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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. He did, at least he started to, but his name was Reagan. You simply don't get what an arrogant prick this guy was. This Plains Georgia, avuncular, nice guy, carry my own bags was a myth. He thought he was smarter than everyone else and he was grossly wrong. I could go on and on about readiness etc., but you are not worth the effort, and I can't stand people who call me a liar.
  2. What he said that was incredibly ignorant of the situation was as follows: Inflation was really bad and mortgage rates were really high, around 10% at the time, as I recall. There was a groundswell of complaint as military salaries were not nearly adjusting, and housing, especially in California where I was based, was unaffordable for junior officers, let alone enlisted. He was asked to address some of these complaints, and he stated that the housing issue didn't matter because the military provided housing. This was total nonsense. There is not near enough military housing for officers and he was completely ignorant of this, as well as a few other financial stresses cause by inflation. When the DCNO Air Warfare and the Administration rep showed up for this discussion, a junior officer pointed out that per the application process, he was eligible for food stamps. This was an officer. Someone who get out and double his salary in a second. Anyway, it didn't go well. Carter was despised, and I won't even go into the tragedy he managed trying to rescue the hostages. Bad as that was, it probably would have been much worse if continued. We had been relieved a month prior and had just gotten home, but I have good friends who were up and ready on the two carriers ready to fly fighter and attack missions in support.
  3. Calling me a liar again? For the rational people here..... I had just joined my fleet squadron and there was a huge exodus of Naval Aviators. Carter had just made some incredibly stupid comment indicating he had no idea of the reality. Anyway, the Administration teamed with the Navy and sent the DCNO Air Warfare, (under the Chief of Naval Operations are the three combatant commanders, Deputy Chief of Naval Ops Air, Sub and Surface), on a dog and pony show to the the three west coast tacair Naval Air Stations. Accompanying DCNO Air was some guy from the Carter Admin. Q and A followed, and the guy knew nothing of the issues. Nothing. As a super junior new guy, I knew nothing, but I watched my fellow, more senior officers walk out of that shaking their heads. When the report of this "visit" was published it completely avoided any of the substantive points and claimed guys were getting out because their wasn't enough flying at sea. Total BS. Anyway, you suggesting I am lying is a bridge you have burned, and I couldn't care less. Carter was a horrible president, an atrocious Commander in Chief and an ass to White House and Secret Service staff. No way to know, but the claim that without the hostage crisis he would have been reelected is nonsense. His own party mounted a primary challenge, and he was crushed in the regular election. Off topic, but for Canadian viewers, your Air Force is undergoing similar problems that the US did under Carter. This youtube is only three days ago. Not good for Canada or NATO.
  4. I have zero interest in arguing these with you. I am extremely aware of the status of the military during the Carter term, and I could relate a number of anecdotal examples. They sent some Washington bureaucrat to meet with the entire non carrier deployed officers where I was stationed, and the guy had no idea. We walked out of there shaking our heads. He was unaware of even basic circumstances and that resulted in a great deal of extremely talented people leaving. His handling of the Iran hostage thing was terrible, as was his moronic rescue attempt, and make no mistake, he ran that disaster. His term was noteworthy in the national malaise that resulted in his landslide loss. I'm not sure Volker or Carter when you are referring to when you say "he solved the inflation problem." Volker was an inflation hawk who kept rates high for an extended period and was a very successful Fed Chair. To say that anyone "cured" inflation is is a remarkably simplistic view. Inflation results when too much money chases too few goods and services. Keep interest rates high and the economy will eventually slow down to moderated the problem. I liked Volker a lot. I can't stand Carter as president, though I have no issue with his post presidency legacy.
  5. Cater was a disaster in every sense. To claim it was an "oasis" is insanity. Inflation was becoming a problem during the Ford years, but nothing like what happened during the Carter term. His solution to an unnecessary energy crisis was to turn down thermostats. Absolutely no leadership. Left the military in shambles, leading to massive retention problems and very dangerous readiness issues. He was despised by the officer corps. He was also a rude, arrogant phony, who put the US at risk by not allowing the "football," the nuc codes to be brought into Plains when he was there. The reason he got demolished in his reelection campaign was certainly not because he was "an oasis of good government." Even the Dems despised him, resulting in a challenge from Kennedy. By the way, the Federal Reserve is an independent entity.
  6. I asked you to back up your claim. This comes nowhere close. Another wasted thirty seconds.
  7. Totally inherited from the Carter disaster. Remember the "misery index?" Depending on severity, it takes a bit of time to get inflation under control unless there is a shock to the economy.
  8. Of course he did, and we have discussed this before. OPEC and the Saudis in particular, were interested in allowing the price to fall so far that US producers would be unable to sustain operations. The result of that would have been a dramatic supply crunch when things returned to some level of normal economic activity, and a huge increase in OPEC market share with the US out of the picture. It was a sensible thing to do. Keep in mind that Saudi production costs per barrel are around $10. US production costs per barrel is a bit over $50. Trump, sensibly, did not want to see the US energy production capacity crushed.
  9. Are you in some alternate state of reality, or simply enjoy inventing claims? I have never done what you have stated. These claims are from your imagination. You should be avoided.
  10. My comment was based on the contrition, or shame of the perpetrators. Of course the holocaust was many times worse in scope. But at least the Nazis understood the perfidy of their actions, as they tried to hide it. That suggests some kind of conscience; some awareness that the actions were horrific. This Hamas group videoed their atrocities, expressing pride in their slaughter. Publicized them. Were proud of them. Sent the murder tapes to their families. That is a very dangerous difference, which cannot be allowed to exist. I have never seen anything like that, and it cannot be allowed to exist.
  11. My brother in law is a partner in a Minneapolis wealth management firm. They handle a lot of Twins and Vikings players. They were sought after to handle the Prince estate, but declined because it was so screwed up. Anyway, he has pointed out to me how much this George Floyd thing has negatively impacted that area, and not because of the police response. There's a documentary waiting to be published about this, but it won't be what the media wants.
  12. I don't do homework. The fact is that the Russian industrial economy has adjusted to full speed wartime production. They are committed to winning this thing, at any cost.
  13. Tibs is a cowardly moron. You are in your own league of lunacy.
  14. You are on the right track. People should not be encumbered by living up to promises or known expenses. Let's eliminate all contractual promises. That will surely lead to prosperity.
  15. Not true. His military is not decimated, and the Russian economy has gone full speed war posture, producing far more than they were a year ago, which does not argue well for the outcome. Ukraine has to do a bit better than status quo this winter. Otherwise they will be overwhelmed.
  16. More of this relentless stupidity. None of this has anything to do with Trump or events 2000 years ago. Asinine red herrings.
  17. I have reached the point where I feel sorry for you.
  18. You are really too stupid to respond to. There was no Hamas cover up because it was a gov approved massacre. My Lai was a singular crime, and I am not going to do your homework by answering your lazy questions about punishment.
  19. This is a repeated argument of yours and it makes no sense. Further, I doubt you have seen the video. I know I haven't, and I never will. My Lai was a singular atrocity by a single group of criminals. Discovered, prosecuted and punished. What Hamas did was far worse, and that isn't the point. This was an intended, planned for, trained for and supplied "gov" action Not some individual event. The entire suggestion doesn't even measure up to a specious claim. It is bizarre, and senseless.
  20. What kind of an idiotic comment is this, and the second sentence makes no sense. There isn't a civilized country or group in the history of the earth that would not advocate for the destruction of Hamas. The 45 minute video? You know, the one that they treated the world to on their 10-7 invasion? Included stealing cell phones of captured, innocent Israeli women, attending a concert, and knowing full well that their parents, families and friends would watch, recorded and posted rape and murder. Killing babies including the unborn. There is simply no way to ever excuse this, or allow those who caused it to survive, let alone next door. It makes the holocaust look minor.
  21. Ya. Like they tried to "take land " land from them by defeating yet another Arab coalition attack in Yom Kippur, or launching this most disgusting of attacks. People who have seen the 45 minute video have not been just shocked, they have been traumatized. Hamas is an inhuman, barbaric group of trash that nobody should ever have to liver under the threat of.
  22. They were granted that land in 1948. If there is an issue with that, take it up with the UN. It took exactly one day for a coalition of Arab states to attack them, and lose. They weren't 'displaced" in 1967, anymore than the British were "displaced" in the late 1700's. They lost a war. They lost land that Israel determined was worth holding so it could serve as a buffer for attacks that were inevitable, and have happened, always.
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