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  1. Anybody know what is the correct amount of hurricane fly ins? Seems to me that not only can this be done with telemetry, but I've not seen a case made for what is required for protection.
  2. I'm nit fixated on anything. If your are talking about Soleimani, it was you you brought him up. I merely pointed out the reason he was targeted, and that was an extremely valid target. I have no interest in defending Trump. I do have an interest in pointing out nonsense, like "fine people," suggesting he was stupid or aggressive to target a guy who was planning on killing numbers of Americans, and has led operations like that in the past. Claiming that a midair at DCA nine days after the inauguration during an operation that had been going on for years is somehow the result of the new Administration's policy is total ignorance. And I've never mentioned the ridiculous legal actions against him, politicians running on a claim that they should be elected so they can "get" him, trying to keep him off the ballot in a few states and other nonsense that wasted time and was not done to others. The fact that I didn't vote for him does not disqualify me from stating those things. As far as "relevance," this forum has no relevance whatsoever. It's an outlet that allows some interested people to put their views forward, but that has absolutely no relevance. Like most people here, I suppose, I lead a relatively busy life with family, friends and community work. This nonsense has no relevance on any of that, and you and your wingman, least of all.
  3. New wars can be prevented by operations that eliminate those that would cause them. Soleimani comes to mind, but you are not capable of understanding that.
  4. Ya. I'm naive. You know how the US conducts a drone strike, ie the Soleimani thing? Any clue? For your edification here's how it works: US intel agencies finger a guy who is perceived as very dangerous. In the case of Soleimani, a guy who was actively planning an operation that would have targeted US servicemen. He had done this before. They go up the chain seeking to get him. They track him and present the option to the president, who approves or disapproves it, as assassinations are beyond the scope of the US military. This scumbag was preparing for an operation to kill US servicemen. It wasn't Trump's idea. It was presented as a smart thing to do; that needed to be done. It would have been gross negligence to not approve it, with a chance of horrible consequences. You wouldn't know. You are too focused on hating the man to decide objectively and correctly, and the reality of the real world doesn't have any space in your cranium.
  5. You have never suggested any reason why Soleimani was killed/ People who do not acknowledge the other side of an issue they criticize are not to be taken seriously. They are either ignorant or corrupted by political views. Being "aggressive" against bin Laden would have saved thousands of US lives. Being aggressive against Hitler would have saved an entire generation. Sometimes being aggressive is the best decision. You wouldn't know, because evidently, you are unaware. As far as your 30%, you do nothing, provide nothing, and seemingly know nothing. You are noise.
  6. You continue to disregard reality. What I defend are claims that are ignorant, misinformed or simply bull####, and about three of you do this all the time. Trump never said there were good neo nazis or white supremacists. Never....Yet it got posted by you people over and over. It was a gross lie that needed to be refuted. You have stated that the assassination of Soleimani led to things that would not otherwise have happened. Never do you suggest you have any idea why it was done, what he was about or what he was planning. That is deceitful and ignorant. You never suggested that you have any understanding of the details Trump Afghan withdrawal plan. Instead, you incorrectly label people who bring those issues up. You seem to operate at a 30% level, with politics filling the remainder. It is ignorant and tiresome. Well, I sure as hell didn't like what happened yesterday, or Greenland or the Gulf of America, but when you have a few people posting absolutely untrue or distorted nonsense, those should be refuted, and it happens here all the time.
  7. This is getting less and less tolerable. First, and for the eight millionth time, I am not a Trump supporter, and never have been. I get really tired of pointing that out to wackos who can't post a single thing without brining up that term. Knowing the history of things and suggesting some things were smart to do is not an endorsement of the individual who was advised, acted on that advice, and did them. You are clearly uniformed about what this man was up to and planning, which was the justification for his demise. Further, to even suggest that anything Iran does is the result of a US action, resulting in the deaths and injuries of Americans is gross ignorance of 45 years of history. Regarding the Afghan withdrawal, Trump promised it, negotiated it and it was underway. BUT, and you and yours never mention this crucial point, there were tripwires that would have stopped it. Those tripwires were crossed, and Biden proceeded with the most disgraceful escape I have ever been ashamed to watch, against advice.
  8. I often wonder why people don't acknowledge the full story. Not doing so is a deceitful posture. Do you know what Soleimani was up to or planning, because that was the sole reason he was targeted? To suggest that Iran hasn't been at war with Israel, the US and the west for that matter since 1979 is simply not accurate. Thank God Soleimani was killed. Do you know the "out" provisions that were in the Trump Afghan withdraw plan? Items which subsequent Taliban actions would have triggered.
  9. There are other options for a solution. What is going on now is not one of them. Your's is the Zelensky ultimatum, which is not going to work.
  10. You negotiate as statesmen. When that negotiation fails, things happen. The US has no need to "negotiate" with a nuclear Iran, which Israel would probably do before any US involvement. It simply eliminates the threat, as it has in the past.
  11. This entire thing is nonsense, and I spent my years from 22 to 28 planning, training, teaching and working to destroy the USSR. This is a never ending European trash hole for US money. We should not fund his desires, nor facilitate Z's desire for his reputation. It is time to end this massacre, and end US financial support for this lost cause.
  12. This is typical. Nothing to do with the issue. Nothing. Ya. I think there is plenty of stupidity here, and you lead the way.
  13. Think what you want, but in the business, when someone has to do something to avoid a potential problem, it is called a near miss.
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