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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. What? Martin Luther's issue was that the Pope led Catholic church was inventing non scripturally based principles, largely to raise money. Not much more to it than that. It was really simple. Had noting to do with anything I wasted space quoting from you above.
  2. You are clearly clueless. The Reformation had nothing to do with "catching up with the Renaissance, and the more capitalistic society emerging at the time." Absolutely nothing. It was about an individual who was a faithful fan of the pope and the Roman Catholic church, and sought rapprochement, getting sick of Catholic officials selling indulgences to raise money for the construction of St. Peter's among other things. They wouldn't relent from the fundraising, and off we go. Nothing to do with emerging capitalism or the renaissance. Do you just dream this stuff up?
  3. I'm getting the feeling you aren't particularly well versed in Biblical knowledge, nor have the ability to separate the pope from Christianity. That aside, there is nothing Biblical about burning homosexuals.
  4. Kindly don't misapply the word "Christian," with the pope. The pope is a Catholic thing, so whatever he says has little or no interest among other Christian faiths. Further, you characterization of "God" in the Old and New Testaments is incorrect. God is God. The Bible is about covenants mad by the same God. The Old Testament is a story about a nation, and the covenant made with them to establish the kingdom of God on earth. They failed, and killed him. The New Testament is a story about an individual, and the covenant to include all who believe.
  5. Survival Evasion Resistance Escape School in the Navy, also known as POW school. Three days without food was easy. The scary part was standing in formation as they picked out other officers to waterboard. It was really the only time I can ever remember being scared.
  6. Like humans, some penguins are smarter than others. The smart penguin And some have a greater fashion sense. Inside out.
  7. Methinks you're foolish. It has nothing to do with bigotry. It has to do with idiotic statements. I never even considered race. It had to do with what I remembered off the top of my head, and like it or not, male/female/black/white, it makes no difference to me. I don't judge people by the color of their skin, but by the content of their foolish statements, so just stop. And you're not "good at putting two and two together," at least in this case. You just think you are pretty good, and you're wrong.
  8. Sheila Jackson Lee had a few classics. Asking folks at the JPL if the Mars Rover would be able to drive over and show the flags the astronauts planted was pretty good. So was complaining about racism in naming hurricane as the names are "lilly white." She suggested naming them "Keisha, Jamal and Deshawn." Celebrating the "victory" in Vietnam and the "two Vietnams, side by side, North and South." Representative Hank Johnson asking Admiral Willard if he's worried Guam will "tip over and capsize" is the standard to beat. The sink and capsize question
  9. They don't have a wall. “The existence of this wall is hindering the inter-Korean reconciliation, cooperation and independent reunification,” the Korean Central News Agency quoted a communist party newspaper report as saying. One of the greatest hindrances to tearing down the wall is that it doesn’t exist." The North Korean "wall" lie The other two claims you have reversed. North Korea doesn't impose trade barriers, except for weapons and some luxury items. The barriers are imposed on them, not by them. They have a "pure ethnic population: because they don't let people out, not because they don't let people in.
  10. He also knows what the Colts wanted for their #3 pick, and decided it wasn't worth the cost, unless someone thinks the Colts didn't leverage us against the Jets.
  11. I'm not missing your point. You are missing the point, and the only one being "kidded" is you. Virginia boosters couldn't be more happy with Bennett. The team was unranked entering the season and blew away the ACC. That isn't what gets people un-satisfied. I live here, and I have kids who are UVA alums. This is the epitome of what a really successful college program is about. Hideous loss, but a sports loss for 20 year olds who will get over it by next weekend. Other things matter. Virginia's problem has always been that it's in the ACC, which includes Duke, UNC, and the occasional powerhouse Wake and NC State. Bennett has taken them on and beaten them, without one and done players. They have never had the big middle guy, nor the take control guards. This year, the guard play has been great. Kyle Guy and Ty Jerome are way better than Virginia has had in the past, and are not done.
  12. I think Ralph Sampson was OK.
  13. Point is, it isn't a one and done program. It attracts certain kids who are really good athletes but have more to give. Not a bad combination, if you ask me.
  14. Malcolm Brogdon, last year's NBA rookie of the year. That's pretty good, I'd say. In addition, he has a master's from UVA and is deeply involved with Chris Long, also a UVA kid who donated his entire salary last year, in clean water for Africa projects. It's a damn good program that attracts damn good kids, and some are pretty good athletes. MLB is full of them, Ryan Zimmerman included.
  15. And you know what? Nobody at Virginia gives a damn about someone who considers himself "a truly special high school kid." They will not get that kid unless his parents are "truly special, " and he is getting "truly special" advice. There isn't a more respected college coach in the nation than Tony Bennett, and probably not a more respected program. This team was unranked at the season open. Undefeated during the ACC away schedule. This isn't the NBA, and I'm absolutely certain UVA isn't going to change a thing. It is a great program, run by great people. Losses happen with 20 year olds. 2015 NCAA best sports D1 school? Virginia, and with no scandals.
  16. Virginia runs a great program. It was a freakish game, and UMCB did the only thing they could have, which was spread out, go in and out to limit Virginia's incredibly cooperative defense, and drain threes. Stuff like that happens. Occasionally, one team will hit a bunch of threes and another team can't buy one. Still, the Virginia program is an example of clean college basketball. Proud to be a fan.
  17. My wife was a Navy nurse. Did the same thing. Want to learn how to treat gunshots? Go to where the gunshots are.
  18. That is not true. Cargo pressurization is automatically controlled, and is the same as the other pressurized areas of the airplane. Heat is automatic as well. There are some very minor adjustments to heat that are possible in some airplanes, but generally it's not controlled directly, but by air flow around it that is exhausted from the main cabin. Most airlines restrict summer carriage for that reason. It is simply not possible to keep the cargo compartment cool during long ground delays. What the pilots will know is whether or not the animal is in the compartment. It shows up on what is called the "closeout," which contains all the final weight numbers, and is linked to the cockpit during taxi out. It will show up as "LA aft," which means live animal in aft cargo compartment. Having a live animal restricts some kinds of other cargo from being in the same compartment, but that is all handled by the loaders.
  19. My son is a buyer for a major national dealership, one whose name you would immediately recognize. He prices about 50 cars per week for them, and buys just as many. The point is, it is very difficult to go by any simple metric, like KBB, to predict a price. Certain cars in certain markets have odd pricing, but that is the market. If you want the last cent, best bet is to sell it yourself. There is no way that a private buyer is going to have all the info on your vehicle that the pros will, and no way for them to see what a career appraiser will see, and that is much more than Carfax. Additionally, a private seller is not going to stand behind any immediate maintenance issues. A major franchise will, and that liability costs them per vehicle.
  20. Maxine Waters just pleaded for a return to Dem control of the House and Senate, and of course the White House, so we can discuss reparations. As if anybody in the past four generations of Americans had anything to do with slavery.
  21. I married one.
  22. Frankly, they couldn't stop it. People who have dealt with her know it.
  23. Oprah Winfrey's past incredibly racist and elitist behavior would be exposed for what it was if she ever ran for office. No doubt she knows this.
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