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Posts posted by sherpa

  1. 1 hour ago, row_33 said:


    He was totally outsized by guard White last night, who must be 6’8 280 by your dimensions


    we saw what the Cavs did last year when it mattered


    They're not "my dimensions," and losing in their opener last year had little impact on their size.

    Further, the season and the ACC tournament "matter."

  2. 5 hours ago, row_33 said:

    Cabs hold on for the win, their PG looked to be about 5’3 and 80 pounds and 10 years old



    Ty Jerome is the Virginia point guard, and he's 6'5.


    If you're talking about Kyle Guy, he's 6'2.


    Together, they are clearly one of the best back courts in the country.

  3. 12 hours ago, Nanker said:


    Heck, all the airlines would be put out of business too. 



    I can report that her proposal is getting a resounding response from airline labor groups, at least the one I'm very familiar with.

    Soon enough she'll jump on a shuttle from DC to NY, they're packed with Congress people on Fridays and Mondays, and somebody will take the time to ask her,  in a "friendly, inquisitive manner,"  to explain this, and report her response.

    • Like (+1) 2
  4. 11 minutes ago, Dante said:

    "Mac's" or Max's Diner? 

    With the proceeds from LA sale you should be able to buy an amazing house in Idaho.


    Could have been Max's, but I remember it as Mac's.

    Heard about it on Russ Riera's show.

    He used to have a KGO restaurant review show every weekend in San Francisco, and we always checked out his recommendations.

    8 minutes ago, Hedge said:


    That it is. And it actually has quite a few Bills fans. In my neighborhood alone, there are at least 4 households.


    Didn't Madden live there?

    In Blackhawk I believe.

  5. 3 hours ago, Dante said:

    All those tax dollars they take from us at work!  Makes the $700 plus a year to register my truck worth it. Took 6 hours to get from San Rafael to Danville last night/afternoon. Usually under an hour drive. Since the bridge closed everyone had to use #37 which is basically a two-lane (one way each way) highway. You can imagine.



    Danville is a nice place.

    Used to be a restaurant called "Macs" there that had an all you can eat ribs deal on Wed.

    We went there once/month.

    Sold my house in Benicia in 89 and never looked back.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 13 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    This isn't that rare, at least recently.

    Military needs to operate in a non GPS environment for specific reasons, and they do this at Red Flag, the exercises run in the Nellis operating area frequently.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. Sermon....any serious speech, discourse, or exhortation, especially on a moral issue.

    a long, tedious speech.
    Save your's for someone who might listen, and this isn't an "argument." This is you making a fool of yourself.
    You have absolutely no idea what happened.
    You suggest anti Semitism, some crazy ass nonsense about air marshals.
    Unrelated and idiotic air traffic control priorities, lying, tricking, all of which would get someone fired, law suites and I can't remember what else.
    In the meantime,  you are grossly ignorant of how these things are best handled without embarrassing people more than necessary, and paying their bill because others could not stand to be next to them.
    At the end, you tell someone who might know something about this thing, because...you know....it happens all the time, to "speak when you're spoken to."
    You are quite the man.
  8. 2 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    You have faith in your chosen field. That's admirable. Glad you speak for your profession.  You should be a spokesperson. 


    Agree to disagree.  Don't you have a plane to fly.  Now, lock yourself in there and speak when you're spoken too.  ?



    "Faith" in my profession?

    That doesn't make any sense, but not much you have posted does.

    As for the rest of your post, I am not one to use profanity or react strongly to people who do really stupid things on the internet, but you can surmise my response about what a good suggestion might be. 

  9. Just now, ExiledInIllinois said:

    What happens if the issue is them being Jewish and the smell thing is made up?


    You should be a mind reader.


    That's what the gentleman is saying.


    If he does sue, I guess they can get the passengers to testify.


    An airline is never going to remove a family because some other passengers don't like Jews.

    A flight attendant would listen to the complaint, smell, determine it to be valid, smell, and behave in a manner they are trained.

    If there was no smell, the flight attendant would so state, and offer the complainant to accept their Jewishness and get off if they didn't like it.


  10. Or maybe you just don't have any freakin' idea what really happened.


    Typically, what happens is something like this.


    A few people notice something  "odd" the gate area.


    During boarding, a number of passengers complain to a flight attendant about an issue like this, and state that they will not sit next to the issue.

    The flight attendant has a problem. People have to be seated to taxi.

    The flight attendant checks out the situation, determines it to be valid, and gets the lead flight attendant involved, who also determines it to be valid.

    They tell the captain and the passenger gets removed, discretely.

    They don't stand around and holler at the stinky people that they are being removed because it is not possible to operate the flight and have everyone in their seats because people refuse to sit near them. 

    The airline buys them a hotel room and two meals and gets them where they are going.

    That is how it works.

    You don't have some grand display in the cabin that embarrasses them.


    Late edit, 'cause I just read another goofy claim of yours.

    Airlines are not anti Semitic. Miami has plenty of Jewish people that fly all the time, and the suggestion is idiotic. Crazy nonsense. 

    And if your claim is that the passengers were anti Semitic, its just as much lunacy.


    Further, it wasn't United that that event happened.

    It was one of their commuter operators.

  11. 2 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:


    They were all boarded.  Who knows what happened.  Maybe another Delta situation happened at last second.  If that happened and a crew member showed up at last second... Of course they will lie...  They don't want another Delta situation on their hands.


    But of course all holier than thou guys like @sherpa know... Because they got the "in." LoL.. We need to trust him... LoL... 

    The mllion dollar post!


    Huh... You say I am an anti-Semite because I am pro-Semitic.


    Be careful who you are calling an idiot. /smh


    They want to fly home.  Let them stay on plane!


    And be careful who you are calling a liar or a trickster.

    This thread is the "Sum of all Fantasies."



    They don't need to "trick" people off an airplane.

    There is a protocol that is followed, and people are, (almost always happily), bought off.

    If that protocol isn't followed, the gate agent can get fired for the nonsense you propose, and other employees would have clearly noticed it.

    Absolutely if the nonsense you suggest that a crewmember showed up.


    And a minor point. Airlines don't "drag" people off airplanes. Law enforcement people have done so.







  12. :lol:


    You are quite the keyboard fantasizer.

    I can guarantee you that your "trick" fantasy is foolish, as is any claim it was a "No Jew Jet."


    Do you imagine there might be a pilot's union website for that company that discusses events like these with people who were there?


  13. 13 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    I don't know.  Of course you do.  Like I am suppose to believe some arrogant schlep on the internet.


    Thanks... LoL... 


    You deny they will get a lawyer involved and there will be a settlement or push on with discovery?


    These are people's lives the airlines are effing with.  I know, it's all in the name of safety and thinking of the group first.


    Maybe they did smell.  Maybe they didn't... Like you know.  Just kick them off the plane and do your damn job and get my stuff... Or pay me for all new stuff.  People wait on the tarmac for 4,6,8,12 hours and can't leave... We've all heard the horror stories.  I don't think it would take that long.  


    They want to be the heavy over someone's sense of smell then get lazy after they lay down the law. Again, what's next?  Getting booted for a "cologne dump" because the person is on pins and needles that traveling makes them smell.  Sorry... Not every pleb out there is privileged with a pass to the Admiral's Lounge.  People travel, they smell.  Look at the story Johnny told above.


    There's gotta be more to this story.  


    Just stop.

    You are in over your head.

  14. 33 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:


    Here's a thought.  Maybe there was no air marshall on that plane.  Could they have got one on the plane next morning... Say someone was freaked out by the religion thing... Made the whole story up.


    If a lawyer gets involved, can they get the manifests for both flights... See who was on it?  Interview people, get them to testify?


    I think American hushes this up and pays them if they start pushing with an attorney.


    I am sure the ADL is already on it.

    I changed my son's diaper on the floor by the bulkhead @ 35,000 feet.  Yet this was 2000.  Now... LoL... I wouldn't dare.


    I started this day guessing you were sane, just uniformed.

    Now, that has changed.

    You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

    An air marshall would never get involved in something like this.

    Your entire input in this is ignorant.

  15. 39 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    I get it. I am not saying take off.  Safety, order, expeditious.  Guess what takes the hit first.


    People complaining about smell will just abuse it more.  They think it's really bad, let them wait.  Do the job right, get their stuff off. 


    Of course... But who's to say the other passengers didn't start it... And get everybody worked up, including the crew.


    ...Now anybody can toss accusations around get somebody tossed, close the door and still be on schedule.


    Just be careful if someone comes for you.  But you are big shot pilot... You'll pull professional courtesy of course.  Different for the plebs you serve.


    All I am saying is show some empathy, compassion. Get their stuff off.  You don't wipe your azz halfway.


    They weren't a problem in morning with same smelly clothes...


    If that was me... I would came on flight in morning reeking to high heaven.


    Baby... Forget about the diaper.  Speaking of that, who bought the extra diapers.  Those things are outrageous!



    You'd show 'em. Show up worse the next day. That would work.

    Either way, this kind of thing happens, and it was handled in the best interest of everyone.

    You should be a consultant.



  16. 21 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    I don't think they do know what they are doing.  Being expeditious and getting the plane off in time should take a hit.  It's only smell... What did people do on trains 80 years ago before deodorant?


    Boo hoo... They want to complain... At least show some compassion and get their ***** off the plane.


    Sounds like one noisey passenger.  


    You have an undeserved view of your opinion.

    When a passenger disturbance occurs on the ground, it needs to be resolved before taking it into the air because it never gets better, and ends up taking the entire cabin crew or a divert to stop it.

    I guarantee you it was more than one individual who was complaining about this issue, and unwilling to sit next to them.

    I did this for 32 years, and you have absolutely no idea of what can happen.

    Been there.


    You should offer your services for conflict mitigation.

    I'm certain there would be takers.

    Good God, you have no idea.

  17. 1 hour ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    American will end up paying for not letting expeditious take a "hit"... And every passenger will incur the cost.


    I know it's hard to remove the luggage. That's why I said it.  Living without your stuff already knee deep in stank isn't easy either. Obviously, the smell wasn't a problem the next day even with the smelly clothes...


    The passengers have a choice.  Deal with it or wait.  In the end, the airlines will pass the cost on to all passengers.


    They will settle for big bucks now because they can't wait.  That cost is passed on.  Either your time or your money.


    They gave vouchers for food... What the hell is a voucher?  Is that like cash. You really think they gave them cash to go shopping @ TJ Maxx?  LoL... I wonder what these "vouchers" looked like?


    Maybe they did smell... But do the job right.  Now, everybody waits.


    Like from the ATC training manual with regard to the Gubermint Shutdown:


    "...When Klontz was a supervisor at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, he said if there were too many people out sick, they would adjust the rate of departures to make the workload more manageable.

    "'Safe, orderly and expeditious,' that’s what it says in our initial training order," said Klontz. "'Safe' is always going to be first, 'orderly' is going to be second, but 'expeditious' may take a hit."..."




    I don't understand what some your post is about. You seemed to have included an ATC issue brought about by the gov shutdown into a smelly passenger situation.

    The two are not remotely related.


    A "voucher" is a restaurant credit. The airline paid for their hotel, and without transportation, bought them a meal or two without forcing them to find transportation.

    The rest of your post indicates you know very little about these situations, and how they are best handled. 

    People who do this know what they are doing.

    You don't.

    You don't know what is possible if you decide to take a passenger issue into the air, which may not have even been possible, and potentially deal with a divert and a host of other problems, including 180 hotel rooms, 180 meal vouchers, flying a new crew somewhere and delaying everybody for half a day, and disrupting the airplanes planned routing, which is a very big deal.

    What you have done is take one third of an issue and draw conclusions as if you have seen three different viewpoints, or you have any idea what you're talking about.

    You don't.

    I don't mean to be disrespectful, but there is a whole lot about this kind of thing you have no idea about.



  18. Getting baggage off the airplane isn't as easy as people think. It can take a long time and the ramp crew may not have even known about it, and there are a host of other issues that may be involved, like the inability of the crew to take a delay for time on duty purposes. 

    Lots of other factors.


    It takes more than "one loud mouth." If there's "one loud mouth" only, he/she would be given the option to leave. I guarantee you a member of the cabin crew judged it as a problem as well.


    You are guessing what they might have smelled like in the morning. I'm certain they did something in the hotel that the airline paid for to adjust the issue.

  19. It not simply pleasing the noses of everybody.

    There are lots of reasons for removing somebody, and when a number of other other passengers complain about body odor, obscene language from the mouth or on clothing, obvious illness or a host of other things, they can be removed.

    Never a good idea to take a passenger problem into the air. Never ends well.

    Clearly they didn't smell as bad the next morning, so off they went.

    Anti Semitism is a ridiculous charge, though religious customs that result in really strange situations also can and have caused problems.

    • Like (+1) 1
  20. 47 minutes ago, Pilsner said:

    Yes, I agree it would be tough. But still it seems our soldiers’ story there has been neglected from a movie standpoint. They had a great stand. They could have held on a little longer but in the end they would have been overwhelmed. I’d like to visit there someday. It sounds as if you’ve been there.


    I've been there a number of times. When I was in the Navy Reserves we used to land there to refuel between Hawaii and Japan/Philippines.

    It is literally just a runway island. Nothing to see or do, but check out the stuff left over from the war, and a memorial as I recall.

    If you ever mention Wake to someone who has been there, they'll likely smile and immediately talk about that fan I mentioned.

    A few times, when flying the 777 between Tokyo and Chicago/NY, due to very unusual winds, we would be on an extremely southern route and Wake would be our emergency divert airport for a couple hours until we got closer to the US. Very rare, but it did happen.

    I always wondered what we would do with 250 people if we ever actually landed there. Luckily,  never had to.

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