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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. Forecast calls for significant wind on Sunday. If forecast hold, it will definitely impact the game.
  2. This is my favorite thread ever.
  3. This game is literally gum on the shoe. Can't wait for it to be over.
  4. Goodness that was ugly. Theisman's as well. glad I never saw that one. Another horrible one was the recently deceased Gale Sayers, the injury that ended his career. The story was that when they got him to the sideline and some teamates saw the injury, a number of them vomited.
  5. Kind of an odd encounter, but I saw some from the hangar deck of the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier. We were heading towards Guam to operate in those waters. Ship had a day off prior to spooling up operations. We were over the Mariana Trench, and the ship's captain authorized a swim for any fifty sailors that wanted to, I guess for bragging purposes that they had swam in the deepest part of the Pacific. They set up a rope ladder from one of the elevators on the hangar deck, and about thirty or so guys went down and in the the water. Evidently, someone had been throwing trash off an aft sponson on the ship, and somebody reported sharks. Captain gets on the ships internal com and yells not tp throw anything off. Sharks had moved closer to the swimming sailors. Fortunately, they had a few Marines from the Marine security force that all carriers have aboard and they had their weapons and kept the sharks at bay while the frightened sailors scurried up the rope ladder. We watched the thing from from the hangar deck. Only time I ever saw any swimming from an aircraft carrier.
  6. I do a charter to the Gulfstream with my boys every other year or so. Yellowfin is the preferred target. Would love to catch a wahoo, but it's a completely different tackle setup because of their teeth. I do a fair amount of fly fishing in the Blue Ridge streams every year, and it is a lot of work. Trees, wind....Just lots of things that make it challenging. Sure enjoy bagging those trout though.
  7. Cheer up. SAR 1 claims you're 4-0.
  8. That would make him really old. The mound was at 50'. Changed in 1893. After Gibsons 1.12 ERA in '68, it was changed from 15" high to 10".
  9. 1968. 1.12 ERA resulting in mound change. 13 shutouts. When you are so good that they change the field dimensions because of you, you are noteworthy.
  10. I think he's one of those classic inferiority complex guys who tries to over compensate by trying to be a tough guy. I could not stand him when he was a Bill, but the nail in the coffin for me occurred when the Bills beat the Redskins in DC in 2007. Some will recall. It was the week after Sean Taylor was killed. The Bills beat the then Redskins on an end of game field goal. I was at that game. Near the end, when Trent Edwards hit Josh Reed for a first down against Gregg's defense, I started watching him. When Lindell hit the game winner, he took his headset off and walked with undeniable "look at me" drama away from the 'Skin bench. He stopped alone, about 20 yards away from anybody on the team with clear look of disgust on his face. During stints with the Rams and Browns, where his preseason "work" was put on display, I became truly disgusted. Biggest ass in the league.
  11. Favorite story about Gibson: His catcher, Tim McCarver goes to the mound to talk to him. Gibson told him to go back to the plate but said: "The only thing you know about pitching is that you can't hit it."
  12. Agree or not, MLB would take care of this.
  13. Has anyone else seen enough of this punk? Last night was typical for his "coached" teams. The NFLPA ought to send owners a statement that nobody will play for him. He is a threat to the career of anyone on the opposing team. At a minimum, with the game out of hand, which his often are, some offense should run a play that ends up with a full speed tight end running over him on the sideline. The man is disgusting, and its been going on for a long time.
  14. The faster somebody knocks the extra g out of Gregg, the better. The single biggest punk and slime in the NFL. All players should beware of him. Evidence on display last night for all to see.
  15. It was on the road. Abbott Road.
  16. Wow. Congrats.
  17. Very sorry. Been there.
  18. Awe come on. I delivered it for three years. Never missed a day. Set me up as an early riser for the rest of life. Good things happen before 8 AM. Bad things after 9PM.
  19. He was O for the afternoon. Hopefully, an anomaly.
  20. Pegulas don't control the airspace. What it requires is that they get out of there before game time. Flying drones or other aircraft over stadiums is prohibited. I expect there will be a network replay of it, but they will be gone by noon.
  21. No puncture of the thoracic cavity, thank goodness. Next time you see a toad hiding under a log or piece of wood and wonder how it stays alive while the thing over it is being walked on, notice its posture and ability to get real "flat." Worked for me.
  22. We made our peace, but got rid of the Kubota for a 50hp Deere last year.
  23. I was trying to repair a very small hydraulic fluid leak under a 45hp tractor that weighed about 4000 pounds and had a 500 pound mower attached to the back. I was underneath and tightening a bolt when the wrench slipped and hit the mechanical link from the foot pedal to the hydrostatic transmission, and the tractor started forward, jumping a chock I had in front of it.. The turf tire grabbed my shirt sleeve in about a tenth of a second and there was no time to get out. Tractor ran over my chest with me face down, luckily in an area of our landscaping that had about thee inches of mulch, so it compressed a bit, probably saving my life. Got all the ribs on the right side, and all but three on the left. Got up, got the tractor shut down, came in and sat on the couch and my wife came in the room and told me I looked horrible. I told her what happened and she drove me to the hospital.
  24. No collapsed lung, but otherwise related. I hold, (I was told), the University of Virginia Medical Center record for most broken ribs and surviving. 21 of the human allotment of 24 broken. Only five required titanium patches. Don't ask.
  25. Simply a transcendent player.
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