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Uncle Monkeyhead

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  1. I don't know the guys doing the interview but I thought the audio was behind. That dude on the right....I thought his audio was of the guy on the left 🤣
  2. I worked in Nampa in the mid 90's at Zilog semiconductor. I can still smell the sugar beet factory 😂
  3. Toscany's in Gilbert, AZ Bunch of Bills fans, hosted by Buffalo in the Desert, FB group
  4. Well, Mahomes is half white, so........ And Kermit is green
  5. The post title made me think he was sick and not making the trip to KC 😅
  6. I just saw a meltdown by one of their regulars bc Benford boarded the plane. Wow are they worried!
  7. And the 0rgasms they have hearing Milano and Benford are not 100%
  8. They are a very worried, insecure bunch. It's showing. Also hilarious that when one of their members posts something in the line of the Bills giving their team some problems or even if they say they are worried about the game, they are blasted and jumped on with a whole lotta vitriol. Why participate in a forum that just agrees with you and doesn't dare say a positive word about the opponent? It's weird and sad
  9. Well thank you sir. That's the way I heard it but seemed like weird wording and a pause. Well thank you sir. That's the way I heard it but seemed like weird wording and a pause. Well thank you sir. That's the way I heard it but seemed like weird wording and a pause.
  10. What the eff did McD say right before the clap....."but _______". Someone make that out?
  11. I laugh when people say "he didn't get hit in the head" and use that to rule out a possible concussion. It should be pointed out, you can suffer one without an actual hit to the head area. It's the brain either getting rattled or hitting the inside of the skull. You can experience whiplash and get a concussion even though your dome was never physically hit on the outside
  12. Nope. He can't. Others have already beat him to it 😁
  13. Right on OP. Been saying this all long. Ever since everyone and their sister got a YouTube format to regurgitate the lazy narratives from programs like Speak, First Things First, Facility, etc, real football analysis/breakdowns have gone bye bye. It's hilarious how you are even getting replies here defending that tired carbon copy loop of "my dad can beat up your dad" QB vs QB "analysis" We are outnumbered. It's the new way because it's easier to sell soap opera drama in bunches.
  14. That just got me ready for work! First meeting is going to be interesting 😂
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