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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. No, nothing obvious. The com is a pilot and his backseater talking to each other. There are two inaudible words, and I can't make them out. But the best way to figure out what this is would be to talk to them, because again, FLIR targets are usually really distored.
  2. Regarding that F18 HUD video, for what it's worth..... When watching or tracking something in FLIR mode, you are not actually seeing the object. You are seeing processed heat source data. Often times objects are greatly distorted.
  3. The cost has nothing to do with whether it is green or not. Propane is not nearly as efficient as natgas, and it certainly isn't "green" nor sustainable. Burning wood is absolutely not "green," and it's an uncomfortable heat. What you have "discovered," and misnamed it minimalist, is the RV lifestyle, and it has been around for a century. The travelling woman, (the one with "Ventura Highway" in the background), is literally living in an rv in an rv park with rv electrical and water hookups. Thousands of people do it, and with far more efficient rigs than that thing she is towing around. If she was not in a park, and totally self contained, it would be called "boondocking," but she isn't. Go to http://www.irv2.com/forums and see if you recognize anything. Nothing you have ever posted in this thread backs up the claims you made in the third post of this thread, regarding how cheap green energy is. Your claim that someone threw up a solar panel and collects rain water and therefore has "no utilities" is crazy, and repeatedly throwing up links to wood burning propane users is meaningless, not green, not efficient, not comfortable and certainly not for a family. And by the way, you mentioned in your post with that link that she has "eliminated her rent." That is absolutely not true. She is paying for those RV water and 20 amp service hookups in any RV park she stays in. Guaranteed. She just didn't tell you about it. Done with this nonsense.
  4. Do you have friends who can help you? This is another link to someone who has nothing to do with green, sustainable energy. Do you actually understand what those terms mean? Again, as your other link, she is using propane and wood. Do you get that? The void between what you post and what reality is, is vast, but here is a start. Reducing the amount of square footage you use is not "green," when you are using propane and wood to solve your heat issues. Evidently, since you've made that claim twice, this concept exceeds you. Good luck.
  5. An absolutely bizarre post; the massive blanks between sentences notwithstanding. Way too much to comment on, but as a start, this nonsense of a one unit solar panel indicates gross ignorance, and it isn't the first time. As a guy who has looked at this for a long time, and it takes just a second, you don't get any kind of efficiency with a solar panel. It takes a lot of solar panels and a lot of storage capacity to hold what is realized potential. Evidently, you don't know that.
  6. And when you ever come up with any reasonable proof that it is "is so much cheaper," those who follow this stuff may listen. Your claim, so far, seems to be that those who do pay attention to this this issue are not smart enough to interpret the existing data. I doubt you have ever made these decisions. I have, more than once, and you are foolish.
  7. Nobody needs any videos on green energy. Everybody knows about it. But.....If anybody wants to know what is really going on on a day to day basis on home energy considerations, http://www.greenbuildingtalk.com does a pretty good job.
  8. And you're totally wrong. I had a geothermal in my last house, and this one framed in a manner that if solar became cost effective I would be ready.
  9. Is this a joke? You don't need anyone's talking points. You simply need to know what is available, what it costs. and what output it provides. It's all out there in completely objective reality. This couple isn't "green" at all. They are burning propane and wood. But, what a couple! She's referencing their propane tank and she asks if it's a 1 or 5 gallon tank, and he corrects her that it's 20 pounds. He tells how much he prefers "land" to a house then complains about how much it was costing him to take care of the land. About mid video he abruptly corrects his clueless estimate on land size. They tell us their regular house got so filthy that they went through a vacuum a month or something, then the genius goes off on a Dyson commercial. I quite watching when she pulled that slimy growth on his chin and claimed that their "paradigm shifted." What a couple of dopes.
  10. I'll suggest two. I have spent a lot of time outside this country, roughly half my professional life. Nashville and Munich. If you took the Buffalo attitude and lived in some kind of Nashville/Munich combination, you'd have everything.
  11. Its gets more efficient the more people you have, so calculating it for one would make it all the more senseless. You may not have figured that out, and I'm not going to responsible for your education.
  12. I am not "going nuts with energy use." I've installed a hot water solar in the house I lived in in California, and have followed the solar voltaic industry for years. I also run the HVAC energy use at our church, remotely, from my house. I pay attention to this stuff. I don't think you have any idea about this issue. It started with your friend installing a solar panel, and has gone down hill from there. You are in over your head.
  13. My ideology? Please. Stop. When I built this house with a garage that faces true south, I had the garage roof framed in a manner that would support a solar system. It requires additional load capacity. I also had a chase built in to accommodate the wiring and battery system and inverter. I am extremely aware of how much it costs. To date, it is not competitive. The average American household consumes about 12 kwh/year. In my case, the best current estimate I have to be off the grid, which I have no intent of doing-but for arguments sake, is 40 panels and about $38k. The guy who lives near my church just put a 24 panel array on his roof. It doesn't come close to providing his total electrical need, but does a good bit of it. I am certain you don't know what is involved, or what it costs. In absolutely no way is it cost effective-yet.
  14. In the post from you I quoted, you stated "he has no utilities." It is extremely expensive to ever get close to an off the grid solar system, and if he "installed a solar panel," indicating one, he isn't close. Just the components necessary aren't anywhere near making a single solar panel a wise choice. I and I'm sure many others are quite familiar with the systems, capacities and costs, and it is simply not financially competitive. Without the high subsidies paid throughout the world, it would be much worse. In theory, solar panels can last 20 years, but the efficiency of the panels, storage, inverters falls every year, and they have a host of other efficiency issues. Wind isn't close to practical either. Using a rain water system for a home is a lot more complicated than it seems as well.
  15. Your friend has no women in his life either. Seriously, there is no way to generate enough electricity from a single solar panel to survive, unless you live like the Unabomber, and he wasn't subscribing to an internet service of Netflix, per your friend's claim. Surviving on rainwater alone is another very suspicious claim. Green energy is not "so cheap." It is heavily subsidized. Getting cheaper, but not nearly competitive with normal utilities.
  16. Si. The 17, 21 and 23. Operation Constant Peg. Tonopah Test Range. It was an extremely well kept secret until declassified and books written about it.
  17. And they were quite a disappointment. The Mig 21 was OK, the Mig 23 was a piece of trash.
  18. For what it's worth, the US did indeed acquire Soviet fighters, and had them for years. Not for reasons of launching some false flag operation, but to exploit them and expose US fighters to them. Quite a secret that went on for years.
  19. Sources say Pepe La Pew is on the lamb and looking to leave the country. A serial harasser for sure.
  20. By the way, this is an extremely ignorant post, and nobody needs any meds, so quit with the high school message board nonsense. You look foolish. The fact is that is that "both parties" are not "religious psycho cults." That is an extremely ill informed, preposterous claim. Israelis are not all Jews, and the Palestinians have a justifiable claim as well. Neither group is as silly as you. The problem is in resolving reasonable claims without exterminating on or the other.
  21. That doesn't address what I said about Yom Kippur or the Six Day war. But...What happened in '48 was a joint war against the newly established state. (by an international body), of Israel by Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan. They lost, resulting in a huge amount of Palestinian refugees. They started it, and against a brand new country inhabited by the remains of the Holocaust. They started it. They lost. In 56, Nassar, (Egypt), nationalized the Suez Canal. That was part of the end of of France and England's gross mis-colonization and mismanagement of North Africa and the Med., and we've been paying ever since.
  22. Ya....Right. They kept it going by the Yom Kippur war in 1973 and the precipitating the Six Day war in 1967.
  23. The Palestinians have been thrown out of numerous Islamic Middle East countries who claim to be sympathetic to the Palestinian issue, but only express a proposed solution to this issue as hatred of Israel. I expect they could come up with "very nice areas." What should happen is a resolution that includes a Jewish and Palestinian presence in the religious center, a guarantee that Israel will not be subjected to incessant attacks from very close neighbors, supported by more distant entities, and an admission that the Palestinian issue should be resolved by Muslim Middle East countries. Supposedly, the have "very nice areas."
  24. "Very nice areas" is as wasteful a postulate as it is stupid, in this context. The "Jews" have settled it, owned it, developed it and defended it against countless aggression, against all odds, besides being thrown out of it and enslaved before moving back to it, twice. They are never going to give it up. Nor should they.
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