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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. I can't believe this woman said that. I hope it was challenged. The claim that "they are endowed y their Creator with certain unalienable rights" is a cornerstone of the entire Declaration, and foundational in the subsequent claim that governments derive their power from the people.
  2. The Houthis have issued a "ban" on shipping from Israeli, US, or British flagged vessels in international waters near them. Not sure what offensive capability they have to enforce this "ban," but I sure wish the US and UK would respond with undeniable force. This has gone on long enough. Freedom of shipping has been a cornerstone of civilized commerce for centuries. It is time to act.
  3. Also claimed that he knows what nuclear war would look like. Nobody knows that. Simply a crazy claim. I was certified to monitor loading them, carry them, and deliver them and I have absolutely no idea what a nuclear exchange would look like, nor does anyone I know with similar knowledge.
  4. I'm not going to spend time going over the entire bill. There are amnesty issues and power granted to the executive, who is not fulfilling his current obligations on enforcement, that were deemed excessive. In addition while appropriating money for a wall, it did not commit to it. The 5000/day thing? Anyway, you can do your own homework on why it wouldn't get through the House. To say that they were asking for immigration reform and then "killed the bill," is a gross misrepresentation.
  5. Not true. They prevented a bill that wasn't satisfactory.
  6. We have a lot of hawks around here, daily patrolling our property. We always here the newborns in the spring in our woods. When I first retired I looked into falconry as a hobby. I have some property here and access to a lot more close by. I was shocked how complicated the process was. You have to go through an apprenticeship. Gave up that thought. I did get a commercial drone license though, and did many real estate photo things. Every time I fly the thing, the local hawks will come over and check it out. If they get too close, which they usually do, I just zoom climb the thing. I don't think they can figure that out, so they always back off enough for me to get things done.
  7. Nobody cares about your stance, just as I doubt anybody cares about your self proclamation as "patriotic Americans." Illegal immigration is national suicide. Laws are passed and exist for a reason. Enforce them, abide by them or don't enact them.
  8. This may be as hard for you to understand as it was for Biden to accurately express who the leaders of Mexica and Egypt are, but the point is....... What I posted about Clinton lying under oath, nor Biden's grossly evident mental issues have nothing to do with Trump.
  9. Ya the good old days. All we had was the guy who appoints the attorney general lying under oath. Now we have a guy who doesn't know who is dead or alive. Who he as met with or what was said. Lies about his Amtrack experiences over and over, his law school grades, his responsibilities as a "college professor," his supposed appointment to the Naval Academy, his arrest participating in the civil rights movement, his driving of a tractor trailer, his claim that there was no legal way to allow Afghan collaborators, (translators), into the US, the fact that classified documents in his possession were locked, that he didn't share classified information with his ghostwriter, and we won't go into plagiarism. But it's all OK because he's too diminished to remember anything.
  10. The charge was lying under oath to a federal grand jury. Kind of a serious, intentional lie, you know, under oath.
  11. Any impeachment process using enhanced interrogation as a focus would have been squashed the second that Congressional Intel oversight Committees figured out that if was attempted, records of their complicity would have exposed. They were briefed, though some denied it. In fact, she, Nancy Pelosi, used the same excuse Biden did. "It wasn't me. I didn't know. It was my staff."
  12. It's easy to state opinions about the CIA and other clandestine organizations because they're not going to respond. With total certitude, my view is that the CIA has "rules," and there is Congressional oversight. Sometimes it's more robust, but that's the system in place.
  13. I didn't start the thread. The thread is about abortion. As always, this claim that it is the mother only involved is a complete whiff on what the other view is, no matter how many times it is made, and irrespective of whether you agree with it. The other view is that there is another life involved, at some point. It is quite noticeable that you don't seem to acknowledge that, or seem to know that the view exists and should be considered, let alone respected, and those views lead folks to vote the way they do.
  14. Perhaps, no quite likely, you miss the point. If there are moral issues involved, people who care about those issues hold them higher than election results. I could not live with believing slaves were property, anymore than I believe that a baby at some point before birth is not a "life." If that means losing an election, my moral convictions and behavior outweigh election results. I have no interest in forcing views on others, but I think it is only an idiot that would ever claim that those views were some kind of desire to control women's reproductive rights.
  15. See what I mean? What does it mean when you say they "don't agree with me"? Don't agree with what? I haven't stated a view other than the obvious, which is many consider life as beginning at some point prior to natural birth. I know with the three children we have had we certainly considered them "life" much prior to that, and behaved accordingly. People live with that, and they accept election returns because they live with that. Either way, some people view some things as more important than what the "majority of Americans" agree with. Let it be decided by each state. Whatever, the idiotic claim that people want to control women's reproductive rights is goofy nonsense, and that claim should have died years ago.
  16. Or......The people who believe abortion is the ending of a human life feel strongly enough to live with their beliefs, regardless what it does to elections. They believe that it is best decided at the state level. They obviously "know it," and its impact on elections but they are serious enough in their convictions to stand by them. They are obviously not trying to "ignore" the ramifications, and they certainly are not trying to control female reproductive rights. In the 1860's many people thought slaves were humans and not to be treated like property. They changed the laws.
  17. Disagree completely. It's a tough business with a very tough mission goings against entities that have no rules.
  18. The F-16 is not a game changer. It gives them more ability with older AMRAAM missiles and HARM. The problem is that the efficacy of air warfare depends on integrated deployment of a number of things. Jamming and other electronic warfare components are an integral part, and they don't have it. Russian anti air defenses are significant and capable. The F-16 would not do well against them, so must be kept out of range or low enough to avoid detection. That would limit effectiveness. It would limit Russian air offensive capabilities, but that isn't what they are doing. They are doing what Russians always do, which is ground stuff.
  19. It seems that the faux outrage that Biden expressed at his disastrous press conference regarding the special council asking about his kid's death is another memory failure. It was Biden who brought it up, not the special counsel. The man is seriously damaged goods.
  20. No fan of Trump, but having an obviously incompetent individual as president is no more comforting. Biden is clearly incompetent.
  21. First, I think your claims of genocide are unfounded. Urban war is really ugly, but that's what they have chosen. Hamas has had 17 years to use funds and international aid to build a humane situation. They used those years and assets to build an underground weapons storage area to attack Israel. Self defense is determined by threat. I have no problem with Israel destroying what is a labyrinth designed to attack it and support/hide the aggressors. Your two questions are best directed at Israel, after the current threat is negated. I have no idea. Regarding question 2, they have attempted to normalize life there, including employing thousands of Palestinians in the successful Israeli economy. Hamas wanted none of that, thus their barbarism. I believe that they will eradicate Hamas' offensive capability, ie., destroy their unguided rockets launched at Israeli citizens, and if Hezbollah gets offensive in the north, at the Lebanon border, they will move against that threat. If that happens, it is a much bigger deal. Either way, the first thing to do when attacked is to defend and eliminate the threat. Longer term is unknown, but if the Palestinians want to live in a peaceful circumstance, they need to stop supporting terrorist regimes intent on killing Israelis. That is the start.
  22. No worries. Biden will let us know that he has met with Nikita Kruschev recently, and we have nothing to worry about.
  23. It looks like Joe Lieberman is heading a group to push a third party candidate. Not him, but somebody else. The rules of the electoral college open that option. We'll see if he gets any traction.
  24. The withdrawal was a disgrace, and it's got Biden's signature on it. Whatever point you are trying to make noting the proximity of Afghanistan to Japan and Europe is baffling.
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