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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. Actually no. I thought retirement was going to provide more free time, but if you are engaged, you find things that make you far more busy than ever expected. At present, as Treasurer of our local volunteer fire department, I am applying for a federal grant from the gov. An unbelievable experience, and we won't be successful, but the experience is one more item in my bag seeing how grossly mismanaged the gov that we pay for is. Still....We do what we do.
  2. I never said I was going to ignore you, and the rest of your stupid, personal accusations are of typical ignorance. I said I wasn't going to respond to you. When someone accuses someone of murder without any evidence, any knowledge, any information or any insight, don't be surprised when that is called into question. The same when you suggested we base a couple squadrons of fighters in the Ukraine as a deterrent, without any support, any infrastructure or anything even remotely sane to justify such idiocy, or when you single handedly butcher a very well known Bible story, getting every single sentence wrong Expect to have lunacy pointed out. If you can't take that, don't write such nonsense. I have no interest in responding to your specific questions addressing me. I will respond when you make idiotic accusations. Juvenile posts intentionally playing with people's names, though I think most people here see the pre-adolescent attempts as stupid are not worth it, so no need to respond.
  3. I'm quite sure they struck what they thought was a threat. Same as the US strike on an aid worker in Kabul in Aug of 2021, killing him and nine members of his family. I didn't see anyone Biden of "murder" when that happened. Iran has been responsible for the deaths of countless Palestinians, How long they put up with that is the greater question.
  4. I'll wait for the investigation. Pardon me if I have no interest in message board analysis from either you or that other guy. But..... As a simple matter, and as a guy who knows about air strikes, if you are intentionally trying to kill a very small group in a very confined area, you sure as hell don't need three airstrikes. You don't even need one. There are other "plausibly deniable" actions that are far more simple.
  5. Ordinarily, I might react to this, but coming from you, that aint gonna happen. I am pleased that your completed, validated, detailed investigation of this tragedy has led you to, yet another, well formed conclusion.
  6. You are an undisciplined fool with a keyboard. Murder is a grossly illegitimate characterization. Deliberate murder occurred on Oct 7, and murder doesn't begin to describe the atrocities.
  7. The answer to your question is obvious. First, if the IRS already has the 1099 data, which they do, and you don't think you need to provide it, that would mean they are doing your tax return. That isn't how it works. You file your tax return using, hopefully, the same data that is provided to them. If there is a discrepancy, expect a letter in about two years. It used to be that the 1099 data, ie., interest, dividends, capital gains etc., was provided to the IRS by the individual on his tax return. Now they have the financial institution provide it, and weigh that data against what you submit. It's quite easy to drag the 1099 into the return. Second, you don't need to pay a third party. You can still do your tax return and submit it without assistance from a commercial tax assistant.
  8. This is a very big deal. If the Israelis stuck the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, that is a clear ramping up. Tells me two things: 1. The Iranians will respond, further ratcheting up the likelihood of a larger scope middle east conflict. 2. The Israelis are not concerned about the Biden Administration as much as they used to be deeply respectful of US views on their military action. I think they have pretty much given up on him.
  9. No I'm not saying it's a socialist system. It's supposed to be like an IRA as you and your employer contribute to it based on your income up to a certain level, and then when you decide to draw benefits, those benefits are based on your career earnings. All designed to prevent people who don't save from becoming indigent in their old age. The fact is that if the gov was held to the same accounting principles that corporations are, they'd be shut down and arrested in a minute. They do this with scores of tax revenue. Remember a couple months ago when the guy in the White House was whining about airline baggage fees and other expenses for air travelers? The single biggest charge on tickets by far is taxes, and they tax everything; fuel, cargo, route segments, arrival and departure taxes, with additional fees for international ops, frequent flyer fees and others. This was to fund the "Aviation Trust Fund," now called the "Airport and Airway Trust Fund," which handles facilities and operations among other things for the nation's airspace system. They show a balance, but that is nowhere near the amount of money they collect. Guess where that other money goes? Into the general fund. That's the way the system "works."
  10. Are you new to this? These arguments have been made for decades. It is going broke because the money deposited from both employees and employers has been used in the general funding of the government, and not separated for investment, as was the original intent. It was designed as a safety net that everyone employed would contribute to in order to prevent them from being completely indigent in old age. No surprises and nothing new here,
  11. Come on. Social Security is paid into by workers and employers. It is hardly the gov giving people money for doing nothing. It is an enforced IRA, with no individual control.
  12. Interesting example. Iran Contra, for all that was questionable, was definitely in our best interest, just as arming the Mujahideen was, though it ultimately led to Bin Laden and al quaeda.
  13. It is especially important now, as we have allowed our border to be unenforced.
  14. There are adjustments that could be made, and I'm not sure how much is done inside the borders. But......The inability of the FBI, internal, and CIA, external, to be able to coordinate is exactly what led to 9/11. The redesign of the intel universe in the US was absolutely necessary with a changing threat.
  15. I am getting a whiff of a huge lawsuit.
  16. i hope your meeting went well. Providing a history of Sects or Transportation, in no way, addresses the failure of this one. He is a fool who has wasted time and money doing stupid non productive woke crap. Everybody in the industry knows this. Typical Biden appointee who fills the gay box, but is useless to the American taxpayer and the industry he serves.
  17. The man is reviled in the FAA and airline industry. Idiotic appointees who didn't survive basic Congressional hearings. But..To his credit, he did use taxpayer dollars to eliminate anything "male" in the vernacular of various agencies, so we have that. Total waste.
  18. I'd rather make news than get news. In the OP, CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin is a tried and true NYC liberal. No issues with that, but I'm a Squawk Box watcher every day, from 6-7, then Today Show for ten minutes as the Mrs. joins me, then back to CNBC once Al Roker starts his weather histrionics or they do anything entertainment industry related, which I have zero interest in. First selection on the laptop every AM is google news, and I avoid known biased sites. No Fox. No MSNBC. No CNN. For accurate middle east and specifically day to day Navy operations, I watch Ward Carroll on Youtube. Extremely well informed, honest and not the usual knucklehead that you see on networks.
  19. I think you're a lunatic who has no real understanding of any of this, so I'll refrain.
  20. I'm not sure what this sentence is trying to convey, but that's another issue. Retirees, or people on fixed income might have a different view re inflation of the past couple years. I don't blame any politician for all of it, but they all share in the blame for crazy fiscal policy.
  21. Ya. I'm "cooked."
  22. So he did nothing regarding this view from 96-99, and nothing since 2022, until the barbaric, sub human attacks of Oct 7? Sure. Netanyahu agrees with 90% of the population of Israel, which is that Hamas need be eliminated. Not the civilian Panestinians.......Hamas, and he is correct.
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