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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. I agree, but we stoped the wildcat because Smith moved out to reciver to cover injuries. And your right, he is not a great WR talent, buy neither is any other WR on our roster. The fact is, who else has a emergency QB who can cover so many injuries. I'm not saying he is a hall of famer, but he has a place. If we can sign our core guys, why dose it matter what his pay is? IMHO you keep the guys that help the team.
  2. It's not my money to throw around, and who am I to question the job they are doing right now. I think we have a roster full of guys who won't make another squad when cut; WHY are we woried about Smith? Do we want ruvall martin on the field more?
  3. My point is he doesn't need to show he is versatile, he needs to CONTINUE to be effective. At the end of last year who plays wide out for us? We had so many injuries, are third QB played WR. As much as people hate the wildcat, he did run that efficiently as well. You don't cut good football players, who can step in for injurys. Also, if last year's rookies get a learning curve for no training camp last year, how about brad? He played three positions without training camp.
  4. Well, they say if you can play multiple positions, you have a better chance to make the roster. If your listed as. QB, return kicks, and can make highlight reel catches over Antonio Cromarte, you might be safe. Brad may be the third best receiver we have right now. Not to mention the drop in special teams performance the Jets experienced without him. I'm not sold on any reciver on the roster, other than Stevie, and Nelson.
  5. I have never been to buffalo, but I have family living in New York city. I will tell you that he is not making it up. The folks up north seem colder, and do their best to ignore strangers. I know this is a generalization, and it doesn't hold true to everyone. But if you don't belive me, visit the south. Now that I have said that, continue blaming it on his lack luster career (i do remember him being the only dude ever open on third downs). Open fire on me aswell, I'm curious how people feel about it. It's not even a matter of adapting. It's not hard, but why deal with it if you can go back to smiles, sun, and sweet tea?
  6. Awesome!!! That is to funny. I don't think its enough for him to quit his day job. Too bad.
  7. Lol. Well pro, no. Four years of football, baseball, and wrestling, in high school. Also, four years in college. Then I went on to work in small teams(very locker room like)in the Army. I tell you what. If any of the guys had said that to ME... Ok. But DWI on Twitter? From a guy that isn't know for that? Your right about one thing. It's not serious. At all. It's football. Are you a ND fan? You sound like me when I talk about my bills. A Homer!!! I love when people ask that question. "Have you ever been in a locker room before"? Have you? How do I know ur telling the truth. Do I even really care?
  8. Your absolutely right. And still Larry put him on blast. Lots of dudes won heismans, and still flopped. The kid needs to get his priorities strait. Everyone in the NFL has talent.
  9. So Julio Jones should have been taken before Green!!???? The hell with the combine!!!!
  10. People will probably remember Larry putting him on blast... To the whole world. Did I miss him being the second coming of Jerry Rice? It's not that I think he is going to be unsuccessful, but you seem to think VERY highly of him. Look, the point is he was put on the spot by someone who lobbied for him.
  11. I think Kyle plays more like Sapp did. Spent all his time in the back field. Sapp didn't engage blockers like dareus does, he blew by them like Kyle does. Sapp was a moves guy, like Kyle. Dareus is a mountain of a man. Sapp did have more power than Kyle though.
  12. Nobody said he was packman, or referenced his drinking. Larry Fitzpatrick called him out. Not two bills drive. Not the media pundits. Larry. And did so in a way that sound like Floyd needs to get his act together. And yes. I feel better that we started drafting self motivated, non DUI, professionals, who understand that this is their JOB.
  13. Trash talk to Twitter? Right. And the DWI reference was an attempt at humor, right? Im not going to draw any conclutions as to what prompted the tweet, but I didn't get the feeling it was to be taken as humor.
  14. Get your first million dollar payday, and decide not to show up? Cool. Larry Fitz is right; DWI. Floyed "don't want it". Even if it is volunteer, you have shown your commitment level to your peers. I'm not saying burn him at the cross, but would you want him on your team? The NFL is a performance based business. I would rather have someone with less talent that can be counted on, than a Randy Moss who will take plays and games off.
  15. Ya know your right! Some one needs to get Larry in check. Practice!?! Your talking about practice!?! Practice ...... (THANKS AI)
  16. Was Modrak still on the staff for that first draft? I think nix also may have an eye for scouts. Seems like his guys have yielded better results. I'm excited to see where Whaley could take this progress in the future.
  17. I thought they had him learning all four wide out positions.
  18. No, success will come when we don't have to score 30 points every game to win. If we had leads, or didn't have to make up so many points, I don't think Fitz looks so bad last year. And our running backs would look even better. I understand we don't have tom Brady, but Fitz can do the job. Just don't ask him to take over every game. He can step up at times ie, NE 1, and the raiders. Stop the defensive hemorrhaging. And for all the hate for Fitz... Who else could we put on our roster right now that will be a long term replacment? I don't want to scrap the guy who RUNS our offence until the we have a long term answer in the wings. And by long term answer I mean a guy like Brady.
  19. I think we established the sarcasm. We can stop calling everyone idiots. The only idiots are the ones who think the sarcasm, to the sarcasm is serious.... Or is it sarcasm aswell? O
  20. Awesome. I love rivalry on your own team! Brings out the best in players. Watch Mario, if Mark goes on a run of sacks.
  21. I can agree with that, Flacco was horrible last year. I don't think 30+ year old TE's are the answer. I like how they bring in guys. Get them young, and make em' earn a job.
  22. So bitter! Yea, I would like Calvin Johnson too. But I'll take Stevie.
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