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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. Yes they do, but you are not required to show it, at least in the state of Virginia. Almost any id will suffice, and if you refuse to show any, you simply sign an affirmation of identity. Showing ID speeds up the process tremendously. What kills me is the folks who want to give a political opinion sermon on the issue while others are waiting. The fact is, I don't really give a damn about what a voter thinks about existing law. I just want to get my 5am to 8pm volunteer work done and get out.
  2. That is not true. I am an election official in Virginia and very familiar with ID requirements. A driver license, any gov id, a registration card, SS card or nearly any id will suffice. If you don't want to provide one, merely signing an affidavit claiming you are who you say you are will do.
  3. Columbia, also known as Colombia? Great place.Top rate 33%. The US top rate is higher. Pick another example.
  4. Maybe the more interesting and accurate conclusion relates to Wilson's health. He used to come to Buffalo for this sort of thing. Rounding up the top Lieutenants for a Detroit field trip, along with his game missing habit this season indicates a trend.
  5. Close the Strait of Hormuz = close Iran. Wacky quotes from that place are a scheduled event.
  6. It really is a fantastic project. I've been involved for nearly five years, building up a significant equity position all along the way. Important to note that this is a US company, and run by British/Canadian and US mining and minerals phd's, not market pump and dump types. During my first conversation with Kurtanjek over lunch in Santiago, I was literally doing mine metrics on the back of a napkin and I averred that I didn't see a way that they wouldn't get taken out before production by any number of large mine concerns, Rio Tinto most specifically. He has always known that was a possibility, but at a very significant premium. Now, I'm convinced they can maximize project value by taking it to production unless a just can't refuse offer comes. I believe they are taking longer than planned getting to bankable feasibility because the prospect of using the Fray electrolysis to provide titanium sponge/powder would dramatically impact final mine buildout, and obviously, project metrics. Again, I do know for certain there are many, many people willing to fund the build at very shareholder favorable rates. Its been fun to follow and fun to be involved in private placements. I'll see in a year or two how much it nets. If anyone looks at a cnbc website quote they can link to institutional owners ownership and they will see a 5.6 million block owned by Marathon Capital in Baltimore. Jim Kennedy runs the shop and he is a huge fan and I talk to him regularly as well to make sure we don't miss anything.
  7. Sure, I'll share, with the disclaimer that I have quite a large position. The project revolves around concessions in the northern Chile area, (void from earthquakes so far). That area is a mining area. Initially, Phelps Dodge owned the concessions as a potential copper play. After a time they were interested in the titanium dioxide assets. After a time, Phelps Dodge decided to stick with copper dioxide exclusively, and move away from TIO2. During their time they hired the number one mines and minerals attorney in Chile to handle the eventual claims matters. When he became aware they were going to sell it he put together most of the current team which had in depth knowledge of the TIO2 production possibilities. They then formed White Mountain Titanium Corp. The site is located inland from a deep water sea port, and has readily available rail access to it. There are no major environmental issues. During this preparatory time, they also acquired, literally at courthouse auction, the Carolina Prospect which vastly increases rutile, the stuff you get TIO2 from, vastly multiplying their asset base. Bringing a mine on line is a vastly detailed undertaking and WMTM is at the last stage now, finishing up its bankable feasibility study. When that stud is complete, it will show the project to be very likely to be financially successful. A test mine built by SGS in Canada using WMTM's raw material and mine production model has already passed. with flying colors. While waiting for the completion of Bankable feasibility, the company and various end users have already signed four outtake contracts. The last one listed a price of $1200/metric ton. I can a tell you that the original plan was to be able to sell at about $400/mt. TIO2 prices have escalated significantly since project development. Once Bankable is complete, they will acquire the financing for mine buildout, a critical juncture and one I follow as closely as legally possible. At this point there is absolutely no problem with financing the buildout on very favorable terms as there are three separate sources that are interested, and at very favorable debt to equity rates. A few other notes. I know CEO Mike Kurtanjek quite well, and I talk to him regularly. I have subscribed to two of his private placements on the process to finance burnout rates. He is an extremely frugal guy, totally share holder driven. He has a great team on his board. He also has very strong Chilean political support and the locals can't wait to get started, As you may know, Chile is an extremely stable, mine friendly capitalist s country with a superb infrastructure. The project makes fantastic sense as a TIO2 stand alone mine, but they have figured out a way to make tons of money of the tailings by producing feldspar, used in the glass and ceramic industries. That would provide, essentially, free money. But....There's more. The company has been working with Cambridge Doctor Fray on a method of completely redefining the method of using TIO2 feedstock to eventually produce titanium sponge and titanium powder. There is massive demand for titanium sponge and powder in the avaition and medical fields, and end prices are a 12x (+/-), price advantage over the already highly profitable TIO2, used by Dupont and other major players in paints pigments and papers. Anyway, that the Cliff notes. I've been on this for five years and I chat with the players regularly. The stock has had a magical year, but once Bankable is done, and construction starts, it will get even greater visibility. Production is probably a late 2012date, but that's when it gets real interesting. Great management team. Always under promises and over delivers.
  8. I'm up about 15%, but I expected this to be a slow two quarters for my pick.
  9. 5000 shares White Mountain Titanium @1.95. WMTM Might not work out in the six month time frame of this game, but I'm confident it will be fine.
  10. Guard.
  11. Jasper's strength is his freakish quickness. I have a friend whose son is being recruited at Bethel as a wrestler. He told me that Bethel is the only college in TN that offers wrestling scholarships. The wrestling coach, for whatever reason, showed him a tape of Jasper. He said the tape was unbelievable for a guy that size. Anyway, I digress. Jasper is huge, but his main asset is quickness. Twitch quickness. That's got to be worth about 30 pounds. I can't wait to see him.
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