Both sides are in a win-win situation. And it actually gets better for them in the long run the more they prolong this.
The players know that the owners will always make their money. The owners know the players will always make theirs.
Another thing on their side? Time. It's the offseason. More fans are logging on to team sites and NFL related sites more during this offseason than last, i can guarantee you that. More exposure to the fans = more $. Players still have their contracts and endorsement deals. Owners will continue to make the same amout they made last year in March.
So in the meantime, it doesn't hurt that the fan has the illusion that football is in jeopardy. The draft goes on, the following is still there....the players are still getting their share too.
For those old enough to remember the strike year......remember the gloom and doom then? Look back on it and tell me that either side was hurt by it.....on the contrary, both league and player made out better after. They are not afraid of losing "some fans". There is always and will always be more......and when this "mess" gets worked out between them, guess what? Both sides will still be smiling to the bank......but you, Joe Loyal Fan? You'll be paying more for cable, DTV, jerseys, tix, etc.
There will be football this September. You (or actually They) can take that to the bank.