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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. Actually they are, by any commons sense judgement.
  2. I'm sure it bothers him that you don't like him, but grossly misplaying your point does not impress. Plus, and be careful here, you are getting very close to being on his smite list. A good Old Testament smiting is not to be taken lightly.
  3. A preposterous interpretation. Simply ignorant of the total picture. The same God who in order to reestablish a relationship, sacrificed his own son.
  4. I'm not sure how this even makes sense. I follow Ward Carroll becasue I trust him. I trust him becasue he has access to current flags who run things, like the Chief of Naval Air Forces, Pacific, Chief of Naval Air Forces Atlantic, and Chief of Naval Operations, Air Warfare. In other words, people who are actually in the arena. They are contacts he has had since his days as a junior officer, and I can tell you that those naval aviation bonds are never broken. It is a brotherhood based on trust and mutual experience, occasional fear, and is insoluble. He was an east coast Navy guy, and me west, so I never met him, but we have a number of common friends whom I trust implicitly that know him quite well. None of that, or anything he does, has any political component to it. He is simply very well versed on a daily basis regarding what is going on, down to the trigger pulling level, which you never get in the US media. He describes engagements at my level, which involves great detail and understanding. He is very well connected, to the point of being threatened by the US Navy for his participation as a guest expert on major news networks. I can't stand Biden, who should have been removed for cause a year ago, but that has nothing to do with making me a Trump supporter. None of this will ever make any sense to you, and I'm sure you will repeat your misjudgments forever. That's the way it is.
  5. Ditto. I'd like to see anything relating the US military to Nazi sympathizers.
  6. Sometimes I think the only thing I do here is refute your lies. You seem to be incapable of reading what is posted, and processing those things correctly. To clear up your nonsense, I sated that Biden demolished Trump in this district. Not sure how you missed that. For the fifteen millionth time, which you seem to be incapable of processing, I have never supported Trump. I brick to the head would not help you. You invent stuff and are completely incapable of honesty, even when someone is willing to contribute sums of money to your favorite charity if you can prove a point. Simply insane.
  7. I fully get your logic and point. But....Trump got demolished in this district in 2020. His endorsement has little effect. What happened to Good was the result of being in that small group that trashed the Speaker, which most people here view as costing Republicans legislative control in this state. He is a "holier than though" guy, but in the end the government must govern, and the removal of the Speaker of the House was a disaster, whihc he and very few others caused.
  8. I get your point, but I think you are a bit off course. It wasn't Trump's endorsement of the competitor which cost the incumbent. It was his insistence that the Speaker of the House be removed. That posture, which crippled the US legislative branch for weeks, is viewed as what ultimately cost Virginia Republicans from winning both the state House of Delegates and the Senate. I don't think the Trump thing mattered nearly as much, and I live in this district.
  9. There isn't any single criteria that Younkin would be judged as behind Biden. If he were the Rep nominee he would destroy him at far greater margins than Trump. Interesting results from the Virginia fifth district Congressional primary yesterday, which was, basically, a Trump vs. other vote.
  10. Always amusing to me that the Russians find it necessary to accompany a very small naval force with a salvage/tug ship. Pathetic, but evidently necessary. If they like Cuba, they are going to hate Venezuela.
  11. There is no mention of the creator being Judeo-Christian, Muslim or any other claim. "Duh" is something you say all the time here, whether specifically or not.
  12. I'm not sure what you are saying, but it seems that you are self expanding what is in the Declaration. What was said was that we are endowed with certain unalienable rights. That among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Re your post, never said anything regarding a jury trial, and never claimed a Judeo-Christian-Muslim god. The text states "creator."
  13. The valley it's in is quite narrow, so quite tricky to get into and out of. Quito, LaPaz and Tegucigalpa Honduras required special qual to fly into, and only the 757.. Great fun, except Tegucigalpa, which I never liked going into.
  14. Ya. It's elevation is 9600' MSL. Also very cheap cost of living there. I used to always pick up a couple dozen roses at $1/dozen. Cargo compartments were always full of flowers for distribution to US florists.
  15. He can't read. He can't walk. He can't remember anything. He repeatedly lies about his accomplishments and experiences. His staff proposes nominees for various important positions that are completely incompetent.
  16. Are you completely incompetent regarding claiming what other's think? I never said a thing about Trump, and I certainly don't view him as an answer. The point is that Biden is diminished to the point of serious concern, and there is no doubt. That emboldens adversaries. That is my point, and resist your undisciplined urges to state what others think.
  17. Note to you. That is precisely what Trump said about these miscreants, many now prosecuted.
  18. The idiotic claim, refuted a million times here, and twice at the actual event, is a sina qua non of an idiot.
  19. This entire discussion of whether Putin would have or would not have done something under Trump is speculative idiocy, as is speculation about nuclear war vis a vis Russia. The fact is that Biden has a decades long history of really bad views on foreign policy, and is totally incompetent and unable, mentally, to serve in the office he holds, which happens to be the most powerful in history. We need to get through this seven months, but it doesn't look good. Either way, anybody who defends his mental capacity is clearly a moron.
  20. As a Virginia resident, I would be very happy with Younkin. Truth told, I'd prefer him over Trump as the head of the ticket. Resume isn't quite filled enough to get there, but he's very good. Sane, relatively young, understands business needs to operate without oppressive gov interference and a host of other things that have served this country well, as opposed to a host of other things in the pipeline that have not.
  21. You do this all the time, and it marks you as an idiot. You have misstated a historical claim. You then bring up some other issue that has nothing to do with your false claim. The only thing missing from your usual schtick is a claim of your theory of what other people think.
  22. We've done this before. Your claim is absolute nonsense. Neither history nor truth is in your quiver.
  23. It's a preposterous proposal. We keep all of the land. You don't join NATO. Kind of like the Third Reich proposing to the Allies that they will agree to a ceasefire on June 10 1944 if the Allies cede all lands gained to them to date, and refuse to engage in further alliances that make them one unified force. Sure.
  24. Was this directed at Hunter Biden? Mea culpa. Couldn't resist the softball.
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