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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. My statement has nothing to do with Putin or Russia/Trump. Not sure how you came up with that piece of brilliance. And yes, I'm not a fan of sanctions. They don't work. There are always easy ways around them. (See your examples-N. Korea and Iran). They stifle realistic diplomacy and well, they are just stupid. Would be useless in this case, except for a goofy headline or two.
  2. Sanctions are almost always a really stupid idea. Hopefully, we finally realize that.
  3. I would like to know what was done and how it was done before I get too excited by this. I was an election officer for years, so I'm a bit interested in this. The link does not provide that information for security reasons, but I'm sure the info will get out.
  4. I've flown in these things. Waste of time.
  5. In my view, none. The world would not care and view a dumbass military parade in Washington as silly. It would be a pain in the butt for the military, screw up the DC area and it's airspace for hours, and with no value. Carriers visit foreign ports for legitimate diplomatic and defense agreement reasons. Not expensive at all. They are often hosted.
  6. Just a stupid idea. Does nobody any good. The US military does not need to gather attention, and I'm sure would never suggest such a useless spectacle. Would be quite expensive for a number of reasons already pointed out, but with an additional one, which would be shutting down some of the busiest airspace in US for a time period. Just dumb. An unforced error. How about the executive and legislative branches do their constitutional duty, like getting funding for the gov long term completed, and quit with these idiotic diversions?
  7. A really dumb idea. Want to honor the military? Give those who have nothing to do, the same ones who would be in this thing, the day off.
  8. Of course.
  9. Quite a safe "gamble." Since 1871, if you held equities for fiver years or more, you had an 85% chance of making money, ie., winning. Hold ten years, and you made money 90% of the time. Hold 20 years, 100% of the time. And with any kind of extremely basic strategy, the number go up from there.
  10. The people who don't use equity markets are the indisputable long term failed gamblers.
  11. I will never understand the craziness of over politicizing economic issues or the stock market. The market goes straight up for nearly two years. Longest period without a 5% correction since 1929. Job growth on fire. Wage growth highest in eight years. Worries that the FED may be a little behind the economies pace and we get the long needed correction. Things are quite good. This was needed to get PE's back to something more attractive.
  12. Post something that makes sense. I do just fine.
  13. I'm not sure what your powers of perception are, or how skilled you are in that area. Be assured, there is no chance that I would ever be "upset" about what you or anyone else would post. I don't think you are that smart. That doesn't bother me.
  14. I would never get upset by anything ever posted here. Trading opportunities are no reason to get upset.
  15. Do you intentionally post this stuff knowing how silly it makes you seem? The economy hasn't changed one one thousandth of one basis point since last Thursday. We are still on about a 3+ GDP growth rate. The market does what the market does. Attempting to use it's short term movements as political ammunition is the sign of a goof.
  16. That was Robert J. Kelly, in 1983. One of the very few whose career survived such a thing.
  17. Paul Ryan is smarter than anyone in the Dems lineup.
  18. Fair enough, but an "information war" is not going to be advanced here. If it's you're way of spending time while procrastinating, per your claim, no worries. I just wonder why anyone who is seriously persuing something they think is important, would spend so much time on a website that has nothing to do with the issue. No problem from me, unless you go after someone I know is faultless, as you did with Adm Pat Walsh. Good luck, regardless.
  19. As an agnostic to what your views are, unless they besmirch someone without fact, just a question. Why are you spending time posting all of this instead of spending your time finishing your book?
  20. This is nonsense. Illegals are here in the active commission of a crime that they had full knowledge of. In no other ongoing crime is there an excuse by the perpetrator that the victim allowed them to become "part of the fabric." Not being prosecuted for a crime is not an implied allowance that it was ever acceptable. Judges like this frighten me, but Jefferson expressed concern about this overstepping a couple centuries ago. The first time one of these "protected goodbyes" goes awry, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
  21. Ya I think so, and I'm not seeking your permission to post in any thread. I think Boeing is a fantastic company with fantastic products that has withstood grossly unfair competition for years, and excelled, and been almost alone in keeping our balance of trade numbers from being a total disaster.
  22. Davos has nothing to do with Trump. Nothing. CEO after CEO stated how it was the most positive economic environment they could remember. Politics will always follow economic performance, and economic performance is great, worldwide. Absolutely ebullient comments, day after day. Noting to do with politics, and politics should stay out of the way.
  23. These kind of posts give me cause to think some people will just never get it. No Trump supporter, but just silly to deny reality. Things, worldwide, are going really well. Pay any attention to Davos?
  24. A huge win A huge win for Virginia.
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