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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. Ok, but against the line of Carington, Johnson, Anderson, and Kelsey. With White, and Bradham at LB.
  2. But so true. I still think Fitz can get it done, but if spiller had been getting a bunch of touches from the first drive on, I think that we could have controlled the clock and won that game. Stop asking Fitz to play like the big boys( Brady, Rodgers, Brees). Run the freaken ball!!!
  3. I love that on espn's story of this, there is a pic of Mario having his head twisted off. With that said, I still think you be a pro, and don't blame the officials.
  4. I don't think the number of wide receivers is an issue. It's the quality.
  5. We're all going to read what we want out of that. All I heard was our rookie, and second year pro corners need to play better. I agree.
  6. Blah blah blah. It sounds more like one writer venting. One game. I'll eat all the crow tossed my way if this continues, but come on...to say that they don't care is just ignorant. Wait, so missed the play offs this year already?!?!?!?!?!?! In my mind when we're out of the play off hunt we start the witch hunt. Till then, please, can we just enjoy some football.
  7. Did anyone watch the d line play on that there coaches film? I would love a break down of what happened.
  8. After thinking about the game, and how the EVERYONE ran the ball at will on us last year, maybe the jests run game was our focus. It's still a loss, but the damage had been done before the first half was over. With the jests not able to generate any offence during the preseason, Wanny might have thought we were going to see a heavy run scheme, with play action..... but we didnt see that at all. Fitz came out BAD, and our young corners were not expecting to see the jests in alot of four, and five wide sets. The season is still young, and we know Fitz is going to have games like that. Bill-eave folks. thats all we can do. We need Fitz to have some consistancy; He threw three touchdowns didnt he? (and dont give me garbage time talk either, we were only down 13 points with i think 7min left. the spiller strip WAS A BIG mistake) there it is, am I crazy, or can we step back from the ledge?
  9. Draft 2013. QB & Linebackers Hell,maybe our first 5 picks on QB
  10. Game one. I still think this team has a bunch of talent. Spiller is going to blow our collective doors off. +1
  11. Run game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dear god, can we attempt to control the clock. Maybe, attempt to give the defense a rest?!?!?!?!?!?
  12. We need to get in play action position. Instead of spreading the offense all the time, get Spiller involved on first and second down. And Spiller is still a threat to score on any hand off, screen or pass; any where on the field. Play action in short yardage would devastate. I still like Fitz, but he can't be asked to carry a game. The Bills need to ride a running game.
  13. to point # 4. did you see spiller play last year? he didnt even have his best game sunday.
  14. im still excited. im ok with the team starting the season with a reality check. we were on the dealing side of a lopsided opening game last year. didnt do them any good. we gwt to play them again week 17. both teams will be vaslty diffrent by than. i still bill-eave!!!!!!
  15. im not even worried about it. this game against the Jets, is the first game I'll use to formulate on opinion of the team this year. nobody is going to remember the pre season, regardles of the out come of the season. the Giants just played a bad game. the Pats did lose to us last year... ; /
  16. I have to agree. I'm forced to watch Bills games at a friends house, who is a fan of the jests. Revis island is where wideouts, and flags go to disappear. One game against Brandon Marshel last year stood out. But, Revis is still the best in the game, hands down.
  17. The only thing I can say is, mr. Sanchez, meet mr. Williams, and mr. Wiliams, and mr. Dareus! I can't wait!!
  18. Good for him. Remember he had a neck injury he was coming back from when we signed him.
  19. We need the screen game to work this year. It will help keep the pass rush at bay. I think that with the same guys running it for three years now, and Spiller getting more of the touches... I'm optimistic.
  20. Foot injury's kept Ashton Youboty off the field, and than cut a few years. And he was a promising corner when we picked him up. It sucks for Ron brooks, but I dont think any thing sneaky is going on.
  21. Let's not get to down on the team just yet. Preseason was depressing last year too. We all saw what happened after that. I'd rather not go 4-0 in preseason, and still get a top 5 pick I'm the 2013 draft. It's JUST preseason. I'd almost rather a slow start and work up to form mid season, than blow their load in the first four, or five games.
  22. Orakpo and jarred Allen were his first two match ups. He hasent given up a sack yet either. I think the rookie is doing just fine.
  23. Well, donte has zero, shanale(or whatever) has two, super bowl rings. Blah, blah, blah, niners of the 70's. And, California's government did bankrupt its self, but that's beside the point. Fact is, donte should mind his own business, and shsnale(or whatever) sounds stupid. So why pick sides over two rich dumb azzez? AND, NOBODY has seen proof of cheating. Well, other than the commish.
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