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Posts posted by sherpa

  1. 1 hour ago, Marv's Neighbor said:

    Exactly, divert from a point on an ETOPS route.


    I know what your saying, but once airborne, no divert necessary.

    Simply start the APU, which is more than adequate to serve as the second power source, and press on.

    APU picks up the bad side easily, and ETOPS is satisfied.


  2. 1 hour ago, Marv's Neighbor said:

    We had a 3 hr delay Dulles-Frankfurt.  777, Had to change a relay on one of the generators.  Had to deplane, so they could power down the plane.  The blessing was, that it happened on the ground at Dulles.  They had the part(s) and the mechanics.  If it happened in flight, no telling where we would have had to land to get it changed?  December in N Canada or Iceland is not something I would want to experience.


    You would not have diverted once in flight.

    Easily worked around.

    Not that big of a deal, and certainly would not go into a Canadian field or Iceland.

  3. Some information for those who travel international.

    There are a few ways to clear customs and immigration on arrival in the US.  One way, the traditional method, is to fill out the forms provided prior to landing. Another is the Global Entry Program. You apply for this, pay a fee, then run your passport through a machine and a form is printed and you're on your way.

    I used Global Entry since its inception, and never had any issues.  It made sense for me because I had to go through customs/immigration at least once per week, and sometimes six times in three days.

    The point of this is to make folks aware of what your status is when you get in that area, but before you are cleared through. A lot of people don't understand that none of your normal protections exist.
    From the time you step off the airplane until the time you clear Customs, you are in a sort of legal No Man's Land. In the country physically, but not officially.

    Using this reasoning, U.S. Customs has granted itself special powers. You can be verbally abused. You have no Fourth Amendment protection from unreasonable searches and seizures. They can search and confiscate your electronics without a warrant. If and when they decide to return them, they will send you a bill for the shipping. If any Customs Agent suspects you of being guilty, or even just feels like harassing you, you are guilty. No evidence required. You are not entitled to Due Process. There is no oversight, at least at the level concerning us.

    The bottom line is that a Customs Officer can simply type an entry into their computer system and make both your  life miserable.been "scarlet lettered," and it will show every time they run it.

    Your passport has Your Trusted Traveler status and Global Entry privileges will be revoked. You will be locked out of the Mobile Passport system. You will be detained, searched, and questioned - sometimes very aggressively - every single time you come through. You won’t be able to take an international vacation with your family without being processed as a criminal in front of them. You won’t be able to drive across the border to Mexico or Canada for dinner without having your car torn apart when you return.
    If you are a U.S. citizen, they cannot bar you from entering the country, but they can detain you “for a reasonable time”. There is no definition of what “a reasonable time” is.
    The only way to find out what’s in the computer is to file a Freedom Of Information Act request and wait for months. Even then, the response will be heavily redacted. You will never find out who made the entry, or be able to disprove it.


    I have a friend who has been going through this for six months. His mistake was losing his Global Entry form between the machine printing it and him presenting it to the immigration officer, and instead of stating that, used an alternate method that airline crews use, but  similar to passenger forms.
    After the first couple times, and after his Global Entry/Trusted Traveler/Mobile Passport status were all revoked. He tried all normal means of getting it fixed, to no avail. He filed a complaint with the CBP site and got no response, except two weeks later, when going through, the agent said, "You're the guy who wrote the letter," followed by the standard two hour delay and harassment before being allowed in. This happened to him over twenty times in seven months.

    The point is, don't take this process lightly. Fill out the forms carefully and answer any questions truthfully. You can get yourself into a lot of trouble if you don't.

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Greybeard said:

             It is a bit interesting that the older thermostats have batteries and the new ones take the power off the 24 volt transformer in the furnace.  The batteries wouldn't hold up when supplying power for the wifi connection and processor of the newer models.


    Based on my experience, I disagree.

    I was worried about the wifi capability using up batteries, and that simply hasn't happened on the six that have no "C" wire that I run daily for our church.

    The guide says to replace batteries in six months, but voltage is monitored and displayed, and all six are at the one year+ range, and still full power. One is over 18 months.


    Also, mentioned above was that the "C" wire is usually blue.

    In my experience, the blue is first stage heat, or just heat if you have a single stage.

    The "C" or power wire is brown.

    In the seven that we have, that is the case in all of them.

    For what its worth.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    All true, but it does raise the question of why "Values Voters," those who say they want moral leadership, would follow this clown so fervently?  


    And the options for them were?


    You really don't get this.

    Trump is hardly the voice of Christiandom.

    Most vote, I'd guess, on other issues, like basic economic sense and the view that the gov is not the answer.

    Nothing to do with an oath to the Nicene Creed.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. I run our church thermostats, seven of them, from my home.

    Six of them are Sensi, (an Emerson product), used in all spaces but the main Sanctuary.

    The Sanctuary thermostat is a Honeywell product that reports energy usage each month.

    It's interesting, but doesn't have any effect on how I schedule it, since the desired outcome of a thermostat is to make the space comfortable, but not wasteful.


    I think the wifi ability is extremely important, at least in our application, because we have a number of people who use the facility and "adjust" the thermostat, which I can monitor and overrule.


    The rest of the data, I'm not interested in.


    Late edit.

    By the way, wiring a thermostat is quite easy, if you you know the color codes, but not easy if you don't.

    I've wired all of our homes and churches'.


    • Like (+1) 1
  7. The other thread got me thinking.

    To give has always been more pleasurable than to receive, so what was the best Christmas present you ever gave?


    For me it is simple. 

    A number of really good French artists spend their winters in St. Maarten, on the French side.

    Really good talent, and I was going there every week as part of work at the time.

    I brought down seperate pictures of my three children at about the three year old age, and a really talented guy painted them as one oil.

    Just an incredible likeness of three of my wife's favorite pictures, sitting next to each other.

    When she opened the scroll, she just wept.

    Art is a really cool.


    • Like (+1) 2
  8. 15 minutes ago, The_Dude said:


    They keep showing the Arc de triumph. I don't get why the French have an arch of triumph. It is arguably the greatest military embarrassment of Western Civilization. I cannot name ONE great French general, aside from Lafayette. And the French tried to kill him for being too awesome. Tear the whole damn thing down!


    See "Napoleon."

    He had some good days.


    I've spent a lot of time there. Sad to see.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Pete said:

    he never worked a day in his life and was gifted a job as head of CIA.  He also issued executive order 12803 which pimped out our countries assets to highest bidder.  ***** him and his family.  This morning I am sipping Grand Marnier Cuvee du Cent Cinquantenaire - Cheers!


    I guess with your experience of flying a torpedo bomber off of a light aircraft carrier during war, you are able to state that he "never worked a day in his life."

    • Like (+1) 3
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  10. 32 minutes ago, Dante said:

    I am still hoping that sometime, in the not too distant future, we have the viewing option of absolutely no commentating. Just ambient crowd/stadium/arena noise. Enhanced stats/graphics. Digital age it should be possible. DTV have on occasion broadcast 4K games like this. In between periods is just a static shot of the crowd.

    Maybe some halftime or intermission features but that's it. 

    With 4K quality now it would be so enjoyable. We don't need commentators and talking heads filling dead air when we are at the game why do we need them now?


    That was tried before.

  11. 1 hour ago, plenzmd1 said:

    That sounds awesome!! Where ya be? Has to be a might be chilly up there right now. 


    Just outside Rileyville, VA.

    About the 3000' level on a ridge, so full view of the Shenandoah Valley and great view of the river.

    We do something like this every year.

    Each kid gets to name their own food assignment, of course I do the turkey, and it works out great.

    All arrived late Tuesday.

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 3 hours ago, BeginnersMind said:


    Though there is also real racist ***** (see Charlottesville) and it’s important to call it out too. 


    What exactly does this mean?

    What is the point, and what was demonstrated in that event that makes the point?

  13. Can we stop this stupid President and military respect nonsense?

    The way you show respect to the military, or anyone for that matter, is by not putting their lives in jeopardy for silly purposes.


    Showing up at various events honoring dead is meaningless compared to that.

    Nobody in the service cares.


    Asking that military people assigned to the White House to not make eye contact or talk with the president is an indication of how one feels, as is demanding that they not wear uniforms while on duty.

    So is not allowing the gent carrying the football to be close enough for a response to a nuclear attack.

    Do your own research. This has all happened.

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    • Thank you (+1) 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, Dante said:

    They feel he stayed alive so long because he was giving up intel. From his actions with his own party recently the traitor aspect of his war tour kinda fits the profile. No one knows for sure cause not there but if it walks and talks like one..


    I knew a lot of people who served with McCain. 

    I served as a pilot in the same community, Pacific Fleet Attack.

    I have never heard a single one say that he "stayed alive so long because he was giving up intel."

    He had no intel to give.

    Just a bunch of nonsense, and the performance of Vietnam POWs was the common denominator of what became Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape training Navy pilots subsequent to that conflict went through, until is was grossly watered down.

    We have covered this before.

    McCain was not well liked for a variety of reasons in that community.

    His performance as a POW was not one of those reasons.

    That is an internet creation, and based on what he did as a Senator, and in my mind, for good reason.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Chicken Boo said:


    The argument I'm making is, this is the President of the United States.  There's never NOT an alternative plan of action if option A is unavailable.


    And if what you're proposing was true, we would have heard that excuse from an official source by now.  We haven't.  Just here on good ol TBD.




    I think you are amazingly ignorant about this entire subject.

    The Secret Service does not publicize any decision to wave off a presidential movement based on inability to protect.

    You clearly have no idea what this involves, politics aside.

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. You've probably already done so, but if you have time,  go just across the street and visit the Library of Congress, and Jefferson's library display there.

    If you're a Shakespeare fan, the Folger Museum is across the street also and you can go in the reading room and look at almost 500 year old folios. They actually let you touch them.

    I was there last weekend.

    I'm always impressed with the many things to see along the Mall.

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