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  1. I wonder if Rolling Stone used their famous informant "Jackie."
  2. It's a god observation, but microbursts are convection related, ie., up and down air, which you don't get in the winter. She didn't flare and didn't align the longitudinal axis or the airplane with the runway. The main landing gear couldn't handle the side load.
  3. I will offer an answer that I am quite confident suggesting. The reason the FAA, NTSB or the particular company does not offer much until the official accident report comes out is quite simple. Lawsuits. In every aviation accident there are tons of lawsuits as ambulance chasing lawyers swarm the victims and families. Anything said is going to end up repeated in court, not matter how goofy or speculative. Inside the industry, people know the answers almost immediately, with very few exceptions. MH 370 comes to mind, but even that is pretty well known, they just can't find it. Airlines don't keep records of recurrent training on individuals for that same reason. If there is a problem, they are certain to correct it, but they want no record subject to subpoena. Here's a real life example. One night I as flying a 757 on the LA to Chicago all nighter. This was two days prior to OJ's flight, but that was coincidence. We had just leveled off and the FO answers the phone from the flight attendants and tells him there is a first class pass who has just had a heart attack. Sitting next to this guy is a UCLA Medical Center heart guy. They get the guy on the floor and the MD uses the defib and is working on the guy. He keeps him alive, but we get another phone call, and the MD says the guy has no chance. I get from 35000' to touchdown in Phoenix in 16 minutes, and emergency medical people are at the gate and the guy lives. This MD tells me once we get to Chicago that if this guy was at home, he would have never made it even to the ambulance arriving. Anyway, he sued the airline anyway, didn't win, and then sent a Christmas card to the airline for saving his life, which they forwarded to me. The point is that once an "event" occurs, everyone behaves with the knowledge that lawsuits are inevitable, so nobody talks until the report comes out.
  4. Ya. The thing that will tell is the FDR record of sink rate and G at touchdown. I got a feeling it was "firm."
  5. Same as me. What is anniversary date?
  6. Side loaded right main landing gear coincident with unacceptable sink rate. It looked like a carrier landing. There was no flare to diminish the sink rate just prior to touchdown, which is always part of the landing. Stiff right crosswind leading to the mains not aligned with the runway at touchdown caused a side load which overstressed the gear and caused separation. These are basic techniques.
  7. I retired as a 777 captain. Almost everyone who flies tactical airplanes gets out and does the airline thing. Way more money, time off and no long deployments.
  8. I have no idea what you mean or intend, but having thousands of hours in the A7E, and doing the Topgun Pacific Fleet Adversary thing for a couple of years, as well as fighting against the F-18 hundreds of times, I stand by what I said.
  9. Really? I have 2000 hours in the A7E. Two cruises to Westpac in it. 300+ traps and every conceivable mission. I love the airplane. The capability of that airplane never came close to the F-18 in the air to air arena, I would love to talk to anyone who claims otherwise, but such an individual does not exist.
  10. OK. Not sure where that comes from, but nothing surprises me here. I have flown with the F-14 countless times in carrier airwing strikes, and against it countless times as an adversary. I am extremely familiar with it, and it's weapons system. There was nothing I enjoyed more than fighting an F-14, but you believe what you want. Not my interest or issue.
  11. Good luck on your aviation wishes. I flew against the F-14 tons of times, as a Pacific Fleet Adversary. The F-18 was multitudes better. Topgun is a cool move, but I never had any serious problem beating the F-14 in a close in "knife fight." Ever. It was designed and employed as a beyond visual range Phoenix missile launcher. I loved fighting it. Two turns and you had it. The FAA screwed up allowing visual operations along the final of runway 33 with civilian ops, who are not as good at looking outside.
  12. Not sure what you are suggesting here, but the accidents are completely unrelated. If you have a point to dispute that, make it.
  13. Is there an actual competition on being world class stupid here? Trump fired exactly zero air traffic controllers. Zero. I wonder how someone could be stupid enough to make that claim, but I'm no longer surprised by what gets posted here. Buttigieg was a fiasco. And by the way, controllers have nothing to do with planes "falling our of the sky," per your idiotic claim that never happened anyway. Pilots do.
  14. Among those who are familiar with this stuff, he was an undisputed failure. As he tries to resuscitate his failed political career, a strategy of claiming to have run the DOT well is ludicrous.
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