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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. well, in our case it did. Can you billeave that was the same defense that played the last two weeks?
  2. Dude has been all over his man. How many defended passes did he have the first half of the pats game? What ever. damn bills fans always looking for something to hate on. Please, keep the hate to reality.
  3. I like how our hate for him blinds us to the fact that he is very, very talented. Not at football, but who cares. That stuff was good. Ok. You can go back to listing everyone who was an artist.
  4. What ever. I'm over it. At least they didn't lead us on this year. What sucks the most is every year I think highly of the team, talk them up, then eat an enormous amount of crow. I thought in an Alex smith type way Fitz could handle the year. Now that I've seen Alex hit every open receiver, down field I understand that was never going to happen. Is Spiller still hurt? He is the only bright spot on this team. No spiller, no watch. Plain and simple for me now. The Stach has to go, and Fitz too. Gaily's biggest mistake is thinking Fitz was a pro QB. And calling plays like that.
  5. Could it be any worse. Chan, reduce the offense, and get TJax in the game. If he sucks, than we know, and can move on.
  6. The defense is bad. Your right. But to think that Fitz is not the GLARING weakness of this offense, well, I'm happy for you. For the rest of us he has been leading the way in assisting opposing offenses from getting shot, after shot at our D. Tavares Jackson is the guy I want to see. He'll, I'd even take JP Losman. Just give me an arm that can hit Graham on a deep route!!! Because we want to see the baby.
  7. I have high hopes my self. The two games they lost were close, the two we won, were not. We need a VERY clean game to win. No turn overs, and limit penalties and we win by two scores. I really think we have a better team now. When you win in the trenches, you can get buy without some skill players. Tashard Choice had a big game last week running through some well blocked holes. My dog is named JuJu. She is a good JuJu. She will be wearing her blue spiked collar, with a Bills Tag. That is really good JuJu.
  8. Come on, move on with your life. The refs are gone... Or back... What ever.
  9. God darn, how do they miss the pass interferes calls... On the last drive?!? Two calls my wife noticed.... And she was reading a book at the time!!!
  10. Screw the catch, that whole scoring drive was a gift from the officials. Two blatant, obvious offensive pass interferes calls...one is called on the defense, and the other was " THE CATCH". And don't forget the crap roughing the passer call... Also the ref standing over the play got over turned by the ref running to the play? With no conference? The game is done and over, and no change should be made there, but any one who thinks that wad not a big deal, couldn't be more wrong. You gotta love how classy Carroll is as well. Refs hand his team a victory, and he looks like his team over came adversity, to win the super bowl. Packers fans must be losing there collective minds.
  11. If McKelvin keeps up they way he is... Keep it up. He seems to make plays as a role player. You've got to love his intensity. Great return guy, and can run with ANYONE in coverage. He just can't play the damn ball in the air. I think spelling corners, and return duties is a nich we need, and he fills nicely.
  12. Through three games, Gilmore and Aaron Williams are in the top 4 in snap in press coverage. I like that.
  13. Look, I hate hearing people complain about the money nfl players make. Do you complain about your doctor making money? How about the profit who ever you work for makes.... We live in a capitalist country. All that means is that if you have a skill, or a product, that is in demand people pay for it. Dear god. If the talent and ability was common, players wouldn't make money. Stop being so damn jelous. You know, be mad at congress. It's a smaller group of people, making more money, who also have MORE legal problems than the entire NFL. What players in the NFL do is so challenging that only a small percentage of people on the planet can performe at that level. PAY THEM!!!!!! Or watch college blow outs with lop sided talent levels. Real fun.
  14. The legue backing up replacment refs? Maybe fine any hit that ends with a concution? I saw that same hit in other games over the weekend, with no flags, or fines. Boss slide kinda late, and Searcy was already going in. Alex Smith got hit like that, and I think broke his nose. On Monday night football. No flag.
  15. Bart Scott is a fool, but so is that reporter. It seems like he is making a point to get under Scott's skin.
  16. I think every player on that list wanted to much money. That, and we did bring in Meachum I think. HE left for San Diego. Even as just a wide receiver, I would take smith over Roosevelt. The fact that other teams have to account for where he lines up, is a bonus.
  17. Good for you professor. I'm not quoting any dictionary. I'm speaking of all us folks, who analyze every play, watch every game no matter what, and emotionally ride the season like a roller coaster. WE ARE fanatical. If its not to your liking, just read news articles. Don't put down a guy for breaking down a game, that so many of us are really interested about. But thanks for either late 18th or early 19th century history lesson, boss. By the way, do you know what a semantic change is?
  18. We're talking our fifth receiver counting chandler. And I don't remember any big plays other than that blown coverage against The jests. I just dont see why everyone gets so worked up about witch of our bad receivers gets on the roster. Outside of Steve, the rest are not talented. ( we will see about TJ ). My point is, at least Smith is versatile. Roosevelt would even be a gunner on this team. Giants, not jests. Wrong new York team
  19. In all fairness, every wildcat play went for positive yardage, except for a botched hand off. STATS can lie. CJ even had a great run out of this package. Look, I like Roosevelt, but we're talking about game changing offensive players. Not Josh Reed 2.0. Roosevelt does not offer as much to the team as brad smith. But neither is a game breaker. Soooooooo until we find THAT guy, I'll take the guy that actually has teams take time to game plan for. Yes I mean the wildcat.
  20. Darn skippy!!!! Give Kyle, and Marcell the chance to make some plays. When everyone started comparing this line to the Giants, I thought otherwise. Our pass rushers are in the middle. And Kyle is going to the pro bowl again this year. I think Kyle plays so much like Warren Sapp did. He doesn't try to engage anybody... He blows by them with incredible violence of action.(my favorite ARMY term) Kyle even has Sapp's body type, which I find kinda funny.
  21. Ok, with out heading to the retirement home (plax, chad), or to pop-Warner (Aiken, Easley, Roosevelt) who's roster spot is Brad holding up? I agree we need a receiver, but unless the draft is tomorrow, we have what we have. I like the idea of our wild cat QB actually being on the field for non wildcat plays as well. It makes it more deceptive.
  22. How about you go somewhere that is not designed for people that have too much time. This is a FAN site... Ya know for people who like to examine and discuss football? How did you end up in this blog than? Fan=Fanatic. That means we REALLY like our team. Not just following it. Great break down. It sounds like our special teams could put in position to win this game. I can't wait to see how it goes!
  23. We have seen Fitz throw a lot to stay in games last year. He even won some of them. If Spiller is going to rip long runs, and leave short fields, it's not going to take a lot of throws. Now, GIVE ME PLAY ACTION!!!
  24. Bend but don't break. Remember that? C.J. Is going to have a field day against any Juron defense.
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