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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. the only accurate thing you stated was..... I can't find it anymore.... How many teams have a guy that returns kicks, can be used for trick punts, act as a gunner, play wide reciver, run the wild cat, and be an emergency QB? While only using ONE roster spot.
  2. sure we are known for developing players... We just are also known for not renewing contracts of said developed players.
  3. if you bring five dudes its a blitz. If your scheme is to bring 5, you may need to change the fifth guy rushing, or opposing QB's will go to the uncovered part of the field. And, one safety won't work either, unless you want to see if our db's can run up and down the field one on one. Can't wait to see Aaron Williams chasing after mike Wallace on a streak, with one safety back there. Just my opinion.
  4. ya know our ball coach was a QB for dem Gators, right?
  5. They got their guy right? Why bounce around if he is right there? We got a dude who started day one in college, NEVER missed a game, has guarded the best college wide outs in the game( A.J.Green, Julio Jones) as a young starter. It's hard to think that they are behind becouse of not trading all over. This has been the best off season in a long time. In Chix we trust.
  6. have you not seen our defence the last 5 years?! Offence needs to stay healthy. Defence needed an over haul. By the way, we haven't used ALL of our picks yet.
  7. I think it was an accident, but we got three immediate starters. Take Orakpo, and it would have been one of the best drafts ever.
  8. Not really. Fred is under contract for the next two years I think. I love Fred, but the name of the game is to build a team and win. Fred is not getting a contract while we are building, and while he's under contract.
  9. Chix has done nothing but speak the truth. They told us they would not reach on a pass rusher. they agreed with all of us openly about the mistake that Cornell Green was. they also told us that they would build through the draft. I believe them. If they dont like a guy, than spend the money on draft picks, and your own guys. I really like where this team is headed.
  10. Players always say that everyone is playing hurt. Maybe for Fitz its along those lines. The nature of his Injury maybe closer to the side of "hurt" and not "injured". Fitz knows whos on the bench behind him. If Thigpen hade to take over it would have been even worse.
  11. The NFL today is sub packages. Even if he is the 3rd db, lots of time on the field. I feel better with him out there than r. Corner.
  12. Five seasons over .500 in 17 years!!!!!!!!!!! Blow it the F up, till it works!!!!!!!!!
  13. I agree with everything except, spiller. Spiller had a hand full of ok runs. On one he lost the ball, and was lucky to get back to it, and the only other good run was called back. Still can't consistently get past the line of scrimmage, but did an alright job in pass blocking for once. Other than name calling, can you argue his point? Come on, how long are people going to defend an organization that refuses to put a product that will finish at least .500.
  14. F@$k it. I hope the team leaves. Go to LA so this worthless team gets the worthless fans it deserves. It's funny, one of the oldest franchises in football, and the organization acts like they have never built a football team before. Pathetic. We haven't had a pro level team for 12 years, and the Ralph was STILL rocken.
  15. HOLY CRAP people. Give it a rest. some of you take this stuff way to serious. Im glad he had a chance to do something special for his girl friend. Would it have been different if she was sitting in the first row?
  16. They need to bust out the plays built for Rosco Parrish for Spiller.
  17. Well, how does it feel to look across a schedule have games were calling wins. This team has come so far in a short time. This game is big, and I think it is what this team needs to get real respect. If the bills win Sunday I can see it being a 12 win season.
  18. Sooooo, my 17 year old buddy has been dating a 24 year old rapist!!!!! I should tell him!!!!!!!
  19. What are the chances that blue pants will be part of he uniform? I know that it doesn't mean much to some, but in Madden 12, the Bills have blue pants........
  20. The hell with the stats, if you watch the games, freddie has had open Interstate highway lanes to run through. Hell everyone on the O is blocking! Levitre is a bully, Wood is tough and nasty, and even Pears has stepped up when Babin, Hali, and other star rushers have gone to the left side to take match up advantages. The line has been fun to watch. after about game 3 or 4 I started to expect great line play.
  21. I dont think Brady, or Vick were considered "turn over machines." The Bills have a very opportunistic defense. My dad is a jets fan; I have watched every jets and Bills game this year, and i dont believe that the jets will be able to keep scoring pace with the Bills. Its not even that i think the jets O is not good, but the play calling is predictable. I also think it would be a poor decision to play Mangold against Dareus man up. if they do, Mangold has a tough day. If they double him, are advantage.
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