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Everything posted by ny33

  1. Your logic is brilliant. You used the word "pace": at this pace, Mario Williams, Alonso, Carpenter and perhaps Fred Jackson would be Pro Bowlers.
  2. From Brandon on down, the team is still corrupted by significant cronyism. Nothing changes until Brandon and the financial guys like Littman are gone, who will continue to rely on a network of people they know for hires instead of getting the best available candidates, and who will continue to mismanage the cap (see the wasted Fitz savings).
  3. How have you not been banned from the board? All you do is troll. Stevie Johnson is a seventh-round draft pick who has had multiple 1,000 receiving seasons. He's one of the best route-runners in the game. Stevie has certainly exceeded expectations and succeeded in the NFL. Do you have nothing better to do?
  4. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2013/08/12/130812fa_fact_stillman I would never give a cent to the Texas State Police Department. Read up on civil forfeiture.
  5. You are correct.http://www.greenbayp...-return-Packers
  6. We're not claiming Flynn with that contract.
  7. How would you feel if the Bills traded two second round picks for a player we can't even extend? No one is making that deal. Would you give up two second-round picks for, say, Brian Orakpo, a Pro Bowl player from Byrd's draft class, with the caveat that he couldn't be extended? I would certainly not.
  8. Call me when they get sued.
  9. We will probably franchise him again next year.
  10. The Jaguars are a poorly-run team. The Bills are poorly managed, too. Being better than Jacksonville's management doesn't make the "new" regime competent.
  11. Kirk Cousins wasn't undrafted. He was a mid-round pick who has proved to be a quality backup.
  12. It's not hindsight. Having no veteran backup and an UDFA backup was a bad decision from the start. EJ's getting hurt only makes things worse. Having a backup kicker on the roster for five weeks is insanity. Tell me, who were the Redskins', Colts', Dolphins', and Seahawks' backups last year? All of those teams had either veterans or mid-round draft picks (who can play) as their backups, not an UDFA like Buffalo. Whaley's hubris will get him fired eventually.
  13. I'm not disputing that, but E.J. and the rookies would have benefitted from having a solid QB backup to tutor him and Tuel, and come in in case of injury. We need Woods, Goodwin, and Graham to get targets and catches. We should have emulated the Redskins and drafted a mid-round rookie backup, or had a veteran option like the Seahawks did for Wilson last year.
  14. There's a massive difference between those players and the UDFA in Jeff Tuel backing up our rookie QB. Never mind the fact that Tuel was mediocre in college and has a weak arm. Some of those teams are carrying three QBs, fyi. No other team has ever carried in an UDFA or late round rookie as their only backup to a rookie QB. That's not to mention the tutoring component of having a veteran backup to EJ. It's embarrassing.
  15. Sure- of course going from Brady, Rodgers, Brees, or Manning to their backups would render them done- but that doesn't change the fact that we should have had a third, veteran QB as a backup.
  16. I don't have a problem with Tuel being on the roster- I have a problem with, as you said, "going into the season with just two rookie QBs on the roster," especially when a roster spot is being used for a second kicker instead of compensating for injuries to other positions. You can, and teams do so all the time. Any injury keeping a player out for five weeks is long enough for a team to claim that the player would need the recovery time.
  17. I would have been o.k. with Tuel as the third QB, but the fact that he was the only backup and that we have had two kickers on the roster for five weeks is complete mismanagement. Very few franchises are run this poorly.
  18. Those teams would either have a veteran backup, three QBs on the roster, or an early draft pick with an NFL arm as a backup. NO team would carry an injured kicker five weeks on the roster when the starting kicker has been excellent. It's crazy. The Pats have Mallett, who has an arm and is a veteran. Tuel wasn't ready to play. There is no reason to have had a roster spot used for an injured kicker instead of a third QB.
  19. The fact that Hopkins wasn't IRed weeks ago, after Carpenter showed competence for several weeks, is a massive indictment of management. Only the Bills would carry two kickers five weeks into the season and fail to have a veteran backup for our first round QB. Only the Bills would have Tuel as the #2 QB on the roster; he should be the third behind EJ and a vet.
  20. Trading an injured safety who can't be extended this season (3rd round value at best) is insane. My guess, and hope, is that this is some sort of leverage against Eugene Parker.
  21. Spats is not a Bills bar. I live literally a block away; it's in the heart of the Brown community and, on Sundays, is mostly filled with Brown students plus kids from some of the other Providence colleges and universities. It's a Boston sports bar, but you will probably have most games on. I wouldn't recommend coming to Spats for football as you'll be unable to get a seat and will have to wait on long lines. Sunday is one of Spats' biggest days for Brown students.
  22. Richardson is 22-years-old and somehow has three kids, including a six-year-old. He hasn't been very productive in the league, especially for a running back drafted third overall. He strikes me as being an irresponsible, immature individual, even though he hasn't any publicized incidents. I'm amazed that the Browns were able to get a first round pick for him. It's a good trade on their end.
  23. E.J. hasn't been as good as Luck or RGIII were, even at this point, last year. That's ok. He will improve. His best comparison in terms of rookie performance is probably Tannehill, who has led the Dolphins to a 2-0 start this year. Manuel will have his ups and downs, but his elite physical skills and impressive mentality lead me to believe that he will succeed as a starting NFL QB.
  24. Urbik, Wood, and Glenn have prevented the disaster that is Colin Brown from destroying this offense. As for Legursky, I think he will be less penalty-prone than Brown, but still a significantly-worse player than a quality left guard. We'll be drafting a guard or convert a drafted tackle early next year.
  25. You are correct on all fronts. That being said, as E.J. gets quicker with his reads, there is a very good chance that Graham becomes a useful option. He's actually a pretty good route runner and has elite speed, but he really needs to work on many other aspects of his game. I understand if you're bearish on his ability to produce and get better, but Graham does have some key skills that might lead to his contributing.
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