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Posts posted by sherpa

  1. 17 minutes ago, Augie said:


    Do yourself a favor and Google gout and skim (or low fat) milk. Studies show a glass of skim milk can reduce uric acid like 10% within 3 hours and over time reduce the chance of a recurrence by about 50%. I have skim milk and a banana every morning, and have not had a problem in the last 5+ years. (I just knocked on wood, fyi.) 


    I’ve never had it other than in my feet, but I pray that’s not what you’re suffering from! Good luck! 


    That is good information.

  2. On 10/11/2018 at 10:31 AM, Tiberius said:


    All has been well for awhile. Your little ignorant remark there reminds me of the saying that you will know the market has peaked when Doo Doo birds start squawking about how all is well. 

    Oh, you are just jealous of me. Wrok! Wrok Wrok!!! 



    The smart people use those times to write calls against issues they have made money on.

    But you knew that.


    And I guarantee you I am not jealous of you.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Trump sure is a dummy. I see the stock sell off spread all around the globe, too. 


    Now I'm convinced you don't know how this works.

    Equity markets react to a number of things, not the least is rising interest rates.

    Interest rates rise due to capital demand in healthy and expanding economies.


    All is well.

  4. Making such a decision is personal choice, and what you need.

    Are you going to tow? If so what weight?

    Do you need a full sized bed, or a crew cab. Can't have both.


    I'm not giving advice, but my son is a buyer for CarMax. Spends about 200k/week, and I trust his opinion.

    He gets to buy three vehicles a year for himself at wholesale, which he does, and sells them.


    I needed a truck that would pull my small RV. Got a 2005 Nissan Frontier. He found it. Had it for two years and got rid of it a couple weeks ago.

    Not a fan. Neither was the local guy who worked on it.

    Just bought a used Toyota Tundra my son found through work.

    Not even close. Much better vehicle.


    Tacoma used prices are ridiculous. A joke in the industry, but they are what they are.


  5. 6 minutes ago, ALF said:

    Ideally a Judge should be impartial and non partisan just interpret the law. What Brett and his family has been thru will leave him far from that ideal. Then again a swing vote is not the norm.


    Grossly judgmental.

    A Supreme Court judge is responsible for interpreting the Constitution vis a vis legal issues.

    Kavanaugh is qualified and competent.


    Democrat misconduct should not convey to a judge's fitness for duty.


    • Like (+1) 1
  6. I was doing minor maintenance underneath my tractor.

    Not a small one, about 4000 pounds.

    The hydrostat transmission suddenly engaged, (long technical reason), and it started forward.

    Big tractor tires got my shirt in a split second and pinned me.

    The tractor ran over me, right across my chest.

    I was facing down.

    Anyway, broke 21 of my 24 ribs.

    Four hour surgery and four titanium pieces to reconnect ribs.

    • Sad 2
  7. Years of going to Brazil, Colombia and Argentina allowed me to watch a ton of this.

    I would always ask my coworker if he wanted to meet for dinner.

    After 90% said they "had a friend," I gave up asking and just did my own thing.


    There are lots of reasons why men cheat, but there is one undeniable reality, in my view.

    Men are going to have sex at a regular rate. 

    If they are not having it at home, or if it is not, in their view, satisfactory, they will look elsewhere, but they are going to have it.


  8. 8 hours ago, Cripple Creek said:

    Thank you for the correct spelling, I'm embarrassed.  


    TI...good times.


    You spelled it phonetically.

    No harm in that. 

    As for Treasure Island, simply the best view of the city.

    Things "went on" in the sauna that adjoined the bachelor officer's quarters there. 

    At least once.

    Though I can neither confirm nor deny.


    What a great place.

    Marin----I'd avoid.

  9. 10 hours ago, Cripple Creek said:

    Get chioppino while you're there. You'll thank me later.


    Cioppino is my favorite.

    A Christmas tradition in my house.


    For the best, without the Fisherman's Wharf touristy stuff, go to Spenger's in Berkely. 

    It's right off the Bay Bridge, so very easy to get to. Very good place, a seafood market and old style restaurant, Not stuffy at all.

    For city fare, I'd go to Tommaso's on Kearney St, in the North Beach area.

    Pizza is great. Very informal and cheap.

    Of course now I've given up my two favorite places when I was dating my wife years ago.

    We got married on Treasure Island, (a man made island in the middle of the Bay Bridge).



    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. 41 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

    Water was higher in.my region 3 weeks ago.  Suns out, Waters up barely and it was nothing


    That's great, but it is very different in other areas.

    You posted Saturday that rain had "stopped" in Virginia.

    That is absolutely not true, except for a few hours.


    All of this "in my area" stuff is meaningless to the millions who have been significantly impacted by this.

    This was a horrific rain dumper, and anybody who denies that ought to consider the walk a mile in my shoes idiom.

    It will take well over a month to get over this in the areas that bore the brunt.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Very interesting and touching. 


    Today Christianity just seems to be in such crisis with the Catholic Church being roiled by sex abuse charges and Evangelicals blindly following an amoral child (Trump) for reasons that don't really make sense unless you follow the money. Is it any wonder that this generation is rejecting faith? 



    Of course the Catholic Church is in crisis, but any notion that anybody is "blindly following Trump," is completely preposterous.

  12. I had left New York the night afternoon prior, flying a 767 to San Francisco, qualifying a new copilot.

    We had just taken off from San Francisco. We were in the vicinity of Fallon Nevada, which has a huge Naval Air Station, whihc I had spent tons of time flying out of during my days in the Navy.

    I started getting really strange messages on the data link printer, ending in an extremely strong suggestion to divert.

    Thought about dropping in to Fallon, but turned back to San Francisco and landed, accompanied by about 30 emergency vehicles chasing me down the runway.

    Same company. Same airplane. Same transcon flight, Same other stuff which has never been published.

    Called home to have the Mrs. tell the kids, who were at school, and knew I was flying transcons from NY that day, that I was OK, then an office at the company to get the names on 77, the Pentagon airplane, knowing I would know them, and found out they were friends or folks I had flown that trip with.

    Arranged to buy lunch for our entire crew.

    Chatted with the FBI via phone patch that afternoon.

    Just an unforgettable, horrible, life altering day.


    And by the way "Foxx," if you ever have any suggestions of something amiss, which you have suggested in this thread, I would be very happy to address them, at least on the subjects that I am very familiar with.

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 3
  13. Oh well.

    Emergency harvest of my petit verdot grapes tomorrow and Wed., a week early.

    Fortunately, my grapes are in good shape, but would have really benefited from another week hanging.


    A week of rain would really hurt, so starting at 4am, we will harvest.

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 1 hour ago, LaDexter said:



    Of course, which demographic wrote the New Testament?  Yeah, the same one that is the only demographic to observe this guy alive, his demographic, and they reject him, consider him a fraud.  Why does any SUB think they know more about Jesus than those who actually were there observing him?


    WHERE did the "everything" go?


    The Bible doesn't say - convenient.... because the objective of the Bible is to sell the re-packaged Jesus to unChosen idiots.  


    What happened in his trial?


    Jesus refused to heal people.  Jesus refused to walk on water, or couldn't after the guards threw him in...


    What did the trial prove?


    It proved Jesus was just a man, nothing more, and he couldn't heal a hangnail.



    Now, let's go over his popularity.  If he really was healing people left and right, he would have been extremely popular.  He wasn't.  He lost his one popularity contest to a murderer....


    And the SUB arguing the Disciples stood their ground and stayed with Jesus when Jesus was "arrested," he is laughable.  The whole "Last Supper" hoax was added into the New Testament more than one hundred years later so that idiots could argue that, despite his trial, despite his Disciples bolting on him, he really was blah blah blah.



    Most of the "miracles" only had a few disciples observing.  That they bolted on Jesus is all the proof any rational person needs to see the obvious...


    You are truly troubled.

    There is no "everything," because they didn't have anything.

    Your "trial" recreation is total fiction.

    He was initially tried by the Jewish leadership at the time, illegally, as they were afraid of his popularity destroying their financial scheme.

    The Sanhedrin, knowing that Jews had no capital punishment option under Roman rule turned him over to Pilate, who found no reason to convict him, so turned him over to Herod, who was a goof and interested in having Jesus perform tricks, which he wouldn't do.

    Herod soon turned him back to Pilate, who still wanted him released, but appeased the Jewish leadership and condemned him.


    Pilate's only concern was preventing an uprising during Passover, where multiple times the number of Jews would have been in Jerusalem.


    Anyway, if you are going top offer views on this, you ought to be knowledgeable of the basics.........And you aren't.

  15. 8 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    The box she reached into said:




    (Foxborough, MA)



    Mr. Wile E. Coyote's lawsuit against Acme Products.

    "Mr. Coyote states that on eighty-five separate occasions he has purchased of the Acme Company (hereinafter, "Defendant"), through that company's mail-order department, certain products which did cause him bodily injury due to defects in manufacture or improper cautionary labeling.....

    Upon receipt of the Rocket Sled, Mr. Coyote removed it from its wooden shipping crate and, sighting his prey in the distance, activated the ignition.  As Mr. Coyote gripped the handlebars, the Rocket Sled accelerated with such sudden and precipitate force as to stretch Mr. Coyote's forelimbs to a length of fifty feet"

    Also mentioned were defective "rocket skates," which propelled the plaintiff through a billboard, leaving a full body silhouette.


    The Claim


    One of my personal favorites was the earthquake pills.

    • Haha (+1) 1
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