious discussion needs to start with a recognition of the basis of the problem. That basis is failed external governments that lead their citizens to escape. The US border is but a symptom. The cause is failed governments that are more than happy to use the US as a safety valve, and the US taxpayer to bear their internal failure burden.
  20. It wasn't quite that way. If airplanes were responding to communications, and their transponders were working, there was no threat. On the other hand, there was nearly instantaneous profiling done by the two companies involved. Type of airplane, transcon and another factor I'm not going to mention. If a flight was in that three criteria profile it was flagged. That's why I got so much company dispatch com during the event. The air traffic controllers said nothing to me, in fact, the only other transmission I heard was a TWA, (still around at the time) diverting to Sacramento. What I learned subsequent, was that the FAA was concerned because I had gone from mach .8 to mach .83. They don't don't see mach, but they do see groundspeed, and we had gone from about 475 to about 560. It was one of those really unusual days where we had winds from the east, at altitude. So, they saw us turn around and significantly increase airspeed, thus their concern. Still, they never said a word.
  21. And to think it all could have been avoided if the FBI in Washington simply responded to its field office in Minneapolis and read the hard drive of Zacarias Moussaoui, exposed by a retired simulator flight instructor to authorities.
  22. I was a check airman on the 767 for one of the airlines involved. I had a brand new copilot on his first trip in the 767. We had flown from NY to San Francisco the day prior, and this was a 6am departure from San Francisco going back. I had just finished the required PA mentioning to keep seat belts fastened any time in the seats. A message came on the cockpit console printer from our company dispatch stating "Numerous cockpit incursions. Do not allow anyone to enter." I read it and put it aside, A few minutes later I got another one stating numerous cockpit incursions, suggest immediate divert. We were the only airplane on the FAA control frequency as it was really early on the west coast. I told them I was going back to San Francisco and turned the thing around. I was just west of Las Vegas, and since I was a west coast Nay pilot in a former life, I was familiar with all the military bases. I planned to go in Navy Fallon if the door was breached. I got the flight attendants construct a minor barricade to the cockpit using service carts. I got a bunch of really bizarre messages on the return asking me to verify if I was still in command. I knew it was really serious when they asked me to send verification data that was personal. Eventually, I told them we were OK but that I was too busy to respond anymore. Started down over Modesto, and by now the pax had figured out we had turned around and were descending, so I made a PA stating that the airplane was fine, we were returning to San Francisco and they would be informed of an issue once we landed. By now I had learned that we had lost two airplanes. Bay approach cleared me for an approach called the "Quiet Bridge," which is an eastern arrival noise abatement approach to avoid overflying the east bay. The told them I was not going to do that, but that I was going to point the airplane at the the end of runway 28L and land the thing. I also told them that if someone tried to come through the door I was going to put the thing in the Bay and they better come get us. A bit of a pause and the approach controller said that if I out the thing in the Bay they would get us. Came over the San Mateo Bridge, about five miles from landing, and saw about 30 emergency vehicles on the taxiways near the runway. No airplanes. Landed and they all chased us to the gate, and when I parked I saw about ten guys on the ramp with automatic weapons out. Found out after landing that the flight that I had clown almost exclusively for the two years prior to getting the check airman position, the morning Dulles to LA had hit the Pentagon. I knew I'd know the folks flying it, cockpit and cabin, and sure enough. I knew them all. Horrible day. Horrible week. Got home Saturday and went to two memorial services, one for the captain who was buried at Arlington, and one for a husband/wife flight attendant couple that were killed at the Pentagon.
  23. "We have to pass it to see what's in it."
  24. Typical insanity. The military is an apolitical entity and absolutely must remain so. What Congress decides, it decides.
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